ForexMorningTrade System

hi, I am new here, just started using this EA. Looking like it's going to be good. I'm from Vancouver BC. Anyone from BC here?
hi, I am new here, just started using this EA. Looking like it's going to be good. I'm from Vancouver BC. Anyone from BC here?

Welcome. You have chosen well to buy this EA. Here's to your success.:cheers:
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I don't understand why some of you guys are running GJ and EU when the backtests are horrible on those pairs. GU is the only pair I find that gives good backtest and forward test results.😉
Looking for another win for GU. I think when trading EU and GJ a trader should give manual confirmation and not just auto trade these pairs.
Looking for another win for GU. I think when trading EU and GJ a trader should give manual confirmation and not just auto trade these pairs.

I agree, you definitely need to keep an eye on the other pairs. I turn the EA off if things don't add up.