thanks for the update; I may have to take GJ serious then. GU just keeps leaping after my win also. Should have had a higher pips profit as it looks now.
May the Force guide your lives as it does FMT. Watch Star Wars I, If you don't know what I am talking about.
Good day for FMT !!
hit TP=30 in all 3 pairs, GU, GJ, EU (NY)
cheers !
Hammy; did you have to change the magic number on the EA to get to function on your chart? ...Congrats on your trades👍
I mean did you have to change the magic number on your EA to trade the different pairs?.. Thanks
Good day for FMT !!
hit TP=30 in all 3 pairs, GU, GJ, EU (NY)
cheers !
Hammy you're a rock star! 😀 What start time are you using for NY? 1 1/2 hours before open?