Sorry friend if you do not post entry /exit etc ------ no point in wasting your time herehmmm was looking nice till i got stopped 😆 ........stop was probably a bit to tight on that one .
im tempted to jump back on ?
no one trading today then ?... im long gbpusd , looking like a nice set up ?
if there is one bit of advice i could give you it IS NEVER TRADE AROUND NON FARM PAYROLL
that is the biggest gamble of them all:smart:
looking to get long eur/usd at 13568 stop 13544
long now my order just kicked in
just look at the charts for the entry , i dont have an exit i will just move my stop ... simples.
who said it would be free 😛
This thread is a complete free seminar with unlimited spaces. It amazes me that there are about 7 traders calling live here and at best we have about 20 viewers.
Someone who has never made a live call gives a free seminar and says he wont reveal his most kept secret gets 30 people travelling the length of the country to see him. Old mas method is up nearly 300 pips this year and ive only had three pms on the matter. If one of us called 20 winners on the trot i bet no one would believe it and go and let Mr C or someone else pull his pants down
This thread is a complete free seminar with unlimited spaces. It amazes me that there are about 7 traders calling live here and at best we have about 20 viewers.
This thread is a complete free seminar with unlimited spaces. It amazes me that there are about 7 traders calling live here and at best we have about 20 viewers. Someone who has never made a live call gives a free seminar and says he wont reveal his most kept secret gets 30 people travelling the length of the country to see him. Old mas method is up nearly 300 pips this year and ive only had three pms on the matter. If one of us called 20 winners on the trot i bet no one would believe it and go and let Mr C or someone else pull his pants down