Forex trading live calls and set ups

I am thinking of closing this thread (Beachtrader voted a No)

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I'm on here a lot, honestly it's one of the most helpful threads about. I havent been trading for a bit because of lack of home internet. But I have to warn you guys, I've joined the swingers so when I start calling trades in the next month or so it's going to be very very slow and

we need a swinger on here🙂
Here, I will extend my vwap engine for fx. I will do live calls as well as set ups. And, I will do fx majors only - i.e, USD>GBP>EUR>JPY pairs.

Please feel free to comment and post your charts.

so why all the objections to my charts ?
I'm on here a lot, honestly it's one of the most helpful threads about. I havent been trading for a bit because of lack of home internet. But I have to warn you guys, I've joined the swingers so when I start calling trades in the next month or so it's going to be very very slow and

Hey, Rooster. Haven't seen you 'round in a while.

Hey, Rooster. Haven't seen you 'round in a while.


Hey Pete, been taking care of personal stuff, and my 5m method wasn't doing well. Or rather I wasn't doing well with it. I overtraded the heck out of it...:whistling

I downloaded my trading software on the computer at work, it's a big no-no, but screw it if they catch me I'll play dumb.

I'll be around more now, of all the threads I keep an eye on this is my favorite to paticipate in:cheesy:
Cheers and have a good weekend, Royce.
Usd/Cad banged into resistance today at around .9840, I get to work about 7:30 Mountain Standard Time. If the price action looks good to me I'll go long looking to see a rise to near .1000 if it breaks down then the trade will be off. I'll update monday morning.
This thread is a complete free seminar with unlimited spaces. It amazes me that there are about 7 traders calling live here and at best we have about 20 viewers.
Someone who has never made a live call gives a free seminar and says he wont reveal his most kept secret gets 30 people travelling the length of the country to see him. Old mas method is up nearly 300 pips this year and ive only had three pms on the matter. If one of us called 20 winners on the trot i bet no one would believe it and go and let Mr C or someone else pull his pants down

Don't want to burst any bubbles here but, 7 traders making live calls with 20 viewers
p£ssing themselves laughing is more like it!!! You should know that as you've been around long enough, but yet you still chase the "dream" of day trading forex from home with no information on real trades, after all the big moves all of you say "what the f@ck just happened"

300 pips after 5 weeks trading is not going to grab anyone's attention, firstly, because it's only 5 weeks (any trading system will do well over that time period), secondly, only 300 pips 😆Wtf are you wasting your time for with that...

Sorry for being blunt, but seriously, aim for something bigger....serious trades with some serious hedging to protect your capital. Protecting your capital with a small stop is not protecting your capital but but rather providing cannon fodder for the banks. Eur/usd has just moved 950 pips in 3 weeks and even if you had a bad trading system you would have bagged 400 pips and then it would have been hedged with a very small marginal risk (trading without hedging is not trading, it's gambling)
closed cable +30 and gbp/jpy +20...cable seems to be limping

A humble part time trader, who has to date this year lost £600 on my £3,000 account and I know full well that I will never ever make a living from fx trading...but....I do LOVE dipping my toes. I check bloomberg on my blackberry every 2 or 3 hours in anticipation that I have made a fortune.....but alas.

I bought Gold in July at 1208ish and watched in horror as it dived to within a ball hair of my stop but hung on to later sell at 1268 (I promised myself I would wait until 1350!!), I shorted Eur/usd at about the same time convinced it would drop to parity only to see eur/usd go up like a bullet train.

The point is I LOVED it and at the end of the day I like to catch up on what happened on threads like this.

You can't even do as you say. You trade like a wild cowboy, lost 20% of your account, don't care if you win or lose, and only trade for the thrill. Yet you constantly badger everyone else on several threads here about their trading.

To summarize what I'm trying to say: F|_|CK OFF

You can't even do as you say. You trade like a wild cowboy, lost 20% of your account, don't care if you win or lose, and only trade for the thrill. Yet you constantly badger everyone else on several threads here about their trading.

To summarize what I'm trying to say: F|_|CK OFF


You are mixing up your words dear Peter.

Don't hold back will you. Now tell us what you really think? :cheesy:

:clap: :clap: :clap:
You can't even do as you say. You trade like a wild cowboy, lost 20% of your account, don't care if you win or lose, and only trade for the thrill. Yet you constantly badger everyone else on several threads here about their trading.

To summarize what I'm trying to say: F|_|CK OFF


Mate, Mr "Commercial Banker", cloak and daggers, if you had really worked in the real world of trading you'd know when you've been slipped a joker! Although on this thread I'm tempted to rename a joker to "Black Swan"' me Jesus!!!...😀 you muppet!!!
Nice one, infinite pi55 'ed forgot to self medicate and the wardens left the cell door open so he's hit the interweb hard after a couple of months of absence..Everyone wave and say hello to the sicko..
Well, it's like this. I've seen some horsesh1t in my time, and this dollop of crapola that you just posted is as big and as smelly a heap as I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

Do you speak english? hugh hugh ......spit spit...😆 ya big ol turd ya!!😀
Nice one, infinite pi55 'ed forgot to self medicate and the wardens left the cell door open so he's hit the interweb hard after a couple of months of absence..Everyone wave and say hello to the sicko..

Black Swan, I've always suspected you've had a few aliases..whenever there has been a post that does not "support" you, we always see some renegade post to try bury things!!! Why do you never show up as a viewer on threads? yet, you're always there like a dog to a bone when your name is mentioned?? but yet you're gone again and your name never appears?

Infinete is obviously not one of your aliases unless you have a split personality, or maybe that's what you would like us to believe!!
Black Swan, I've always suspected you've had a few aliases..whenever there has been a post that does not "support" you, we always see some renegade post to try bury things!!! Why do you never show up as a viewer on threads? yet, you're always there like a dog to a bone when your name is mentioned?? but yet you're gone again and your name never appears?

Eh? Aliases moi? Not my thing, I don't do schizophrenic/multiple personality disorder..same log in details for 3 years. You still long Euro?
oh you must have missed his sick deleted posts a couple of years back were he mentioned his wife, daughter and accidentally watching porn on his computer..the sick fook..

WTF BS? He was watching porn with his wife and daughter?

yah, I'm now convinced it's you black swan!!! someone comes on with 9 posts and knows you like a buddy??? come on man, get a life what game are you trying on here, you p!ssed on some beer?
yah, I'm now convinced it's you black swan!!! someone comes on with 9 posts and knows you like a buddy??? come on man, get a life what game are you trying on here, you p!ssed on some beer?

🙄 I don't drink and no I don't do the 'multi nic' thing. You still long Euro?
yah, I'm now convinced it's you black swan!!! someone comes on with 9 posts and knows you like a buddy??? come on man, get a life what game are you trying on here, you p!ssed on some beer?

I feel like I've just been caught on candid camera (ah shucks it's schuster for you saffas) as you all have porbaly known about black swan and his "other side" 😱

Oh, and yes, black swan, I'm still long the euro, are you still short the gbp/usd 😆