Forex Day Trader's Thread

you trade spot dont you? spread betting here! altho i do have a forex acount somewhere with money in it, need to track it down lol!
no one has discussed USD/CAD for a long time now, it has been in trading in a wedge since October. I remember rid and pip used to always trade this pair. I was following it for a few months, and trading the range. But I slowly moved away from the pair. It is currently jus above support at 12245. With my bullish fundamental view on the USD, I think it is the best time to go long on this pair. I will have a look at movement tomorrow and get into the trade
cad note the cci


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sorry that chart is slightly confusing ad that CAD futures so would be reverse of that if dollar was to rally, altho that chart does show as cad is going to break resistance being dollar weakness
balls of steel huh?

I'm dying to try a technical or candlestick trade with just 1 lot and leave it alone for many days.. I've been doing the math on it and the outcome crushes day trading in terms of net pips.. Day trading is just so tedious with so much winning and losing and frustration.. I think the daily charts are the way to go.. The biggest obstacle would be to just remain totally chilled out and not tinker with the trades.

It would be powerful to combine fundamentals, technical, sentiment, waves and candlesticks.. You could have a strategy with multiple layers of confirmation. Right now I'm pretty much only good with fundamentals and I think it's time to branch out and gain all the skills I can.
f u c k i ng piece of s h i t had a stop order in gapped right past it and have just missed out on nearly 40pts
Essentially you could boil your work year down into one second when you click the buy button on 100 mini-lots. Buy EUR/JPY at its low 6 weeks ago and turn that into $220,000 profit last week.

I hope to get another chance.. I hope EUR/JPY totally tanks.. I'll put an entry order in right above the Jan lows and finally get in a decent BUY AND HOLD trade this year..
oh wai tthey then opened that earlier order later on at some bull**** price and now closed out both posistions for a loss at a price it didnt even hit....