Forex Day Trader's Thread

Now taken second short at 14101, stop 14501 and target 11101.

Did not like the fact that after Bernake comments, eur/usd has done nothing.

Will leave order on at 14195 anyways.
Two shorts in place with average price of 14041.

I have to believe that there is opportunity to up that average to over 14100 or even to 14200 with luck.
Oh boy, did not expect this from eur/usd...don't fancy shorting below 14100, it's too soon. Pretty chuffed with Gbp/eur trade. We'll hang on to that one.

We'll see what next week brings.

Does anyone else get annoyed viewing T2W site on an Ipad? Bloody advert banners position themselves in the middle of the screen all the time and follow you around, YOU WILL TAKE NOTE OF THIS BANNER, nice touch t2w, nice way to p£ss the consumer off.
Everton v Liverpool tomorrow, what a classic but will watch with more interest since being taken over by NESV, who are the Red Sox anway? Are they any good? Do they play 4 3 3?

Took the kids to watch England v Montenegro on Tuesday, has to go down as one of the worst games I've seen, almost as bad as the food....nah, food was worse...can not believe that people will put up with paying twice the price for burgers with less meat than my baby toe but to add insult to injury they were pre-cooked by at least an hour.

Actually thinking about it, how else do you handle 80,000 fans wanting something to eat in less than 15 minutes during half time, no wonder the staff looked liked they'd rather face a firing squad. All this technology in the world and it's still impossible to make reasonable food quickly on demand at the right price! If you can't do it then don't bloody try and mess it up, you numptys, god I'd love to on the sit on the board at Wembley Stadium, bunch of muppets.
Have been called out to Amsterdam all of next week,

Which means all I'll hear all week is "Dat is not possible"😱

Have to brush up on my Dutch, alstublief.... dankuvel.... "Why is dat not possible?"... "No, I said a pint of beer not 100 millilitres!!"...aarggh, I love the dutch really, the more you stay in Amsterdam the more it feels so relaxed...:whistling

I still have a short order at 14195, which I'll leave in place, I have also placed an additional short order at 14295, stop at 400 pips and target at 3000 pips. That should get me by for next week as probably won't get much chance to check in.

Funny how all today's papers talk about the dollar facing a major decline due to QE statement from Bernanke...what a load of old tosh....people have such short memories and the fact that newspapers are supporting a weak dollar makes be feel even more confident to buy dollars...😎
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Let's take trading seriously. The first order of business is capital preservation. You must protect your trading account. Your trading account is the life-blood of your career. It is what keeps you in business. Respect your account like no other.
Let's take trading seriously. The first order of business is capital preservation. You must protect your trading account. Your trading account is the life-blood of your career. It is what keeps you in business. Respect your account like no other.

Everyones an expert at fx trading, hey?😏
😴😴😴Well, limit orders not hit, really thought euro would fight harder than this. With a bit of luck some G20 news will help with a short term lift to fill me boots with shorts over 14100.

All the whipsawing this week must have really twisted the knickers of all em traders trading 25 pip targets off 20 pip stop losses, wonder how many lost their shirts this week?:cheesy:

I'm up 100 pips this week😴 based on average short price of 14040...gbpeur not looking good but will still hang onto that one (which currency would you prefer to hold cash in long term, be honest now?)
mmmm, like the look of a long position on USDJPY and a short position on EURJPY....🙄

nah, stay focused on eurusd, must keep leverage down because committed to a long term trade with potential big reward but must be able to comfortably run through 300-400 pips on the down side.😉
Keep an eye (or two) on Gold!

5 year monthly below, Gold is due a pull back to $1230 with resultant effect on $$$$:cheesy:

I'm a lazy scot, I put in the input box "Edinburgh, Scotland" and it gave me a south african flag. Geez.

I'm still waiting for the morning to make a move. Nice 55 pips you got though, I got a short from 1.4140 down to 14090 😀 - I was planning on adding at 141 and ride it down till the morning but i decided against it.

I think i'll be bearish in january. Good luck mate, hopefully you catch the UK open if your awake for long enough 🙂.

Wait a minute, why am I awake????
Eat a piece of white bread and drink tons of water and a multi-vitamin.. You're still awake because you stayed awake past the fun drunk phase into the nasty feeling dried up phase.. Hit the hay with the prescribed medicine and don't worry about this boring 10 pip range EUR/USD is doing..
Keep an eye (or two) on Gold!

5 year monthly below, Gold is due a pull back to $1230 with resultant effect on $$$$:cheesy:

Eat a piece of white bread and drink tons of water and a multi-vitamin.. You're still awake because you stayed awake past the fun drunk phase into the nasty feeling dried up phase.. Hit the hay with the prescribed medicine and don't worry about this boring 10 pip range EUR/USD is doing..
Don't know who these 24 guests are on this thread😏

But ya all better head over to the to the "What went wrong" thread as there is a fight about to start!!
What do you know, mission accomplished on the "What went wrong" thread with Black Swan:clap:😎 more of his irritating trades he makes up hours later to try an impress, never come across such a 'self righteous' wotsit....I have no patience for those short term trades, "I BET eur/usd will go down 30 pips before going up 30 pips" (and I reserve the right to exit at anytime)....That's all so called traders are actually doing, if only they would realise it!!! Only a very few exceptional individuals can do this while keeping a 3 dimensional view of the market...Pippy5000 could....couple others could on this thread...that's about it...come on Pippy come back from your rival forex forum, if only to p$ss a few people off, would be fun.😛

I'm not happy, I'm only short twice on eur/usd, really wanted 4 more trades at least before this level. Will wait for pullback to 13900 ish before dipping my toes again. Nice to be up circa 300 pips but no good if it's only for one third of the intended value, then again, if there is no pullback then who cares just watch and smile....

Gold was also dumped on big time, should have taken the long on USD/JPY...could this now be confirmed as the reversal? NOPE, don't think so,not yet....
When eur/usd next tests 13700, I'll invest profit in trade to that point in a 14200 16th March call option. I'll do the math closer to the time but in effect changes the current risk:reward ratio from 400pips:3000pips to 100pips:2400pips......luvely...😎

This then allows me to take more short positions knowing my back is well covered for the unforeseen, and will even be in a position to profit from any unforseen move to 15000 in the next few months. This is a long term trade and anything can happen, one must protect one self from all eventualities...🙄
Let's see now, I'm sure I remember similar price action to the last couple of weeks on eur/usd before...

Seem to remember the same kind of price action happening just before a drop from 15100 'ish to about 13500? Not sure of exact numbers as going by memory, my charts are not open and take bloody half an hour to load so won't bother..

Now, back then eur/usd did not know which way to turn and was up and down by 300 pips many times, it did eventually take the Greece debt crisis + NFP numbers (or was it the Dubai debt crisis?...mmmm, need to up my dosage on the mucuna pruriens as memory is fading again, Mrs P would be happy with a higher dosage😉) ahem, anyway, this finally tipped the apple cart for eur/usd to go down.....I suspect the same thing is needed here to push the eur/usd in one direction or the other.

What could possibly happen to break the deadlock? Not sure, but all I know is that the only country holding up the Euro is Germany, might as well rename the Euro to the Mark, you'd be shorting every other country in the EU!!! Think I'll pay more attention to the German economic indicators as this could be the final nail to a good short in eur/usd..

lol, 😆no wonder the Germans get P$ssed when they do not get their designated space on the beach in Spain..."Achtung, dis iz mina spot, I paid forz it"

So, who will win? Yankies or Germans??