Forex Day Trader's Thread

You might look into buying a bounce off of 1.461 or selling 1.468 or a buy stop above.. However, it's looking like we'll be in this range for a while.
Short scalp on the resistance @ DPV on cable tp 20 pips
Long on euro @ 1h engulfing on the 11th tp @ WPV
Skitch, just do it like this for scalps and day trades:

[long/short] [pair] [spot] [t/p] [s/l]

e.g. short Cable 1.6805 +20 -20 😉
I've been getting chopped to bits in this market. I've got a usd/jpy position on but apart from that nothing else. If market carries on like this i'll finish for the year.
Well I had enough. I closed my trade to break even for the day. This market's a joke. It's been a while since breaking even felt this good.
Short cable @ 1.6312 +30/-15

*stop to round number, hit 12 pips short of TP because 5 decimal feeds are lame.. :]
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Nice. 1.6312 is the high of the day on futures contract (6B H0)

Btw! downloaded ninja trade with a broker demo acc to try out some futures..

Traded the e-mini and my god.. it was so volatile! even at the pivots!!

Trying to keep track of the orderflow was crazy!
This market's a joke.

I'm not even in ninja and that move irritated me. I'm perfectly content to pull a lawn chair up next to my computer, drink some Chamomile tea and read a book about shrubbery of the Southwestern United States while listening to birds chirp and squirrels scamper. I'm contemplating throwing on a tennis visor and humming Beach Boys songs to complete my aura of non-day trading tranquility during these troubled and volatile times in the rascally pair known as USD/JPY.
Btw! downloaded ninja trade with a broker demo acc to try out some futures..

Traded the e-mini and my god.. it was so volatile! even at the pivots!!

Trying to keep track of the orderflow was crazy!
The E-mini S&P 500 ??? Volatile? Today ????

Today has been the least volatile day ever!! Its been moving at a pace of 0 all day 😀

Yes order flow is best track via a factual basis (for example a count of the bids/asks) but i use both my eyes and the track.

Or where you talking about an alternative E-mini?

I meant to say to you, Nasdaq level 2
I prefer NYSE rather than the OTC markets;
What appeals to you about level 2? The idea of tracking the axe? I'm not so keen on a market where i can't provide the best bid/ask and where the banks will only trade with me when they want Or at worse price. One of the things i like about futures is placing the bid/asks - Whereas in the OTC you can place the bid, but it won't get filled with order flow unless the banks fill you... So that seems a bit 'Unfair' to me.
hmm....I've suddenly felt a bit of pressure. Looks like i'm going to have to at least double my account in the next 3 months. :| Then do it another 3 times next year. Doesn't help that I lost about 20% of my account over the last week.
It's eye of the tiger time.. Picture yourself in a burger king hat and you'll find the motivation for success.

I think what you said last week about taking smaller profits and smaller losses is a good idea, but probably not right now. Grab Euros on a big dip for sure and just wait.. You'll get that 20% back by having just one successful philosophy (i.e. Euro will gain strength again) rather than being successful in tons of little trades. Then put your small target, small stop strategy into effect and be more patient in letting trades come to you. Move your stop up to lock in profits more often as well.
look at ninja's choppy ass! I can't stand this.. the only real movement today was a stop run which reversed to stop everyone out long and short. ugh.. this is why I'm not day trading until "most likely" after new years..

up fiddy on EU.. supported by a rising trend line. Erm, but I think it's going to break.. moving my profit stop up to 1.462 and getting back in 1.455

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I'm afraid we don't allow trolling or discussing the results of our trades without calling them out in advance. You seem like a really great guy and I don't want your posts to be deleted so please remember the rules.