Forex Day Trader's Thread

well had the rally of a life time on the worst possible econimic data since the great D, only logical we should now sell off like a ***cer as things improve lol
I'm pretty sure there are sell orders buildign at 1.48 so I'll move my entry down again ..

re-enter 1.4848 if stopped
Haha i think the reverse of the double reverse logic sometimes works. :p Traders have the most screwed up brain wirings out there. Hey look good news, lets sell it off. 5 minutes later, nope buy into it. No no no no go long again. You know that long i was talking about? I am out of it already. At this rate I am thinking I'll go back in later but its not looking awesome for the bulls at the moment.
Weak shares and bad economic data brought back distrust to the global financial markets. One of the most affected major currencies is the EUR.
The EUR makes further losses against the JPY and the USD while negative economic data in the Euro-Zone and a lot of other nations including the United States and Asia, decreased the optimism about an economic recovery. The EUR reached for a fourth day losses against the JPY as Asian and European stocks fell, which cut the optimism and confidence around the world. Today, we are expecting more negative data from the Euro-Zone while a report is expected to show that the unemployment rate in German, which is the biggest economy in Europe, climbed in October. A survey showed that the jobless rate in the nation may climb to 8.3 percent from 8.2 percent from the previous month. Yesterday, the S&P 500 Index dipped 2 percent while the MSCI Asia Pacific Index of regional shares fell 1.5 percent and the Nikkei 225 stock average slid 2 percent. Yesterday, the EUR/USD reached a low of 1.4691, which was the weakest level since October 12th. The EUR/JPY fell to 133.12 after it reached a low at 132.81. The NZD/USD was close to its lowest level in three weeks after the RBNZ left the interest rates unchanged and signaled that it won’t raise until the second half of 2010. The NZD/USD fell for a sixth day after it fell over 3.2 percent yesterday before it reached a low of 0.7163, the lowest price since the beginning of the month.
Reuters is proclaiming an end to the recession

this might cause Joe Lunchpail to call his broker and buy stocks..

This is exactly what I meant earlier. Today is their day. New Year's Eve comes, the fireworks come, but after that has washed away, you know it was all just like it was before. I think we go higher for a week and sell of next Friday. This would be the final shot. At least my bets are placed accordingly. Will see how it plays out. I can't wait for a retest of 666 on the S&P and Lisman's face turning green.