Forex Day Trader's Thread

usd/jpy hasn't quite hit its lows yet, i'd wait for a double/tripple bottom to form with a huge bounce and pullback, wait for another bounce and buy the pullback of that
no, Mask.. The Japanese are on holiday today for the silliest reason yet.. "Health Sports Day" [snicker].. I don't trust the price action at all.
the price action in all JPY pairs should tell you all you need to know about what the rest of the day will be like.. silly..
urgh... Jap holiday & US holiday tomorrow... I'd better take night off tonight & day off tomorrow too
US holiday too?!? Gosh, i'm terrible for not realising that. 😛 Anyway, i've got 3 positions open from friday - i'll leave those and see if there's anything interesting going on.
Ok, I can't resist.. I'm not going to try the -$300,000 short ninja trade in these conditions, but I figure if spot can break 89.9 then stops will shoot ninja up to 90.1 where it will have a hard time getting past.. then there's the daily SMA for a little extra resistance right behind there.

Soooo.. -$100,000 90.4 with a 23 pip stop gives two sets of strong resistance

if it fails I wouldn't be surprised if it comes down really hard.. target is 150 pips.
I probably wouldn't buy it 10 pips before resistance 😆

My usual move is to **** the math up after a beer or 8 and go long 3 pips before resistance..
I don't care about that as it's only short term and got a high chance of going. I'll give it a miss seeing as i'm currently kind of exposed. If my book was empty i'd go long no problems.
I might chuck my brain out the window and take that long. The state of my positions I may as well make something on the yen.
Can't really afford the exposure & I get bored with yen pairs. I don't necessarily want to take the trade - but I might end up out of impulsiveness.
Maybe because you're a felon? How many do you normally take per day on average?

Doesn't matter about usd/jpy - if it keeps going up i'll make 3x the move elsewhere.
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DUI is a misdemeanor, but a serious one.. I'm wondering if the library will be open tomorrow. God knows Columbus Day is a serious holiday. Not quite up there with "Health Sports Day" [giggle] but important..

if you're really itching for a trade look at the EU dailies and notice the perfect bounce off of SMA support last time it got near.. it's nearing there now.. probably worth a try.