
Experienced member
After my disagreement with BSD. It appears the lemon is now accusing me of buying signals without any backup or proof of the fact. Despite BSD throwing his teddy out of the pram when I stated factually that his buddy Dante was selling signals, he demanded proof. I now want proof that I have bought or sold systems or signals. If BSD cannot provide proof he should retract the ridiculous unfounded statement he has made.

For the record:


Please provide proof that I have or retract the comment on the following thread
I love the sweeping generalistations you come out with. All signal vendors are either losing traders or mediocre traders at best. How do you know this ???

You seem to have a big problem with this. To me I have no problem with it at all. Hell if I could get 50 people coughing me £100 a month for my signals hell I'd do it too. It's free money. It costs me nothing either.

IF you are in the category of not wanting to learn how to trade for yourself why not take a few short cuts. I love the fact that anyone who signs up to a signal service is a LOSER. That's too funny and based on what exactly ??

It's all so petty. I saw someone on this thread who was going to trawl through the whole T2W site to find evidence that supported the fact that Grey1 was a vendor. Now that's a loser right there.

Let's not forget the fact that a highly repped new member on this board who incidently started slating Grey1 wanted him to teach them to trade but the kicker was they didn't have the cash !! From all the said member writes you would imagine they are George Soros.

In summary Grey1 can trade and has decided to let JayJay sell his ideas. Who really cares ? Hell if it is any good why not let the guy promote it on here. I'd rather have decent guys who can trade floating around than a board full of people who talk the talk have reps coming out of their ears but in reality they have more chance of seeing God than a profitable year.

Lol this is what started your stalking buddy, this was your first post directed at me.

While that initial post was simply misguided, uniunformed and naive, by now this has become nothing short of pathetic, childish and sad, the workings of a seriously messed up mind.

I don't know you, never read anything from you, and have absolutely no interest in talking with with a loser like yourself defending the dishonest proceedings of Jay and generally supporting one of the worst industries out there, signals snakeoil salespeople.

I don't know anybody on this board who has the slightest interest in you or if you do or do not buy or sell signals, lol.

Can't make my total disinterest in you any clearer than that.

My only point has with great consistency been one, and one alone:

Signal selling is a game by losers for losers for one very simple reason:

Even if you do find the 1 seller out of hundreds who is not a charlatan, it will still eventually fail as with increased numbers trading the same signal at the same time you will get slippage that will eventually kill the system.

No matter how you twist and turn it both sides dancing a tango together in the signal sellers industry are losers.

The vendor - if he is one of the very few who was net profitable at the start - because they are not compounding their system to the hilt for themselves, choosing instead to let it die a slow death by selling it off for absolute peanuts comparative to the systems earnings potential.

And the buyer, well, thats a loser from the outset:

A: They'll never learn how to trade, always depending on Big Brother.

B: If the system was ever profitable at all, it won't stay that way because with increasing numbers trading it you will get increasing slippage which will initially dilute performance and finally completely kill it off.

That is why signal selling is a game by losers and for losers, and that is why I have zero interest in talking with it's apologists like yourself.

I really think thats what that Ceyda guy wants from me, for me to go lie down and wait for him.

Now, SOME people get it, lol, that trading doesn't exist in an endless pool of liquidity, that slippage is extremely important:

But then they're profitable traders, haha.

In the 5% camp.

Not losers supporting even bigger losers who want to buy or sell signals, lol.


Your a good bloke mate and I agree with some of things you have said in relation to system sellers.


Dude, put ya dolls back in the pram. I've read the other thread and to be fair, you said some things that have now clearly bitten you on the backside. Ceydababy has given the proof about the persons you both spoke of and I even recall him holding out his hand to agree to disagree but you still are on your high horse. WTF has gotten into you mate.

my $1.50
Well BSD, I have so much respect for you; however, I am offended that you assume all the people who buy signals are “losers”.

When I began trading I subscribed to a very reliable signal service. The gentleman who ran it was not a snake in the grass and I made some very good returns. HOWEVER, I also learnt a lot from analyzing the signals myself. I do not subscribe to a signal service anymore because I no longer need to; however, signals used as a learning tool or simply to complement ones trading is no bad thing.

It’s a real shame that in one fell swoop you are branding all the people who are just trying to get somewhere losers.


Lol this is what started your stalking buddy, this was your first post directed at me.

While that initial post was simply misguided, uniunformed and naive, by now this has become nothing short of pathetic, childish and sad, the workings of a seriously messed up mind.

I don't know you, never read anything from you, and have absolutely no interest in talking with with a loser like yourself defending the dishonest proceedings of Jay and generally supporting one of the worst industries out there, signals snakeoil salespeople.

I don't know anybody on this board who has the slightest interest in you or if you do or do not buy or sell signals, lol.

Can't make my total disinterest in you any clearer than that.

My only point has with great consistency been one, and one alone:

Signal selling is a game by losers for losers for one very simple reason:

Even if you do find the 1 seller out of hundreds who is not a charlatan, it will still eventually fail as with increased numbers trading the same signal at the same time you will get slippage that will eventually kill the system.

No matter how you twist and turn it both sides dancing a tango together in the signal sellers industry are losers.

The vendor - if he is one of the very few who was net profitable at the start - because they are not compounding their system to the hilt for themselves, choosing instead to let it die a slow death by selling it off for absolute peanuts comparative to the systems earnings potential.

And the buyer, well, thats a loser from the outset:

A: They'll never learn how to trade, always depending on Big Brother.

B: If the system was ever profitable at all, it won't stay that way because with increasing numbers trading it you will get increasing slippage which will initially dilute performance and finally completely kill it off.

That is why signal selling is a game by losers and for losers, and that is why I have zero interest in talking with it's apologists like yourself.

You still don't get it mate. I made a comment about Dante that meant you kept hassling me about providing proof. Setting up new threads etc etc. Yesterday morning I wanted to forget it. You didn't.

After you had slagged me off over T2W it turned out you were wholly misguided. Rather than coming out and condemning dante. You turned it on it's head and start accusing me of buying signals without any grounds for doing so.

Are you that stupid that you believe if someone defends something they are directly involved in the activity. It's a bit like saying people who disagreed with the government ban on fox hunting were fox hunters themselves. It just isn't the case.

My point is if someone wants to sell a signal so what, if someone wants to buy a signal so what. I couldn't care either way. I just think it's funny that people like you who spend every waking moment on T2W boosting your ego come out with sweeping generalisations !

Frankly I don't care about you, signal sellers or the whole situation.

I trust from now on you won't be contributing on Dante's threads because you don't associate with signal sellers they are losers.

Ps..I actually quite like the fact that no one on here has an interest in me ! I have friends mate outside of cyberworld. I'll leave you to the wonders of the WWW.
It might just be me, but when I see a thread entitled 'For the Record, I DO NOT BUY SIGNALS', my mind reads it as 'For the Record, I ABSOLUTELY 100% BUY SIGNALS AND LOVE IT'.

Haha exactly !

Game of losers, for losers, who don't get slippage or anything else much in trading let alone life, and end up starting pathetic threads crying and whingeing.

It might just be me, but when I see a thread entitled 'For the Record, I DO NOT BUY SIGNALS', my mind reads it as 'For the Record, I ABSOLUTELY 100% BUY SIGNALS AND LOVE IT'.

Hi Skill Leverage,

This is because BSD asked for the original thread to be closed but got one last jibe in at a forum member BEFORE he could respond.....A bit unfair from anyones point of view I feel.

Everyone should have their say and be allowed to AT LEAST comment back on what has just been thrown at them. BSD did not allow this as he asked a mod to close the thread, the mod done what was asked of them and rightfully so but throwing a quick jab to the gut and then leggin it is a bit unfair.

Thats why Ceydababy has had to start a new thread to at the least respond to the accusations thrown at him.....Fair enough I feel.
It might just be me, but when I see a thread entitled 'For the Record, I DO NOT BUY SIGNALS', my mind reads it as 'For the Record, I ABSOLUTELY 100% BUY SIGNALS AND LOVE IT'.

Dude, I've been in a chatroom while he trades. No way could a system spit out as many calls as he had.

BSD, you may or may not have been there too.
haha exactly !

Game of losers, for losers, who don't get slippage or anything else much in trading let alone life, and end up starting pathetic threads.


Prove it big shot. Why did you want me to prove what I said about Dante ? and now you can't back up what you said about me. You're a lemon plain and simple

Here, haha.

I just have zero interest in you Ceyda, go defend your signal sellers all you want, juts makes you a sad loser defending even sadder losers in, here ya go, a game of losers for losers.

Gettit ?



Sorry mate, I'm clearly with Ceydababy here.

There is nothing wrong with people selling systems and there is equally nothing wrong with people buying them. Most I agree are sh1te but it would be unfair of me to tar them all with the same brush. There are some very good system/signal sellers out there. In fact one of the very people who you accuse of being a loser and a system/signal seller is Trader Dante, a highly respected member of this forum who has put in a sh1t load of time for free. Ask yourself just for a moment mate, what have you contributed.....A lot maybe....but not as much help as Trader Dante, and yet you call him a loser.

Come on mate, bit unfair dont you think. If you keep trying to p1ss off the good people who actually trade for a living then who are the new guys going to ask for for help.
Well you guys are skype buddies so of course you're supporting his BS, lol.

Fact remains that signal selling is a game of losers for losers because slippage is gonna kill it.

Who would be stupid and mental enough to sell signals when he could be getting rich instead ?!?

Only someone who doesn't have what it takes.

As for the goons buying em, well, even dumber as

A: they'll never learn


B: it's, due to slippage, gonna die anyway.

Losers game, in other words.

Only people who don't have what it takes would even waste one second of their lives on such garbage.
Well you guys are skype buddies so of course you're supporting his BS, lol.

Fact remains that signal selling is a game of losers for losers because slippage is gonna kill it.

Who would be stupid and mental enough to sell signals when he could be getting rich instead ?!?

Only someone who doesn't have what it takes.

As for the goons buying em,well, even dumber as

A: they'll never learn


B: It's, due to slippage, gonna die anyway.

losers game, in other words.

Only people who don't have what it takes would even waste one second of their lives on such garbage.

Can I tell you something. Ironically I actually agree with a lot of what you say regarding signal sellers. I totally disagree with the rude and arrogant way with which you express it. You are like a raging lunatic with all this "ha ha" and "LOL" all over the place. Just a hint you're supposed to place them after something that's funny or ironic.

The facts remain.



I'm starting to fall out with you a bit here bud. Yes we do speak on skype and we've been out for a good few beers as well, that doesn't mean I have to agree with him for that alone. Although I admit, I am very loyal, but that aside, I also have my own voice and views....So do you, for which I respect...BUT.

Me old fruit, to say all system sellers and the people that buy them are losers is a clear step too far. I dont know what has happened to you recently, either someone has hijacked your mind or password or you're having a bad time trading, either that or you youself has bought many systems and found that they dont work for you.....

Come on mate, you know the score.

If I gave you my system/strat it wouldn't mean you could be profitable with it.

The same as baking a cake bud, Just because you have the best cake reciepe in the world does not mean you will make the best cake and sell for the highest price.

Remember, traders change their minds when the facts change, how much proof do you need that there are systems out there that make money, there are people out there that buy systems and make money.....How much proof mate.....

Time to change your mind perhaps???????????