Follow my trades

By the way Skimbleshanks

Even tho you are a moderator i think your sad! Ive checked that elitetrader thread and i saw you on there (again talking about me behind my back) cant you just leave me alone??????????

I dont know you and you dont know me, so why are you going around saying the same thing ova and ova.

Frankly i fell its quite childish

Ive finally come across a brilliant system that works!!

Now im showing it to you all for free till April 1st, i made the site myself and everything! Am i really such a crook?????

If in April you think im no good then fair enuff (dont pay the monthly charge) and simply continue to trade how you always have.

Im not forcing anyone to do anything, actually im helping others to make some real money thru trading and whats wrong with me making a little for my troubles??

Im actually thinking of selling the actual system from April to a few trusted traders ( 4 a good price obviously )

Mug2 just wants to emulate Index King-his Idol

He is so sad that he has gone that he is willing to make a fool of himself just to keep the memories alive!!

Please try and get to grips with one index first before dabbling in others - you will be eaten alive and not even your bones will be left to tell the tale.

There is always one born on this T2W board every day!

I wonder who will be leading us in the year 2004.

Make a million in a week from 50p stakes-money back guarantee!!
(Just your stakes however)

You have heard it all before but this is the genuine article not seen by anyone before. First day's bets totally FREE!! then £50,000 per day thereafter.

If interested you can PM me for more info.

Don't waste your money on the rest try the best-KING OF KINGS
from here onwards i will ignore all traders who just wanna ridicule!

I will only answer to questions that are worth answering!!
I have no reason to keep going on and on and listening to all these (morale boosting comments) Im not IK and i dont wanna be IK. Im here to stay

Thanks alot


Can you guys at least just hold back on your comments 4 a few weeks, you havnt even seen a single trade completed yet and already your at my throat. Maybe you should try another way of unwinding ova the christmas period (not my fault your trading is going wrong)
A King with only a subdomain!
I suggest you stop attributing intellectual property rights to a domain you do not posess.
Just remember Mugsy that Sir Winston Churchill was ridiculed for many many years before he was accorded the stature of greatness.
WOW finally a serious question, how long did that take????

I couldnt b bothered to read thru the thread, i havnt got time 4 that!!

But im sure i neva said i bought a system 4 £70! I know a guy who is selling a day-trading system for that much. The author makes around 5k a week using that exact system.

But again i havnt got time to day-trade and its not my style anyway.

There are many systems out there that work, its just that maybe you've been stung by believing into the wrong ones.

C'mon give the guy a chance (at least 2-3 months as he requested!), then feel free to ridicule him if the system doesn't work. Remember Indexking was being laughed at when he started his thread but developed such a large following in d end until he decided to pull d plug on freebies...............if u believe there is an holy grail and u will find it by duplicating someone else's trades then u deserve whatever u get if it all goes wrong.
He has a thread somewhere here.........u will find his disciples there..........they r the only ppl who can verify his claims