The Importance of Drawdown
Attached is the trading summary, (which I have posted before so apologies to those who have already seen it), of a simple trading system that I developed and backtested on the FTSE. The trades started in 1984 through to 2001 and turned a $10,000 account into $2.8 Million and this accounts for $80 of slippage and commission per trade but was designed for use with a brokerage and not a SB company.
But look at the drawdown, at its worst point it was $609K so is untradeable from that standpoint alone. In any trading method drawdown just cannot be ignored and in developing trading methods similar to this, (which is what this thread is all about), it is this aspect that takes most of the effort in refining the trading strategy. If it is ignored then you can be assured the trading method or system no matter how profitable is virtually worthless and would not be tradeable over the long term.