Flaming and general bad behaviour on the site.

Agreed DBP, it's the bit where anyone passing by gets a chance to erase a post I'm not keen on - can you imagine anyone from recent memory who you might prefer not to give a censor button to?
DaveJB said:
Agreed DBP, it's the bit where anyone passing by gets a chance to erase a post I'm not keen on - can you imagine anyone from recent memory who you might prefer not to give a censor button to?

I'm against deleting posts at all. That serves only to prolong the agony. But then letting things run amok is no fixall, either. Look at ET.

However, if an individual has demonstrated repeatedly that he cannot comport himself as expected (by the site "guidelines"), then it is not unreasonable to implement the same measures as one would follow in a meeting, or class, or even a public demonstration, this side of arrest and imprisonment, though the thought may be tempting.

With the site redesign just around the corner, there will be some additional 'tweaks' that we can implement from an admin point of view. We're also hoping to have some new /additional mods (to supplement poor old Jon). Who knows, we may even use the relaunch as an opportunity to clean the place up a bit....

The problem is that all this stuff does take time and a huge amount of resources to implement. It might look like we're doing nothing, but it really is not that way. It's just that there's little point in making all the changes when a complete redesign and change is going to be here shortly.

We've been harping on about the redesign for some time but it's just about here. I'm confident that you're all going to be pleased with the redesign and hopefully we can also get things back on track from a content perspective.
My option, as mentioned in another thread, would be for the thread starter to have mod rights on the thread. Still unsure if that is even doable though from a tech point of view.

One would find the fair and open minded ones allowing discussion even with those that disagree whilst deleting off topic or rude posts would have their threads frequented and appreciated.

Those abusing the power would quickly find no one is interested in their threads.

Other than that, the only real solution I can see is for everyone to simply not get involved in the personal side of things. If one is insulted, politely or otherwise, one should simply smile in pity towards the insulter and move on, not respondinig in kind. If one does not bite back so to speak, the insulters of the world quickly tire of the game. It's no fun when you don't get a rise out of someone.

rossored said:
With the site redesign just around the corner, there will be some additional 'tweaks' that we can implement from an admin point of view. We're also hoping to have some new /additional mods (to supplement poor old Jon). Who knows, we may even use the relaunch as an opportunity to clean the place up a bit....

The problem is that all this stuff does take time and a huge amount of resources to implement. It might look like we're doing nothing, but it really is not that way. It's just that there's little point in making all the changes when a complete redesign and change is going to be here shortly.

We've been harping on about the redesign for some time but it's just about here. I'm confident that you're all going to be pleased with the redesign and hopefully we can also get things back on track from a content perspective.
Appreciate that Matt, and it's good to hear. The Mod thing is quite a big issue at the moment. I'd imagine there have been times when Jon just didn't want to logon to the site because he knew how much of a mess he would have to clear up.
T2W has adequate rules as it stands if they are enforced. I note how quickly and effectively unauthorised advertising posts disappear, I would suggest the same zero tolerance on flaming, name calling adds no weight to any poster's argument and if allowed to remain simply attracts retaliation. I don't know how much use the "Bad post" button gets, but perhaps more use of it by members would help the mod(s) when we get some more target problem posts more quickly . At the end of the day, as in any social setting, an orderly establishment will attract the quality whilst a disorderly one will attract the yobs and trash.
it could be a move to dog house,and the gawkers could still see the post but the traders would not have to waste time
PKFFW said:
My option, as mentioned in another thread, would be for the thread starter to have mod rights on the thread. Still unsure if that is even doable though from a tech point of view.

One would find the fair and open minded ones allowing discussion even with those that disagree whilst deleting off topic or rude posts would have their threads frequented and appreciated.

Those abusing the power would quickly find no one is interested in their threads.

Other than that, the only real solution I can see is for everyone to simply not get involved in the personal side of things. If one is insulted, politely or otherwise, one should simply smile in pity towards the insulter and move on, not respondinig in kind. If one does not bite back so to speak, the insulters of the world quickly tire of the game. It's no fun when you don't get a rise out of someone.


Agree with the first bit of being able to mod the thread by the starter. I don't think the 'power' will be abused too much. It will also give people more of a carrot to start a thread. So we may get more threads going. (which might not be a good thing 😱 )

I remember when I first started the 'quick trading tips' thread. There was a chap on there from the US of A. One very arrogant, insulting chap by the name of 'car key boi' whose hobby and claim to fame was to go around 'keying' cars. Apparantly he turned it into quite an art form. This I found insulting and obscene in any case. It doesn't matter if you have a car worth 250,000 grand or one worth 250 quid. You come out one morning and find the car has been keyed, it will not make for a good day.

Anyway his posts became insulting and arrogant in the extreme and the delete button I had use of came in very handy to shut him up. He quickly became bored and stopped posting, allowing the thread to run its' proper course.

Car key boi even had his own website of him being pictured keying cars. Believe it or not he had a responsible job (as a trader) and had influnce in high places. (the result of being daddies boy I think). On there It had pictures of him 'keying' one of the top lady tennis players Ferrari. And also shots of him keying the president of the united states car. At a airport hanger I think. To get that close he had to be on the trusted and vip list.

I did hear that the link of the web site got forwarded to the tennis player and to the FBI.

What a troll! Try explaining that one away in court.

Come to think of it I haven't seen him around for a few years. I wonder if he ended up as someones bitch in jail?
DaveJB said:
Agreed DBP, it's the bit where anyone passing by gets a chance to erase a post I'm not keen on - can you imagine anyone from recent memory who you might prefer not to give a censor button to?
Yes, I see the clunking fist of The Censor has been at work again. The Great Axe has been ruthlessly guillotining the powerless as usual.

This is a microcosm of North Korea. Any True Thinker who dares disagree with the Establishment is culled (Socs).
Just remember that it is easy to kick someone when they are down and bloodied. Interesting that The Censor chooses to ban Socs, then an outporing of The Morally Weak follows. Each kicks Soc who cannot defend himself. The act of a school bully. The weak follow the bully – each giving a kick before running away.

This all reminds me of the opening scene of the Deer Hunter. Mike, Nick and Stan go hunting. Stan has a gun fetish and a nasty, cruel streak. Mike, on the other hand, has a certain quiet moral dignity. They go into the mountains to stalk Deer. They eventually come across a deer quietly foraging for its young. Stan wants to gun the deer down, almost ‘getting off’ on the ‘power’ of the gun. Mike, on the other hand, doesn’t want to be unnecessarily cruel. "A deer has to be taken with one shot," he tells Nick.

Well gentlemen, have you had enough of gunning down and guillotining the defenceless?

Ps. Please remember your actions will quietly chew away at your soul. You will not be aware, but it is happening.

You must remember that the majority are the mob and, in democracy, the majority wins. This is an unfortunate failing of democracy. The poster, in question, who is being gunned and guillitined, cannot be said to be keeping a low profile. His policy seems to be to annoy the democratic majoity as much as possible and he should be intelligent enough to know what is likely to happen. Well, that is what happens to martyrs, in 50 years someone will raise a monument to him. In the meantime the annoyed mob will put the boot in.

This all stems from the behavior of one single multi-nick, multi-banned poster.
Keep him out & all is sweetness and light again.
After being threatened, brutalized/booted on ET I now enjoy T2W more than ever...even though the now and then brutality exists here as well, it doen't seem to decline to the levels achieved there. Most of the time. I look forward to reading and occasionally posting here. Anything worthwhile I have to say about trading won't be accepted anyway, and caveat emptor is the better thought anyway... so no problems here for me i hope. My brother who is a most brilliant engineer, is a typical example of a trader. He does the due diligence x 100......He initially has the open mind....learns from all he hears and sees....captures million bits of information..agreeing and thanking all for their contributions to his system building process..........then eventually has to discard most of his valued information...as it doesn't do anything of value for him realtime, realmoney..time required might be years......then he begins to argue about trivial points.. rejecting the ideas that work well but he hasn't accepted because it says to him " not my idea I failed".....because he didn't create them....to discuss or argue with an open mind, with cordiality, is very enjoyable for me. ....he now has convinced me that mine is not to be his....forever.... an open mind can be a very valuable tool.......thank you and have a very nice day........
The problem is very simple to solve.

Multi nicks with the intention to deceive: = A ban. Isnn't this in the rules anyway?

Disruptive, insulting, bad mouthing posts: A ban. They serve no purpose and are only read for entertainment value. Like crash scenes draw the spectators, or a punch up outside the pub on a friday night, the people have no intent on helping anyones' plight, they just want to see someone get hurt and bloodied, and in the fight scenario make things worse by egging the combatants on.

When things get out of hand in society a war is normally just around the corner and that not only takes the 'heat' off the problem, but by making things worse it then makes things better.

So we need a war then.

Shall we bomb Croydon!
Apologies now for the last piece of that post. I know some will find that offensive. It was only said in jest.

If people are upset by the last piece of that post I appolgise without reservation...

we can always do Scunthorpe instead!
Doing good

options said:
Apologies now for the last piece of that post. I know some will find that offensive. It was only said in jest.

If people are upset by the last piece of that post I appolgise without reservation...

we can always do Scunthorpe instead!

No no Options - lets really upset people by bombing all the second homes in Cornwall 😛 😉
neil said:
No no Options - lets really upset people by bombing all the second homes in Cornwall 😛 😉

Don't laugh. second homes are coming under unwelcome scrutiny in Wales . In Spain, empty ones are getting occupied by squatters and this socialist government is not very helpful towards the owners. The mob has democratic rights, remember. Votes, too.

Saw a program the other week on sat over here about the land grab in Spain. Not my part of Spain but Splitlinks' part.

A guy and his wife from England had bought a falling down farmhouse with surrounding land and began to restore it. The guy they bought it off retained land by the side of this, then sold it to the government. This started the land grab scandal. Anyway in short the brits had half their property stolen by the government and the government expected the brits to 'contribute' to the building of apartments for the benefit of the 'people'.

One way it would have cost them something like 80,000 euros or if they just wanted to keep the bit they had left the government was 'only' going to charge them 50,000 euros for the land they had already paid for. Legal, stamped and everything.

Poor *******s ended up having to just walk away, losing what they paid for land in the first place!

It certainly is not democratic over here!

The government do what they want with total disregard for any previous laws. (They just make a new one up). If you owe social security money. They just go into your bank account and take what they want. 'Ohh! you have d/d's for car insurance, rent, water, electric, phone? Not our problem if you get cut off.'

Maybe the governments should be bombed eh? Did ole Guy Fawkes have it right?

Also: These last few posts prove that censorship of some kind is needed. It is so easy to go off topic. Whilst some people may find the digression amusing it will derail the thread.

Mmm, what then? Move the reticent posts to another thread? Delete? Or try to get the thread back on track?

3 choices. All of them are right and all of them are wrong. 😱
You know the site can only be as good as it's contributors so it's up to all of us to be respectful and provoke discussion in an adult way. Unfortunately as has been said plenty times before the anonymity of a bulletin board seems to give rise to people acting like cavemen.

Did you ever send a text message that got misinterpreted by the recipient? That creeps in aswell I suppose on here where you wanted to say something and then got an aggressive reply which puts you on edge etc etc.

Remember what Mother used to say; "If you ain't got nothing good to say then don't say nothing!"

Good luck T2W, it's a jungle out there 😉
starspacer said:

Well gentlemen, have you had enough of gunning down and guillotining the defenceless?

Ps. Please remember your actions will quietly chew away at your soul. You will not be aware, but it is happening.

alas, if that were only so. . . . I don't see any remorse from Socrates? Where's his posts saying that he is sorry, or is he too proud to do so, would it be such a terrible affront to his ego?

Also what did those guards at the concentration camps say? "We were just following orders". Guilt is only guilt if the person in question knows that he has done wrong, if he doesn't it is not guilt and he does not feel guilty nor does anything chew at his soul . . . that's the human condition.