What's with the agression !? Gimme some lovin'


Established member
Here we are on a site that's there to help us become the traders that we want to be. On top of that It's free to boot ! Why then can we not, as adults, engage in a discussion without someone saying "that's just stupid" or "when you've made your millions come back and talk to me" or other bitter remarks. What is it with people who love to shoot someone else down in flames so easily. I have been on these boards now looking around and see quite a bit of belittling and aggression, intimidation, and downright rudeness towards others.

Come on lads and lasses, let's be bigger than that and have reasonable dialogue and entertaining discussions on our favourite subject(s). Everyone has an opinion in my mind which is very valuable, whether they are right, wrong or really off-the-wall comments.

Have you ever texted your loved one, only for them to come back with something having totally misinterpreted what you meant to say? Maybe some of the arguments started here start with that misunderstanding, I don't know.

I have been very lucky until now and I usually only post on the forex threads. Here we're all friendly and occasionally do mock or take the mickey out of each other. It's all lighthearted fun and we're doing ok with the trading which is always a bonus ! 😉

Looking forward to some really interesting views on my comments, if anyone feels like replying please do.

PS only joking about the loving, just useful comments will suffice. 😀
I agree completely Priceman.

Some of the arguments that go on in some threads gets way out of hand.

The interesting thing is that arguments start with a difference in opinion, and it's that difference in opinion that creates a market in the first place.

You can trade both sides of a market, so people should try to see both sides of an opinion.


ah, the moderator's holy grail - i live in hope 🙂

fortunately things don't get wildly out of hand too often, but it would be nice to see people always remembering the common courtesies of life.

good trading

Practical considerations

damianoakley said:
I agree completely Priceman.

Some of the arguments that go on in some threads gets way out of hand.

The interesting thing is that arguments start with a difference in opinion, and it's that difference in opinion that creates a market in the first place.

You can trade both sides of a market, so people should try to see both sides of an opinion.


Yes - the difference of opinion is the catalyst, but what is that creates the flare-up. I believe it is the anonymity of the web. It's rather like car-rage. We are cocooned in our confortable ego-centric environment, where no-one knows who we are, what experience, skills and history we have. It lacks the usual forms of human contact.

Thus our views are expressed more forthrightly. We say things that, the majority of us, would never say in a face to face situation. Perhaps some are insecure in their trading and need to justify themseves vehemently and have the last word.

So let's turn this around, ask yourselves why do you need to justify, convince and cojole total strangers that you are correct ? It says more about your own insecurities than the validity or otherwise of other people's views, opinions and arguments.

Equally this environment readily leads to misunderstandings. Sentences which seem perfectly reasonable in the mind of the author and have no malicious intent whatsoever are oft misinterpreted.

There is about to be an exercise to determine how this site might look in the future and I hope that the issue raised by Priceman is addressed, namely, how do we restore civilised discussion.

My first practical suggestion would be to move some of the more controversial threads to closed moderated fora. This would allow all those of a similar mindset to discuss their chosen topic without interruption. It is often this interruption that so annoys the members who are trying to pursue a particular line.

This does not stifle public debate contrary to this line, but may diffuse it.

What other practical suggestions do you have for removing the aggression ?

barjon said:
ah, the moderator's holy grail - i live in hope 🙂

fortunately things don't get wildly out of hand too often, but it would be nice to see people always remembering the common courtesies of life.

good trading

aah just like they do in the pit
Priceman said:
Come on lads and lasses, let's be bigger than that and have reasonable dialogue and entertaining discussions on our favourite subject(s). Everyone has an opinion in my mind which is very valuable, whether they are right, wrong or really off-the-wall comments.

Yo Priceman,
I agree with your basic sentiments and, as ever, I second barjon's comments. That said, some members may infer from your post that we should all pat each other on the back and write "well said", just for the trouble of posting! This doesn't make any sense to me as I believe each of us learns the most from posts/people who express ideas that we have not had and are unlikely to have ourselves. Without doubt, courtesy and respect for each and every member - no matter how much one disagrees with the views expressed - are absolutely paramount.

Every once in a while, there is a thread or a post which serves as a wake up call that, but for these forums, exposes us to an invaluable idea which we may never have ourselves. Such is the beauty and purpose of the Internet and T2W in particular. You started the thread with a sentence which could serve as a T2W mission statement: "Here we are on a site that's there to help us become the traders that we want to be." I'd be surprised if anyone seriously disagrees with this, unless of course, they are surfing the web looking for help and inspiration for turning a profit at a car boot sale, in which case these boards are likely to disappoint!
jimbo57 said:
aah just like they do in the pit

I second that.

Should we also replace the term 'losing trade' with 'deferred success' ?