Favourite Cartoons from childhood

My favs when I was a young child in the 70s
Tom and Jerry
Top Cat
Scooby Doo
Mr Ben
The Flintstones
Hong Kong Phooey
The Magic Roundabout
The Wombles
😆😆:clap: Was that one actually televised?

I doubt that was intended for a kids prime time slot at all, probably recorded for a laugh or prank and not intended for broadcast. How did they keep a straight face recording it, I wonder how many takes there were, expect the out-takes would be even more hilarious.
We get our 3 year old boy dvds of Tom and Jerry at the moment, he loves em,cracks him up.... cant beat the old classics...
My favs when I was a young child in the 70s
Tom and Jerry
Top Cat
Scooby Doo
Mr Ben
The Flintstones
Hong Kong Phooey
The Magic Roundabout
The Wombles

If we're including none cartoons - i gotta endorse most of fibonellis, with the addition of Postman Pat, and Thomas The Tank Engine!

I used to love the summer hols, when i'd get up to watch early morning cartoons, with the odd super drama series thrown in - The adventures of Tom Sawyer 👍
Silas was not bad also, even if the dubbing was horrendous 😆.
If we're including none cartoons - i gotta endorse most of fibonellis, with the addition of Postman Pat, and Thomas The Tank Engine!

I used to love the summer hols, when i'd get up to watch early morning cartoons, with the odd super drama series thrown in - The adventures of Tom Sawyer 👍
Silas was not bad also, even if the dubbing was horrendous 😆.

Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn - good stuff! I remember Silas too 🙂

Did anyone ever bother with She-Ra? Or did we just think it was a feminised He-Man?

And if we're talking about films rather than cartoons... (And we leave out Dr. Who since it's back on again!)

What about......

YouTube - Monkey Magic Intro

Ok folks, a random selection; Animals of farthing wood was shown on a Wednesday, as this was the only day I was allowed to eat sweets, I remember it vividly.

YouTube - Animals Of Farthing Wood - Opening Video Theme

As for these, they aren't cartoons - they were usually on during the summer holidays, anybody else got any more?

California Dreams

YouTube - California Dreams - Opening Credits (Season 1)

Saved by the Bell

YouTube - Saved By the bell intro 90's


YouTube - Pugwall 1st series opening
Tarzan Lord of the Jungle
Battle of the Planets
Hong Kong Phooey
Hair Bear Bunch
CB Bears
Danger mouse
Dog Tanian and the Three Muskahounds
Baggy Pants and the Nitwits
Dungeons and Dragons
Inspector Gadget
He Man
Ulysses 31

All the above you can find on youtube except Baggy Pants and Nitwits!!