Toon Trading

Have you tried putting them side by side? Candles or bars forming on one half and ticks or multiples of ticks running in the other half, or something along those lines.

Yes and no. yes I have ,but not with the intention to compare the two. I dont need it to conceptualise the concept/poss reality that. Whats the point of a timed bar? why would I want a bar to offer me a choice of handy time periods? whats that got to do with price and where its traded at ? whats time got to do with it ?

It has been written that some may exit on a time stop , why ?

question marks=open to anyone , think about it, what comes to mind...

I may do some side by side comparison . I'm sure I could prove a point . But it so strong and makes so much sense, its almost like knowing it to be so, so you dont feel the need to prove it. But convential upbringings says, yeah ,yeah but run a few test-a-rooni's . something like that. is this some sort of deep psycho bias ? I'm open to it being, just floating along for now.
It has been written that some may exit on a time stop , why ?

If you bought a pair of Cortinas at an auction with the idea of selling them on at a tidy profit but the damned things are still sitting on the forecourt a month later, it might be a good idea to sling the duffers back into the very next auction. Get your capital back and go and buy a couple of Golfs at trade price instead.
Some cultures do things the other way round. e.g. using the lunar cycle as months, which, they pretty much are.

This years Chinese Lunar calendar which is based on 13 months starts on February 7th

and is the year of the Rat. (We are currently in Pig)

Sales of rats in France have apparently gone up 40%.
This years Chinese Lunar calendar which is based on 13 months starts on February 7th

and is the year of the Rat. (We are currently in Pig)

Sales of rats in France have apparently gone up 40%.

Nice remark, but no such correlation there.

Sales of rats started to increase after the release of the Disney movie Ratatouille. And this hasn't only happened in France, but also where I live, as in the UK, and several other countries. Don't ask me how I now :p

Thanks for the pointer but I think I need to be a little more explicit. I do understand that Volume can be interpreted this way but my point (issue?) is that I think the Price / Volume data should be a continuum, or possibly a continuum with breaks (I know, an oxymoron!)

My charting software updates every minute but I don't believe (can't believe?) the prints happen to fall into convenient 1 minute time-slots therefore I could be missing 59 seconds of visibility.

During the LSE trading day there are 30,600 seconds (60 x 60 x 8.5) but I know my Vodafone chart for last Friday (Jan 11th 08, volume 169M ~ 5,500 shares/sec) doesn't have 30,600 data points. So my conclusion is that I (we) have moving averages based on moving average based on ...... :)

Thanks for the pointer but I think I need to be a little more explicit. I do understand that Volume can be interpreted this way but my point (issue?) is that I think the Price / Volume data should be a continuum, or possibly a continuum with breaks (I know, an oxymoron!)

My charting software updates every minute but I don't believe (can't believe?) the prints happen to fall into convenient 1 minute time-slots therefore I could be missing 59 seconds of visibility.

During the LSE trading day there are 30,600 seconds (60 x 60 x 8.5) but I know my Vodafone chart for last Friday (Jan 11th 08, volume 169M ~ 5,500 shares/sec) doesn't have 30,600 data points. So my conclusion is that I (we) have moving averages based on moving average based on ...... :)


Yes, volume is a continuum. If your software updates only every minute, then your issue is with your software.
The original intention with this thread, as noted, was to have a bit of fun. There would be a work side to it in the background, but basically anything goes as long as there is a "picture".

The idea, as was keenly spotted by the bonkers buddist, fibonelli and rols was to have a gallery of "interesting" charts. Obviously, some posts would be daft or rude or mistakes or whatever and that's great. Some crackers might pop up too. I mean, there a lot of top chart people here and you never know what might get hung up on the wall. An idea or observation passed on by accident or design could make a difference to someone.

If anyone likes the idea of a gallery and wants to start over (with a little more order this time) I'd be happy to put one together.



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Source of endless discussions amongst traders:

To act ?


Or react ?



How did you get the images into the post without having a thumnail? If there was to be a gallery that would be a very tidy way of doing it. The idea being that the viewer can just scroll through without having to open anything.

Obviously a title or few lines (or not) to go with the post would help but any discussion generated would probably be best done elsewhere.

There are so many types of charts and ideas. Personally I'd like to see allsorts from all walks, ages and cultures all laid out as a resource.

Candles, for example, are supposedly very old but I've never seen any old ones. How long have people been using things like support and resistance anyway? I'm sure there are many charting and chart reading ideas and approaches that I've never heard of let alone seen. Charting is a huge global sport and an ongoing public exhibition of this craft might interest a few people.
How did you get the images into the post without having a thumnail? If there was to be a gallery that would be a very tidy way of doing it. The idea being that the viewer can just scroll through without having to open anything.

First you get the URL through right-clicking on whatever pic you want to put up.

Then you can either click the photo image on the message tool bar here and insert the URL there, the one that looks like a blue TV or postcard or sthg, or you can insert URL into the code yourself:

How long have people been using things like support and resistance anyway?

This was the essence of tape reading for as long as there's been tape. Wyckoff and Livermore based their trading on it, which is why finding S/R on charts can be difficult if one forgets just what it is that charts represent. Fundamentals, S/R, and often pace. That's really about it.
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Lost me there Db.

They knew the companies that were crossing the tape, knew what they were all about. Their "stories". Of course, there were far fewer companies listed back then, but, even today, just about everybody knows what's going on with Citibank, Countrywide, Google, etc.
Thank you for the interest in the idea of a gallery. I've had a think about how to proceed and here are a few ideas. All comments welcome.

I've been reading/studying T2W for a few years now and have seen so many good images posted here. It makes sense to me to have a place that is not necessarily just for "interesting" charts but for any market related pictures, photos, cartoons, etc.

The thing is though, I've seen these kind of ideas before and they all tend to go down the pan pretty quick due to off-topic. Not that there is anything wrong with comments and larking about (I am as guilty as anyone of interruption) but it is a bit of a shame because these images get pretty much lost after a while to all but the poster and a few that either saved them or can recall where they are. What I would like to offer is a fixed home for images so that they can be viewed in an uninterrupted and ongoing way. A gallery so to speak.

To do this means that there has to be a difference, and that is no chat. Just a stream of in-the-post images (with no thumbnails to keep it neat) and maybe a line or two of explanation/title from the poster. No need for the viewer to open anything just scroll.

With a bit of luck it could become a resource. If you read the last couple of posts at Toon Trading you'll get my drift. I don't know of an all-encompassing market based gallery anywhere on the internet (not that I go elsewhere much these days).

How to make it work though? Well, one could ask politely but that is not the most robust of systems. My thinking was that it could be an automatic gallery. I'm very far from being a computer whizz, unlike many here, but my basic idea would be to have a pop up that gives instructions (like when I try to give someone a rep but it says spread it around a bit first). Obviously post#1 explains how the gallery works but this will soon be lost and hence the need for instant unmanned help. Most people may not know how to put a chart in the post (only just learned this myself ) and a pop up could explain the necessary if they get it wrong i.e. it won't allow posts without an image, will show the instructions (they are easy) and checks for image size/file type maybe. Obviously I would need technical help with this and a thumbs up and an all clear from the site owner.

Anyway, that's the basics of it, a self organising picture place that members can put images into. Drag up the best from the archives, get new stuff, show how something works, whatever. Are there any pictures of Jesse Livermore trading? Or a deco trading room? As you can see I like the history. There are many excellent cartoons and annotated charts hidden away here. As there are images of trades and trading ideas. Pictures of traders trading. The fear, the greed. All-sorts. I would like to tap into and then display the skill, creativity and humour of this place and the markets and then have it there for all to browse/add to/enjoy/learn from etc. blah blah blah.

Is this a good idea that will grow and that people will enjoy/benefit from? Dunno, you never know with these things. Nothing ventured...

Does T2W want such a thing? Galleries are always pretty popular on websites and I guess T2W likes more hits, so maybe.

Obviously if someone decides to post a picture of his or anyone else's arrse or whatever it will get pulled but other than that I don't see that it will require much in the way of moderation (famous last words). Hopefully many people will want to post at least one example of their craft/humour/understanding/history etc.

Who knows, might just be a rubbish idea that bites the dust.

If you like the basics of this please comment.

If you can think of any improvements/ideas for it please comment.

If you don't like it, send the why not.

Many thanks for reading,

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Trading explained:


Ed Seykotas Pain-o-Phobia Crossover System.
