I am trading futures and forex. For me it requires less time and a lot less financial commitment than when I traded stocks.
4dog, you're most welcome, it's nice to see you here .....
if no other board members ever came along except the calibre of the likes of you, Ivor and Paul, I'd take that any day 🙂
Hi praise Garry...trying not to blush as I read
looks like a nasty tight range yesterday but i think i would have missed by one point the trigger for the one good move south of the day.
I had the CAM BS at 916.25 and I think the pre reg session high was 915.75 so no dice. However, the FTP (908) and DeM RS (912.25) would have kicked in had you been following. The first would have been a wash but the DeM would have got you in for the very late afternoon selloff
fri 22
901.75 => market long on a breakout
895 => fade (short) back to the mean
882.5 => fade (long) back to the mean
875.75 => market short on breakdown
do I understand these correctly?
Thanks - seems a little like Market Profile theory... you don't to be in the market when it's farting about, you either want to fade it when it's just too far out from "value" or jump on the bandwagon when "value" is changing.
I have added the levels to my charts, look forward to checking them out.
When you say resting orders, do you mean Limit orders for the "fade" trades and stop market orders for the breakout trades? How do you figure out where to put your stops?
Awesome thread btw.
Awesome thread btw.
Lastly do you use marketprofile to get the VAH and VAL ? I cant seem to download it from the CBOT website.