erierambler's Blog


Well-known member
Erie's Journal

1. trades will be with the emini S&P
2. 2 contracts on entry to go long or short. 1 will try to cover costs (day trade) should the entry become favourable , the other will be held until stopped out.
3. trades based on TA.
4. No position as of now.

This journal is dedicated to my wife for her support and also to Dbphoenix for his mentoring. The journey continues......
Nov. 28th

Short 2 contracts at 1266.50, covered one at 1263.50. Holding one.
Price opened above fridays' range and fell back in.

looking at how far price moves up from here. 1267-70 area should provide resistance, further price goes up stronger buying pressure is. Not much selling pressure yesterday.
On the lookout for more upside.
If you are looking for more upside have you closed the short you were holding from 28/11 or should I type 11/28.

What form does your TA take?


bracke said:
If you are looking for more upside have you closed the short you were holding from 28/11 or should I type 11/28.

What form does your TA take?



Hi bracke,
Being from Canada , it's Nov. 28 ( 11/28 ), sorry to confuse.
My journal entry was regarding possible price action in the 1267-70 zone for today.Not looking for more upside although one must take the possibility into consideration . I'm still short one contract, will look at today's price action tonight.
My TA takes the form of what's in the Price, (Vol), Support, Resistance , Demand and Supply thread.

looked at price this morning and price had gapped up, so called broker and pulled the trigger a little after eight
o'clock( when he gets into work). Out at 1256.75 . There was not much selling pressure and no follow through to the downside. Now I wait..............

9.25 + 3.00 = 12.25 pts = $612.00
- $80.00 commission ( $17.50 side + fees)
Profit = $532.50

Went long with 2 contracts before the open at 1271.50 , Mar. ES futures. Took profit on one at 1274.50 , and got stopped out at breakeven this afternoon .

3 pts. = $150.00 - $70.00 commission is
$80.00 profit. Flat again.
Entry again

No follow through down this morning so went long at 10:00 am at 1272.50 and will hold it overnight.
stopped out

Out again .Flat . Will wait and see.
out at 1266.75 for a loss of 5.75 pts
loss of $322.50 ( 287.50 + 35.00 commission). Did not have a breakeven stop loss in yesterday with broker and did not get out when he called at close , waited til this morn.

Long 2 contracts at 1285. Took profits on one at 1288. Holding the other.
3 pts = $150.00 - $35.00 commission = $115.00 profit


Sold this morning before the open at 8:05 at 1297.25 , due to divergence.
1297.25 - 1285.00= 12.25 pts * 50 = 612.50 - 35.00 commish= $577.50 profit. Flat again and will look to buy on a dip .

Bought one at 1259. Now flat. Reason - going on vacation, not able to keep an eye on market.

1289-1286= 3pts
33*50= $1650 - $70.00 commis = $1580.00 profit

Sold short ES at 1349. Bought 1/3 of position at 1346. Profit 3 pts. Avg.daily range 9.5 pts
