EOD coach/mentor

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I'm thinking of changing to EOD short term trading of US stocks, and I think I would like a coach and mentor to steer me on the right track.
I've found Damian Oakley and several others mentioned in various threads but I don't want to be disappointed after parting with hard earned cash (I know a coach/mentor doesn't guarantee a successful future, but I would like a well presented, decent course with plenty of post-course help).

If anyone can offer any views or their experiences of a coach/mentor, I'd be extremely grateful. Good or bad, either on thread or in a pm.

many thanks.
Hi Cigar,
It would be well worth your while contacting both Mr. Charts (Richard Joyson) and Naz (Alan Rich). Although they are known primarily as day traders, both of them swing trade longer time frames. However, whether or not they coach traders in their e.o.d. strategies - I don't know. Even if they don't, they may be able to recommend someone who does and a single recommendation from either of them would be worth ten from the likes of me!

Please update the thread with your progress - who you find, who you use and how you get on etc.
Happy hunting,
Cigar said:

I'm thinking of changing to EOD short term trading of US stocks, and I think I would like a coach and mentor to steer me on the right track.
I've found Damian Oakley and several others mentioned in various threads but I don't want to be disappointed after parting with hard earned cash (I know a coach/mentor doesn't guarantee a successful future, but I would like a well presented, decent course with plenty of post-course help).

If anyone can offer any views or their experiences of a coach/mentor, I'd be extremely grateful. Good or bad, either on thread or in a pm.

many thanks.

Hi Cigar,

You are right in saying that a Coach/Mentor doesn't guarantee a successful future, but there are good and bad mentors out there.

Part of the challenge with coaching is that once people have formed certain beliefs and misconceptions about the markets, it becomes difficult for them to break away from those beliefs and build new successful habits.

From what I've seen, many of the coaches and mentors out there just plough straight in and teach their students a trading method without first addressing why their student hasn't been able to trade successfully before now. Some people have been studying the markets for years and yet have never been able to trade profitably, despite having a solid understanding of the markets. Why is this? What is stopping this person from trading successfully? What beliefs or misconceptions do they have about the markets that are getting in the way of profitable trading?

If these issues are not addressed up front, a person will not have the mental capacity to accept what is shown to them during the coaching process. Coaching and mentoring is a 2-stage process; you first have to dismantle the bad habits and misconceptions in a trader before you can move on to showing them the right way to do things.



I'm thinking of changing to EOD short term trading of US stocks, and I think I would like a coach and mentor to steer me on the right track.
I've found Damian Oakley and several others mentioned in various threads but I don't want to be disappointed after parting with hard earned cash (I know a coach/mentor doesn't guarantee a successful future, but I would like a well presented, decent course with plenty of post-course help).

If anyone can offer any views or their experiences of a coach/mentor, I'd be extremely grateful. Good or bad, either on thread or in a pm.

many thanks.

Did you find the mentor and method?