EliteTrader VS Trade2win

  • Thread starter Thread starter j2ee
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  • Watchers Watchers 29
Elite Traders are more geared up to the US markets

Their bias is pro Republican

All overseas, or Non-US, retail traders....seem to only trade Forex/currencies;
American traders don't really mess with currencies. We all kind of see it as silly gambling 🙄 :whistling

We trade primarily stocks and Options -- and some will trade futures.

You kind of Have to be a pro-Republican killer hawk, if you're a Wall Street trader/finance/money type;
The world of money is not for soft hippies/liberals/democrats.
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I think Baron is a great guy , except when the sponsors throw $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ at him , they make him velly happy

Elite trader "Those traders who say psychology is unimportant are just useless clueless traders , they only say it on Elite trader"
^^i doubt socco makes money mate-just a myth-zero evidence.
smoke n mirrors.just like when f was bigging up sir gissachance-zero evidence just talk
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He did not need to show evidence to prove to people like yourself ! :cheesy:

Why do most members leave this place before they made 10 posts?🙂

Why do most threads die before 30 posts are made in this sector?

A bit like you, they turn up, ask a bunch of cretinous questions. Don't like the answers they receive, become abusive, get booted or just leave.
He did not need to show evidence to prove to people like yourself ! :cheesy:

Why do most members leave this place before they made 10 posts?🙂

Why do most threads die before 30 posts are made in this sector?
1-he does as i work on facts not b/s😎
1. The mods allow morons to mess up good threads!
Wrong. Morons mess up good threads - the Mods have nothing to do with it.
2. The mods ban the wrong members instead of the mobsters!
Wrong again. The Mods issue infractions and/or ban members who breach the Community Constitution (CC). For example, I note that you have a 25pt infraction for being disrespectful to Mods or staff. All any member has to do is to stay within the simple and common sense CC guidelines - which are based around respect and courtesy for other members. Do that and there is zero chance of getting banned. Those that get banned only have themselves to blame.
The evidence is there but people like you can't see it! True or false?
Yes, the evidence is there to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I say is 100% correct but, sadly, some people choose to distort that evidence to suit their own agenda: one that is not in the best interests of the site or its members.
Can you now answer the following questions :-

1. was FL a monster Mobster? Yes or no?

2. Why was FL allowed to behave the way he did against members without getting banned much earlier?

3. Have you ever been told you have banned the victim and not the culprit?

4. In your Honest Opinion do you believe other mods have banned the victim and not the culprit?

5. Can you tell us why many new members come and go after posting fewer than 10 posts and most nothing at all.

6. Would you ban me ? If yes please tell us why?

I look forward to read your honest reply to all 6 questions.


1) Mobster!? Hes just a bit of a bellend seeking some attention imho.

2) Felt sorry for him Id guess so gave him a bit of extra rope.

3) Yes, usually theres a bit of whining and drama, but only by their fanboys. Most others dont give a f.

4) I think the mods do a great job in general.

5) Youd have to ask them, but one reply from a bellend brigade would have most looking for the door id imagine.

6) Yes. You left an unnecessary space before the first question mark in question 6 which brings your sincerity into question.

Can you now answer the following questions :-

1. was FL a monster Mobster? Yes or no?

2. Why was FL allowed to behave the way he did against members without getting banned much earlier?

3. Have you ever been told you have banned the victim and not the culprit?

4. In your Honest Opinion do you believe other mods have banned the victim and not the culprit?

5. Can you tell us why many new members come and go after posting fewer than 10 posts and most nothing at all.

6. Would you ban me ? If yes please tell us why?

I look forward to read your honest reply to all 6 questions.

It would be inappropriate for me to answer your questions because they are mostly about the Mods. As per the last line in my signature - I am NOT a Moderator. Mods and Staff operate completely independently of one another for reasons that I'm sure you appreciate. That said, I understand the way they work and the rules that they apply - as set out in the CC. Based on many years at T2W, my impression is that the Mods give members numerous chances before banning them. Some would say too many chances! Banning is a last resort and one that does not appear to be taken lightly. Sure, there's an element of discretion involved and, very occasionally, some members might argue that the Mods get it wrong. However, IMO, this is almost as rare as rocking horse poo.

If you genuinely believe that good people are being banned and that "monster mobsters" are being left to roam the forums freely, then your beef is with the CC - not with the Mods. You're barking up the wrong tree if you feel the problem - if indeed there is one - lies with them. Lastly, if you think the CC can be amended in such a way as to make the forums safer, richer in content and more enjoyable for everyone - then by all means post your suggestions to this thread: How can T2W better serve its community?

I trust you'll be satisfied with my extremely honest reply.
1. Do you think I should get a first warning ? Yes or no
As per my last post, you already have a 25pt infraction, which could be construed as a "first warning". I have no reason to believe this was issued incorrectly. Therefore, you were in breach of the CC and the infraction is merited. That's quite an achievement for someone who's only been a member for 6 days. I've been a member since 2002 and I've never had one!
2. Do you think I should get banned ? Yes or no
If you breach the CC in such a way that a ban is warranted - then yes, you should be banned. If you don't - then no, you shouldn't. It's that simple.

There's nothing complicated about any of this. The vast majority of members find it easy to understand and apply. I suggest you read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the CC and then you'll know exactly where you stand and there will be no need to ask me - or anyone else for that matter - whether or not you should get warnings and/or be banned.
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Is the giveaway they are doing on INSTAGRAM legit? Can't be lol