EliteTrader VS Trade2win

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Why ever did I take him off ignore ! Too kind I guess.
Judge others by their own philosophy is looking good. He has nothing interesting to say and lacks wit, humour and general politeness. Is this the new American spawned by Trump ?
Sounds like a robot.
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if trading is capitalist by nature, why would any people here have socialist views

This is illogical as you are arguing that trading cannot be capitalist in nature because T2W has some socialist inclined members or at least that is what they may imply by what they post. This does not factor in hypocrisy or delusion in that just because people put forward socialist arguments does not mean they are really socialist.

The top 16 users here comprise 210,748 posts / 1,515,596 = 13.9% of all posts. 15 of those 16 are socialists.

Well as I said above how do you really know they are socialist ?
I would like to reiterate with my capitalist hat on, why Brexiters or Trump'eteers go campaigning to win votes by stating these bodies will;

1. Raise the wages of workers

2. Bring jobs home by restricting free trade

3. Raise employment by restricting competition in the labour market

Same people then argue they are capitalist and agents of the free market, whilst claiming to pursue socialist policies. :whistling

It really is quite astonishing how there is so much paradox (ie BS flying around and people just can't get enough to lap it all up). To say one is going to drain the swamp and then appoint bodies from the Goldman stables (who even cheat their own clientelle) leaves me speechless.
Hi hhiusa,

Please don't take what I say out of context, misquote me to boot and then have the audacity to suggest that I'm mudslinging. Whilst I don't like your political views, I think you're better than that - there's no need to resort to such tactics. For the record, what I actually said was this: "hhiusa appears to have his own extreme definition for capitalism and socialism in which a true capitalist is completely devoid of any social conscience whatsoever. S/he only cares about numero uno and doesn't give a monkey's toss for anyone else." If my understanding of your view is incorrect, then all you need do is say so and demonstrate that those who subscribe to your definition of capitalism do in fact care about others less fortunate than themselves.

I don't doubt that you've read a substantial number of posts of the top 20 contributors and I accept your reasoning that they account for a significant percentage of all the posts made. However, there's just no evidence that I - or they - are 'hard core left'. I object to being described as something I'm patently not, just as a Mod would object to being described as a rocker or a punk would object to being described as a hippie. You're just plain wrong and I put it to you that you can't provide a shred of evidence to support your claim.

I'd be interested to hear if these members are happy for you to align them with your extremist views.

Why don't you just re-read some of the pages in "capitalism", where they and I posted. I will not equivocate my words. I said, "share somewhat".

No matter how you reword it, you are smart enough to realize that the part in blue implies that I am "devoid of any conscience". You then go on to state that people like that don't give a monkey's toss about anyone other than numero uno.

Alright then, if you views are not solid left, then my views are not solid right.

What are my extremist views?

If you read through their previous posts, mainly, P, A, Db, and others spend a ridiculous amount of time bashing Trump in the next president thread. That's fine he is not for everyone. It is the way that they go about it. There's not an ounce of rational thought in them. You can indeed be rational on the other side.

The NHS is a socialist program--national health care. Council estates are a socialist program. Not a word comes out of their mouths and onto the screen with even a shred of support for a business owner. Capitalism is founded on business and free entreprise. Why is it then that they constantly complain about fat cat salaries of CEOs? It is the companies money to do with how they please. My taxes don't support Tim Cook's salary.

I pose this question, so as long as you work for the government, it is completely ethical to make millions, but if you work in the private with money not funded by the taxpayers, you are a "rober baron"? Why would that make sense?

As to the topic of this, I have found less discussion of politics over there as well.
Well you won't find a "grumpy old gits" thread or a "toyz for the boyz" thread. ET may have more prima donnas, but the users here are anti-capitalist and socialist. Maybe that is a location specific quality. T2W is in Europe somewhere based upon the timestamps. ET is in the US. Vive the capitalism. :clap:
I was new here several months ago, and received a terrible reception by someone here with thousands of posts and no life. (The dude the gay game of thrones horse avatar)

So I ignored him, began chatting with a very knowledgeable poster in stocks who was putting forth valid, well thought out trading ideas, and her entire thread was discarded. Like 17 pages. Unbelievable. They said her "trades weren't real". I could care less if they were real. Why should anybody?!!! As far as I'm concerned she could have been posting from a prison library-- I liked her chart work. But no, she was vaporized.

And get this, before her thread got wiped out, the guy with they gay avatar posted some stupid picture mocking her and A MOD GAVE IT A THUMBS UP. UN-f'ing-Professional.

It gets better. When I ran it up the pole for feedback... they closed that thread too.
T2W has a bunch of insecure, thin skinned "hall monitor" mentalities that seem to derive self worth by policing the thoughts and posts of others.

There's a reason the real professional traders like ET. Because Baron accepts all kinds and you have to be an extreme asshole to so much as get a warning. Let alone an entire thread deleted, and then have the "kindergarten cop" mod shut down a discussion about why it was deleted.

ET is 1000 times better.

And before you say "well go over there and stay then mate" its too late, I already have, along with damn near everyone of the folks I chat to on FB, and TWTR, which is well over 100. And they all know this story. This place sucks. Losers.

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I was new here several months ago, and received a terrible reception by someone here with thousands of posts and no life. (The dude the gay game of thrones horse avatar)

So I ignored him, began chatting with a very knowledgeable poster in stocks who was putting forth valid, well thought out trading ideas, and her entire thread was discarded. Like 17 pages. Unbelievable. They said her "trades weren't real". I could care less if they were real. Why should anybody?!!! As far as I'm concerned she could have been posting from a prison library-- I liked her chart work. But no, she was vaporized.

And get this, before her thread got wiped out, the guy with they gay avatar posted some stupid picture mocking her and A MOD GAVE IT A THUMBS UP. UN-f'ing-Professional.

It gets better. When I ran it up the pole for feedback... they closed that thread too.
T2W has a bunch of insecure, thin skinned "hall monitor" mentalities that seem to derive self worth by policing the thoughts and posts of others.

There's a reason the real professional traders like ET. Because Baron accepts all kinds and you have to be an extreme asshole to so much as get a warning. Let alone an entire thread deleted, and then have the "kindergarten cop" mod shut down a discussion about why it was deleted.

ET is 1000 times better.

And before you say "well go over there and stay then mate" its too late, I already have, along with damn near everyone of the folks I chat to on FB, and TWTR, which is well over 100. And they all know this story. This place sucks. Losers.


With those rates you are going to need friends mate.

Have you ever thought of changing your name from Jeff to Geoff.


  • Jeff.JPG
    75.9 KB · Views: 191
. . .ET is 1000 times better. . .
Hi optionpro,
I'm sorry to hear you're so dissatisfied with T2W. Alarmed by your comments, I researched the threads you mention to see if there are any lessons that Admin' need to learn from this. This is what I found . . .

The member you particularly liked was banned because s/he was also posting under two additional usernames in an attempt to promote a commercial site. This is in clear breach of our Community Constitution. Therefore, the actions of the Mods reflect this and are entirely appropriate. Regarding what you refer to as a 'thumbs up' from a Mod to a member you describe as a troll, the Mod concerned had the courtesy to reply to your thread with an explanation. As you've not been here for very long, you may not realise that our rep' system has a facility to add a small comment which is a quick and easy way to correspond with another member. So, it's not necessarily a 'thumbs up' as such and, indeed, many people use it to convey negative comments as well as positive ones. In this case, as the Mod concerned explained, it was merely a way to acknowledge that member for reporting the post of the person abusing our hospitality.

Whether or not the member with the avatar you take exception to is a troll is another matter entirely. If you feel they are in breach of the Community Constitution, then I suggest you report their offending post(s) to the Mod team using the red flag 'Report Post' facility and they will take the appropriate action. Finally, with regard to your 'Unprofessional' thread being closed, this is also covered in our Community Constitution under section 6. 'Respect for Moderators' which states:

6.1 Moderators are site members who freely give their time to ensure that discussions are friendly and civilised and conducted in accordance with the site's guidance. The forums could not function in the way that they do without the activities of the moderators and their efforts should be appreciated by all who use the site.
6.2 Please remember the moderators are volunteers. Try not to make their tasks even more time consuming by seeking to draw them into debate on the implementation of the rules in any particular case. Any thread which appears to be going down this route will be closed and/or removed.

To conclude, my findings are that your criticisms of T2W and its Mod' team are without foundation. In fact, I'd say the Mods have acted very fairly and professionally. If you wish to discuss the matter further, feel free to PM me and I will look into it.
Hi optionpro,
I'm sorry to hear you're so dissatisfied with T2W. Alarmed by your comments, I researched the threads you mention to see if there are any lessons that Admin' need to learn from this. This is what I found . . .

The member you particularly liked was banned because s/he was also posting under two additional usernames in an attempt to promote a commercial site. This is in clear breach of our Community Constitution. Therefore, the actions of the Mods reflect this and are entirely appropriate. Regarding what you refer to as a 'thumbs up' from a Mod to a member you describe as a troll, the Mod concerned had the courtesy to reply to your thread with an explanation. As you've not been here for very long, you may not realise that our rep' system has a facility to add a small comment which is a quick and easy way to correspond with another member. So, it's not necessarily a 'thumbs up' as such and, indeed, many people use it to convey negative comments as well as positive ones. In this case, as the Mod concerned explained, it was merely a way to acknowledge that member for reporting the post of the person abusing our hospitality.

Always interesting when the facts behind any "story" are revealed!
Posts quality is definitely higher in futures.io forums ...
Hi optionpro,
I'm sorry to hear you're so dissatisfied with T2W. Alarmed by your comments, I researched the threads you mention to see if there are any lessons that Admin' need to learn from this. This is what I found . . .

The member you particularly liked was banned because s/he was also posting under two additional usernames in an attempt to promote a commercial site. This is in clear breach of our Community Constitution. Therefore, the actions of the Mods reflect this and are entirely appropriate. Regarding what you refer to as a 'thumbs up' from a Mod to a member you describe as a troll, the Mod concerned had the courtesy to reply to your thread with an explanation. As you've not been here for very long, you may not realise that our rep' system has a facility to add a small comment which is a quick and easy way to correspond with another member. So, it's not necessarily a 'thumbs up' as such and, indeed, many people use it to convey negative comments as well as positive ones. In this case, as the Mod concerned explained, it was merely a way to acknowledge that member for reporting the post of the person abusing our hospitality.

Whether or not the member with the avatar you take exception to is a troll is another matter entirely. If you feel they are in breach of the Community Constitution, then I suggest you report their offending post(s) to the Mod team using the red flag 'Report Post' facility and they will take the appropriate action. Finally, with regard to your 'Unprofessional' thread being closed, this is also covered in our Community Constitution under section 6. 'Respect for Moderators' which states:

6.1 Moderators are site members who freely give their time to ensure that discussions are friendly and civilised and conducted in accordance with the site's guidance. The forums could not function in the way that they do without the activities of the moderators and their efforts should be appreciated by all who use the site.
6.2 Please remember the moderators are volunteers. Try not to make their tasks even more time consuming by seeking to draw them into debate on the implementation of the rules in any particular case. Any thread which appears to be going down this route will be closed and/or removed.

To conclude, my findings are that your criticisms of T2W and its Mod' team are without foundation. In fact, I'd say the Mods have acted very fairly and professionally. If you wish to discuss the matter further, feel free to PM me and I will look into it.

I would prefer to reply in public, as already two others have chimed in. First off "With those rates you are going to need friends mate." . -useless troll remark trying to be cute and/or funny.

Second, the "facts" were already revealed, I revealed them, its how I interpreted the facts and how Timsk has politely explained to me how he as the site manager interprets those facts. Fair enough.

Regarding itspossible, he needs to be put on notice he's not in the least bit funny and his penchant for trolling every post and making some half-assed attempt at wit speaks volumes. I feel for the guy.

And lastly, do you not have a "This thread is closed for further replies" tag you can use when a thread is closed? Not "Thread closed" (http://www.trade2win.com/boards/t2w-feedback-announcements/220816-unprofessional.html#post2847758) stated in such a way that makes the mod feel like some big tough guy. I was actually quite satisfied with counter_violent's response, which is the same as you explained above. The remarkl "thread closed" remark needs to be discussed with 333. Its all in how things are percieved. Next time use a more professional thread closing tool.

I might add in closing, if you want to beef up the quality of the site, you should speak to your regulars and moderate their constant attempts at humor in every thread. When its not mean spirited its fine, when it is, which is most of the time, it reeks of unprofessionalism and a severe lack of knowledge in the field of trading and more of a lack of purpose in life.

Thank you for your timely response. Good day and Happy New Year.
Hi optionpro,
I'm sorry to hear you're so dissatisfied with T2W. Alarmed by your comments, I researched the threads you mention to see if there are any lessons that Admin' need to learn from this. This is what I found . . .

The member you particularly liked was banned because s/he was also posting under two additional usernames in an attempt to promote a commercial site. This is in clear breach of our Community Constitution. Therefore, the actions of the Mods reflect this and are entirely appropriate. Regarding what you refer to as a 'thumbs up' from a Mod to a member you describe as a troll, the Mod concerned had the courtesy to reply to your thread with an explanation. As you've not been here for very long, you may not realise that our rep' system has a facility to add a small comment which is a quick and easy way to correspond with another member. So, it's not necessarily a 'thumbs up' as such and, indeed, many people use it to convey negative comments as well as positive ones. In this case, as the Mod concerned explained, it was merely a way to acknowledge that member for reporting the post of the person abusing our hospitality.

Whether or not the member with the avatar you take exception to is a troll is another matter entirely. If you feel they are in breach of the Community Constitution, then I suggest you report their offending post(s) to the Mod team using the red flag 'Report Post' facility and they will take the appropriate action. Finally, with regard to your 'Unprofessional' thread being closed, this is also covered in our Community Constitution under section 6. 'Respect for Moderators' which states:

6.1 Moderators are site members who freely give their time to ensure that discussions are friendly and civilised and conducted in accordance with the site's guidance. The forums could not function in the way that they do without the activities of the moderators and their efforts should be appreciated by all who use the site.
6.2 Please remember the moderators are volunteers. Try not to make their tasks even more time consuming by seeking to draw them into debate on the implementation of the rules in any particular case. Any thread which appears to be going down this route will be closed and/or removed.

To conclude, my findings are that your criticisms of T2W and its Mod' team are without foundation. In fact, I'd say the Mods have acted very fairly and professionally. If you wish to discuss the matter further, feel free to PM me and I will look into it.

Hi Tim,

It's also probably worth mentioning that Mods operate completely independently of T2W.
They are not employed in any capacity, such that they can be impartial in their decision making at all times.
All in all I think the T2W lot have done a great job in 2016. Nobody is perfect but they have done well and I look forward to 2017 already.
I've just been on Elitetrader and as a new trader I was a bit lost. Maybe in a few years I will find it useful but at the moment I prefer the environment at T2W
We should stop labeling "socialism" or "capitalism" as each means 11 different things to 10 individuals.

There are only single ideas, about how humanity should conduct itself. Each those ideas should live or die on their own merit.

Benefit to the individual vs society, which should prevail is determined by careful analysis.

Lets get rid of the labels.