Duncan Robertson - Chief Wizard

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Trendie, just read through your last post and tell me you haven't learnt anything.

As for being thick, did you read past past #10?
See, you guys have been having a lot of stuff for FREE that others are paying £5k for........

some of CW's pupils (!?) go on to prosper bigtime, and start spreading the word themselves.....

see - http://www.learntotradefutures.com/press.htm#3

for 'Isle of Skye' you can substitute 'IOM' if you like.........

£5k's worth - "The course was very good and I've been paper trading (practising) ever since, " she said

money well spent - this could be you.......!

ps - "you have to keep on practising until you learn to read the charts properly"
What have I learnt ?
Rolling hedgehogs, braying donkeys, birds with sticks.
I HAVE enjoyed these stories.
I have endured reading many pages, and not understanding.
Then, an analogy is used, and suddenly, things I struggled with, became clear.

I still have a problem with the militaristic viewpoint - I prefer a non-conftrontational analogy.
But, apparently, I may have to endure this to succeed. Perhaps I need to go beyond current limits into uncomfortable territory to achieve this, and this is what is hampering me.

( I quite like envisioning the Dow price as the current in a big ocean, and I have to sail my boat with the current )

I quite like my own path - it is more enjoyable and lovely than your bullet-ridden battlefield.

I have learnt things, yes, and I acknowledge them.

The crunch question is whether I am going to develop a TP ? Personally, this is a bit over-the-top !!
I do wonder whether it is necessary to go to those extremes. ( I believe you may have asked this yourself ).
I do place considerable emphasis on mind-sets, and am working my way towards one.
Here, it may be a question of whether I can find a style of thinking I empathise with.
( imposing a style of thinking that doesnt sit well with your natural way of thinking about the world may be difficult to achieve ).

Taking your natural mindset, and developing it, as in NLP. may well be a valid option.

Traders make money using many different styles of trading.
Equally, there may be many different styles of mindsets that are valid.

As to being thick - I was being flip ! 😉

I have to go now - my wine is getting warm.
Have a good weekend, TheBramble.
twalker said:
Funny. After 1,108 steps you boyz are still in the dark...I mean, basement..


May be I am the only one with futurologkal insight as I remember predicting this would all end in a big ol' mess shortly after receiving a ban for suggesting THE TRUTH!

Hold your heads in shame.

From the Moderators:

PLEASE READ THIS - and heed the warning

This thread is devoted to Socrates' allegories relating to trader psychology, which combine to help raise advanced traders from the basement to the rarified levels of trading attained by very few. This thread forms part of the 'dark arts' of trading using just price and volume bars (no indicators or signals), and on this thread the practitioners of price and volume are referred to as 'darksiders'.

This thread is NOT to be used for debate, nor for posting your opinions of the style/manner in which this thread is formed - it is solely for those who are prepared to respond in a respectful and educated manner to the allegories and experiences posed by Socrates.

Debate and opinions can be posted on 8,000 threads on these boards but NOT on this thread nor the No Indicators Revisited thread.

ANYONE WHO DISRUPTS THIS THREAD by making repeated comment which is deemed by any Mod to be unfit (including but not limited to being rude, personal, aggressive, highly opinionated, egotistical, antagonistic, pointless or stupid) WILL BE BANNED, initially for one week (and extended for any further violation including use of duplicate nicks), and/or their POSTS WILL BE REMOVED without further reference to the poster.

Regrettably this has had to be stated as there are a handful of posters on these boards who have neither the manners nor the respect to allow other traders to share their valuable knowledge with others in posts on this thread, and on the No Indicators Revisted thread, without being attacked.


Well, we're learning more about the 'dark arts' by the day.........

multiple personas are required to succeed.......

Regards, Beatrice and Gladys

ps - I just hope that Albert returns to lead us to the 1st floor....
A tyro's view

Entertaining - always. The thread I clicked on first.
Informative - usually. Especially the mechanical stuff on price and volume analysis.
Bizarre - occasionally, and not just Socrates - but that contributed to the entertainment and it made me, and perhaps others, think a bit more deeply
Incredible - not convinced by futurology.
Demonstration of mass psychology (not my field I have to say) the thread as a whole - and some of the reactions to recent denouements. Perhaps some student of psychology may find rich pickings here.
Can anyone deny that Socrates put enormous, almost obsessive, effort into the thread? And, as far as I know, asked for nothing in return.
By the way Socrates, thanks for the recent bit about price without volume.
In his use of critical reasoning, by his unwavering commitment to truth, and through the vivid example of his own life, fifth-century Athenian Socrates set the standard for all subsequent Western philosophy.

During his youth, Socrates showed a great deal of interest in certain scientific theories but he later abandoned inquiries into the physical world for a dedicated investigation of the development of moral character.

Socrates devoted himself to free-wheeling discussion with the aristocratic young citizens of Athens, insistently questioning their unwarranted confidence in the truth of popular opinions. Despite (or, perhaps, because) of his lofty disdain for material success, many of them were fanatically loyal to him.

Most remarkably, Socrates argued that knowledge and virtue are so closely related that no human agent ever knowingly does evil - we all invariably do what we believe to be best. Improper conduct, then, can only be a product of our ignorance rather than a symptom of weakness of the will

An Athenian jury sentenced him to death in 399 B.C.E for corrupting the cities youth and interfering with the religion of the city. Accepting this outcome with remarkable grace, Socrates drank hemlock and died in the company of his friends and disciples.”

Some parallels here don’t you think. I now count the person who uses Socrates name as a nick as a friend and have found him generous, sensitive and very supportive – not at all as portrayed by his outspoken detractors of whom there are in reality very few as measured against the popularity of his thread.

I am though, sorry that, as the thread has drawn to its close, the standards set by our moderators for it have slipped. It is always hard to deal with conflict of interest situations though.

This will be my last post on the site. Goodbye
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Dear Ron,

ANYONE WHO DISRUPTS THIS THREAD by making repeated comment which is deemed by any Mod to be unfit (including but not limited to being rude, personal, aggressive, highly opinionated, egotistical, antagonistic, pointless or stupid) WILL BE BANNED.

The show of petulance and intolerance as stated above could easily get you BANNED......

please reconsider.....

I'm sure the last thing Socrates would have wanted would be to polarise the thread that was dedicated to him.....

Think about it.....
You moderators should feel ashamed of yourselves.
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ChartMan said:
Ashamed of what, exactly?

Ashamed of burying dissenting posts in a much lesser read thread than the thread in which they were originally intended.
There are many people on this board who recognise Socrates as a fraud, yet our opinion is effectively not given the same weight as those who believe he is genuine. It is ridiculously undemocratic that Labos should be given the privileges he has been granted.

It wouldn't be quite as bad if you had moved these posts to a new one and entitled it something like "SOCRATES IS A COMPLETE FRAUD" or similar. At least people would know what the the thread was about....
jimvt said:
Ashamed of burying dissenting posts in a much lesser read thread than the thread in which they were originally intended.
There are many people on this board who recognise Socrates as a fraud, yet our opinion is effectively not given the same weight as those who believe he is genuine. It is ridiculously undemocratic that Labos should be given the privileges he has been granted.

It wouldn't be quite as bad if you had moved these posts to a new one and entitled it something like "SOCRATES IS A COMPLETE FRAUD" or similar. At least people would know what the the thread was about....


Disagree with that entirely. As I see it the mods were trying to protect the discussion, not the man.

I, for one, couldn't give a tinkers cuss if Socrates is the Devil incarnate or the Messiah. It makes not a jot of difference. The journey thread caused me to think more deeply about how I operate than I have ever done before and that has proved beneficial to me and my trading.

good trading


Where is the proof that Socratees has done something fraudulent in these posts. What he may or may not have done elsewhere/another time is not an issue here.
I am ashamed of nothing that I have done. It was requested that this thread be kept open and free from abuse etc. It was also suggested that should anyone want to lay complaints, it should be done on another thread.
Nothing has been burried. What priveledges has Labos been granted over and above someone else?
Isn’t Twig Bird an anagram of Big Dr Wit?

Surely, it was just a wind-up and a useful demonstration of crowd psychology at work?


What he may or may not have done elsewhere/another time is not an issue here

Unless he was using T2W as a free platform to hook clients that is! I agree with the previous thoughts as to the situation almost becoming 'cult like' and if socrates did recieve as many pms as he boasted!? how many where from grail chasers with money to burn?
(might be an idea to contact mods if you where)

It was requested that this thread be kept open and free from abuse etc.

Id hardly count 'facts coming to public light' as abuse. 😱


ps. Think it was wrong to split the thread also.
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