Duncan Robertson - Chief Wizard

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I find it extraordinary that after what has been revealed today, people are continuing to post as if nothing has changed!
jimvt said:
I find it extraordinary that after what has been revealed today, people are continuing to post as if nothing has changed!

I understand your surprise but what do you think should happen ?


This is fantastic !!
Maybe the point of the 100,000th read was some kind of (his) personal objective, to see how long he could get people to follow him !

Ironically, the whole thread of being a superior trader, and being independant, yet he waits for the 100,000th read, which is herd mentality!

My head is spinning.
Funny. After 1,108 steps you boyz are still in the dark...I mean, basement..
That is a good question. Many good people have devoted an inordinate amount of time and thought towards this thread. If I was one of them I would be feeling very angry right now. I hope that they don't continue simply because it is painful to acknowkledge a mistake. I just hope no one has parted with any money.

I also hope that Socrates / Albert feels some shame though I know that is unrealistic.

jimvt said:
That is a good question. Many good people have devoted an inordinate amount of time and thought towards this thread. If I was one of them I would be feeling very angry right now. I hope that they don't continue simply because it is painful to acknowkledge a mistake. I just hope no one has parted with any money.

I also hope that Socrates / Albert feels some shame though I know that is unrealistic.


Those who think SOCRATES is a charlatan will be reinforced in their thoughts.

Those who think he is the cats whiskers will continue to think so

Those who think that some or all of what he said had merit and found it useful will continue to think so.

If anyone has parted with money and to the best of my knowledge he has not asked for any on this thread, then they may be uneasy.

I will continue to read what he has to say, consider its merits and act accordingly. I don't consider the time I have spent reading the posts on this thread as a waste of time, I have found it useful.

Each to his own


Look, this situation is all part of the infinitely valuable, thought provoking and might I add FREE lesson that is offered by Socrates/Albert/CW on this thread….

It is the lesson of what can by achieved (related to stock markets) by the use of multiple persona's and aliases….

Socrates could easily have had this thread set up so that it was a ‘pay to view’ private thread (enter your credit card details) but he hasn’t…….

It has all been FREE and I hope that this is appreciated by those who are gaining so much from the lessons….(and you know who you are..)

I can reveal that as agent for Socrates, I can offer a unique opportunity for personal tuition by the Chief Wizard, in the ‘Star Chamber’ in Sussex, for the discounted price of £10,000 per person….


Transport to the venue will be by ‘magic bus’ from various pickup points throughout the UK, and the course will last two nights (11.30pm – 7.30am)

It is anticipated that demand will be heavy, and there are a limited number of places, so prompt booking is essential……

All the main components of previous courses will be featured including chair restraint and blindfolds - Albert feels that this part of the course will be particularly beneficial for many of you....

Cheques should be made out to ‘TS Enterprises’ or credit card details should be sent to:-

PO Box 666

Full course details will be sent by return of post……

That is all
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Contrary to what everyone else is saying and having looked at these links it appears (to me at least) that Duncan Robertson copied the work of Albert Labos and not that the two are the same person ?

Trader333 said:
Contrary to what everyone else is saying and having looked at these links it appears (to me at least) that Duncan Robertson copied the work of Albert Labos and not that the two are the same person ?

That's how I read it too, but it doesn't change my view of Albert Labos.
tradesmart said:
Look, this situation is all part of the infinitely valuable, thought provoking and might I add FREE lesson that is offered by Socrates/Albert/Duncan/CW on this thread….

It is the lesson of what can by achieved (related to stock markets) by the use of multiple persona's and aliases….

Socrates could easily have had this thread set up so that it was ‘pay to view’ private thread (enter your credit card details) but he hasn’t…….

It has all been FREE and I hope that this is appreciated by those who are gaining so much from the lessons….(and you know who you are..)

I can reveal that as agent for Socrates, I can offer a unique opportunity for personal tuition by the Chief Wizard, in the ‘Star Chamber’ on the Isle of Sky. For the discounted price of £10,000 per person….


Transport to the venue will be by ‘magic bus’ from various pickup points throughout the UK, and the course will last two nights (11.30pm – 7.30am)

It is anticipated that demand will be heavy, and there are a limited number of places, so prompt booking is essential……

All the main components of previous courses will be featured including chair restraint and blindfolds - Duncan feels that this part of the course will be particularly beneficial for many of you....

Cheques should be made out to ‘TS Enterprises’ or credit card details should be sent to:-

PO Box 666

Full course details will be sent by return of post……

That is all

Those privileged enough to be invited to this inner circle must be sworn to secrecy of course.....
The behaviour being shown here now is symptomatic of the usual suspects who want easy short cuts and are not prepared to do their homework. The people who wish to will already have taken the trouble to investigate the matters being ventilated and will be satisfied with what they found.
Rognvald said:
The behaviour being shown here now is symptomatic of the usual suspects who want easy short cuts and are not prepared to do their homework.
That could have been spoken by the great man himself.

Brackes summation is probably correct.
I still dont understand what the POINT of all this was.

If it was just some big mind-game, then fine.

If it was all genuine, then what!! ( just because somebody did bad things before, doesn’t mean they should be labelled bad forever more, but the modus-operandi; belittling people who disagree, writing about psychology of trading, but not giving any(many) trading examples, etc seems to suggest this was the same game being played )
The releasing of the identity Labos could not have been accidental.
If it was real, then are we to treat this as another analogy ?

If this was a big con then what?
Are we to infer that we allowed ourselves to rely too heavily on him, and treated him as a favourite indicator ?
Are our reactions telling us something about ourselves ?

But the more sinister aspect jimvt has mentioned.
“….hope no-one has parted with any money …”.
Was the purpose to create a group, and “groom” some to buy a course.
Such as writing to individuals and saying “ I liked your posts. You really understand me. You are better than the rest. I invite you to my special course…for a fee” etc.

How many people would admit to this anyway? Theyd be too embarrassed.

This is world-class weirdness.

I propose we start a new thread.
Our HP is constantly bombarded by garbage, and needs protecting.
But we need to develop a means of training ourselves to protect our HP.
We need a Cynical Persona, or CP, to save ourselves from harm.
Any takers??

Tonight is a 2-bottle Friday!!
After my Piper-Heidseck, I think I shall open a merlot. Cheers.
Well Well, an interesting day or 2 on this thread.

Firstly, someone asked about Mike Elvin. I met him at the T2W xmas party and then saw him speak at the Hatfield trader's day in FEB. I seem to recall him saying he was a qualified psychologist but that he now trades for a living. I certainly do remember him talking about the course he went on that was a total waste of time and money, shame i didn't remember the Chief Wizard bit.
As for Soc or however it is, I was always a bit sceptical, especially when an experienced trader like Newtron Bomb called his bluff, so at least I haven't devoted too much time to this thread.
Even if he is a fraud at least it's made me look at myself and my trading from a psycological point of view and i've certainly identified some weak points to work on.
Interesting to see what develops from here :cheesy:
Good weekend everyone

trendie said:
But the more sinister aspect jimvt has mentioned.
“….hope no-one has parted with any money …”.
Was the purpose to create a group, and “groom” some to buy a course.
Such as writing to individuals and saying “ I liked your posts. You really understand me. You are better than the rest. I invite you to my special course…for a fee” etc.

How many people would admit to this anyway? Theyd be too embarrassed.
That's exactly what worries me the most. I think you put it very well using the word "groomed".
He is not really in a position to advertise openly for his courses after what has been written by Mike Elvin so must find his new victims in a more stealth-like way.

Have a good weekend.
I really thought the mods would have deleted this stuff by now..

Listen, there are 2 typical responses to Socrates' posts. Dislike or Like. Of those who dislike Socrates' posts they either ignore/stay away or attack. For those who like Socrates' posts they either lurk or contribute.

After initially falling into the 'find Socrates a pompous, arrogant windbag' major Dislike camp, I realised pretty quickly this guy knows more about trading and the markets than I do. There's something to learn. And there was/is.

For those feeling confused about these 'revelations' today - ask yourself this - "Have you learnt anything useful?"

And as for the shock/horror of the tie-up between Albert Labos/Socrates/Chief Wizard...

The Chief WIzard/Socrates/Albert Labos thing was uncovered on ET weeks ago. I also had the 'relationship' confirmed by two quite separate sources that I trust.

So what!

As far as I have been able to tell, Albert Labos was badly thought of by one attendee of his course. We know that there will be divisions of opinions among attendees of all courses, seminars, coaching sessions etc. But just one 'known' attendee coming out saying his course was crap - apparently. There will always be at least one, for whatever reason that finds a course crap. And this is no reflection on the source of this information whose writings I appreciate.

But there are no other negatives of which I am aware. One of his student's, Duncan Robertson, went off and started running courses in a similar vein but plagiarising not only Albert Labos' stuff but another chap doing a similar thing in Spain (Cole or Coleman was it?). Robertson is even 'credited' with nicking someones website design & layout. What a star! But what has this got to do with Albert Labos? Absolutely nothing.

And as for those who jump on their 'chance' to do the guy down...they could have done this weeks ago if they had their finger on the pulse and were savvy enough.

If the jackals had been as ardent in their research on Socrates as they have been to grab the morsels offered by their very 'prey' itself, they would probably be good traders - rather than peevish snipers.

And on that topic, do you really think anyone would go to this much trouble, time and effort over such a long period to grab a few dozen £5000s? He could have run a month worth of ads in the Sunday's to achieve that.

I suspect it's more an indication of the jackals' current earning levels to equate all that time and effort with such risible amounts.

Mmmm...that feels better. Can I join the bun-fight club now?
Like and Dislike are both emotions.

I am trying to be even-handed, and make an objective decision.
I agree that we must ask ourselves if we have learnt anything.
Personally, no, because, although an interested reader, I am quite happy with my own path.
And have a genuine curiosity about other paths.

Whether I like or dislike him is irrelevant.
If I like him, dosent make what he says any more valid.
If I dislike him, doesnt make what he says any less valid.
Truth is objective. ( as can be from my imperfect perspective )

I cant make a decision on my feelings - thats why I am still prepared to accept this may be just another analogy.

As I said before , this is world-class weirdness.
trendie said:
I am trying to be even-handed, and make an objective decision.
Trendie, with the greatest respect, no, you are not.

You don't 'decide' on stuff like this. You either 'get it' or you don't.

For those that don't (and I'm one of them - still, a bit) you either persevere and try really hard to, or you go away thinking you're a failure (which one never is) or you decide your inability is someone else's fault.

Go with your instinct. Which ever way it goes, it's right.
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