Spread Betting Winning Strategy!!!

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So is this all ******** then or is it actually worthwhile?

Tbh I'm looking for a decent guide/book to spread betting and technical analysis having not used them before and if this is generally a good one then I might stump up the cash.

Hello, let me make this perfectly clear about my reviews on amazon.

1. you can email or phone amazon to have them clarify that the reviews are from account holders that bought the manual &CD, this same old BS. about me writing the reviews is starting to ware thin now, you can only leave the review with an account used to buy the product! email amazon.

2. I trade full time, have done for the past 10 years, My money is made from trading and trading only, money I make from manual & CD is very very small and only covers my time that I put into my forum and the effort I put into it in helping my members.

3. I run trades on my forum, and have just started a new project called the £1000 account, this is to show new traders what can be done even with a small account. I don't trade this account every day as I have my own trading to do and questions to answer on my forum. But If you are interested then the £1000 account is now £2900 in 3 weeks.
I show all of the trades and account pictures and trade ID codes to prove they were made and when they were made. The over all aim of this is to get to £10,000 by next year and then donate the money to children in need, on behalf of my forum.

4. My forum is free to join if you have any doubts or questions I will answer them, theres no problems, and my forum is a very friendly place, unlike T2W that seems to have a lot of keyboard Warriors, my members are a very cool bunch of people that will help you when they can, there is never any bitching on the forum, everyone is friendly and helps you out!. I have spent a stupid amount of time on my forum and still do, for example yesterday I spent from 8.30 in the morn to 11pm at night on there answering questions and running a couple of forex trades with some of my members, I think it was EUR/USD (the trade took home 260+ pips if your are interested)

5. I have posted videos on my forum that show live trades in action, Im not one of these t2w guys that says I done this that or made this and that, my videos show you me make the money and show you how I do it.

I hope this clears a few things up for people, as there is miss understandings here and some have the rong end of the stick.

LOL- From now on, I will be very careful with Amazon`s review. Thanks for bringing to our attention- I have never ever n will never ever read so "flowery" comments about anything in my life. LOL... Now I am not saying Mr Robertson wrote it all himself even though all the reviewers seemed to have been taught by the teacher...

TBH I can fully understand the "flowery comments". IF you've never traded before it must come as quite a 'Eureka moment' when you discover the programme, its strategy and the execution. If you are a trading virgin and go from zero to profitable inside days it must be a great feeling. Thereafter if you stay with the plan you'll perhaps never experience some of the pain most of us go through.

Look, anyone can be taught where the buying zone is, not rocket science is it? Thereafter it's all about; discipline, money management and having the cajunas to pull the trigger and the sense/experience of when to exit. Davie's programme can help with the latter 3 but as we all know once taught (even the v.basics) it's all about YOU.

Like I said further up the only criticism I have is the presentation and parts of the commentary could do with a bit of tweaking/removal, but FFS for 140-150 quid, when so many writhe in agony re. when to move from paper trades to the real world, flitting through threads looking for magic bullets.. I can't see any issues.

I class myself as an intermedaite trader always on the look out for something new, something different that I can take bits from and perhaps add to my own edge/strategy. For the cost of the profit on the small move on the DOW this morning from 8 'til now it's a bargain for newbies and for me it's a v. good addition to my armoury/library.

Buy it, don't buy it, but TBH for those quibbling and procastinating over 140-150 quid they need to find another passtime/job/future.
on the other hand

Oddly despite my misgivings earlier I must defend David. I'm not gonna gush and gush but he does seem to spend a lot of time on his forum taking the people by the hand......

His course is now 87.99 on Amazon which ok is a bummer if you paid 150 as many did,however if you know nothing or very little re spreadbetting, having read most of whats out there it has to be worth reading including mm and even a system for trading....I bought it and don't use the systems as they simply do not cover areas I am interested in.

He is bringing out a new course in very near future so personally if you haven't bought the course I would wait for new one...having said that it will cost more but apparently cover a lot more.

Bottom line is his forum is free so you can join and get a taste of his style and whats coming up.

Seems to be plenty there happy with what they have archived. I call in occasionally to see if there's anything of use to MY situation but I don't contribute for reasons of my my own.

Bottom line check the forum, if you like it fine...if not fine.

Yes I'm bringing out a new course on Monday 30th, what this will show you is how to trade on any time frame and on any market.

I use this for trading shares/stocks, commodities, forex, futures. And can be used from the 1 minute charts up to the daily/weekly charts.

I have also included my ftse,dow,cac, scalping method which grabs around 10-40 points per trade(each trade lasting around 5-20 minutes using a 3 minute-5 minute chart)

PDP is the main trading technique that I use, what this will do is give signals to buy/sell when price is at an extreme point and showing momentum slow down/build up, it is a very accurate technique, and I have already took 7 members of my forum and coached them on how to use this, you can follow there results on my forum. A few members are up over 400points in the first few weeks another is up around 250-300pts just trading the 15 minute charts.

I have also included other trading methods in this course to give the trader an all round tool box to use on the markets under any condition, but again PDP is the main one here, for example if you were using this 1 technique you would have caught all the major sell offs from RBS, LLOYDS, HSBC were most dropped 50%+ in 1 day. PDP works under any market condition and I prove that on the CD's that come with the course.
I don't use historical data from 2000-2006 when everything was trending and even a donkey could make money, on the CD's I use real time data and daily charts from just 1-5 weeks ago (Feb-Mar 2009) to show you that even with the current market conditions that PDP still makes money.

Along with this course is support from me all the way,

I will be making videos everyday for the PDP buyers, these will be 'HD' videos based on the days set ups, and my analysis on open trades. (everyday at 6-7pm)

I will also make videos and give my analysis on the major indexes, forex, & commodities every week.

I will also send out a weekly newsletter on Sunday nights(this is not a promotional letter) it is used for giving the weeks trading report, and what we may see in the coming week.

I also provide ongoing email & forum support, and I'm about to launch my LIVE trading room on the net, where PDP users can log in and watch me trade and also ask questions.

I will also be addin more training videos that will keep you o your toes and keep your training making you a better trader.

So overall its not just a case of buying a book and 3 CD's, it's all of the above that you get when you buy the PDP course. Which I think is a pretty good deal, considering I don't charge any subscriptions.

Mnay courses out there will charge £500-£2000+ and only give you tatters, seminars charge 2000-10,000+ for 1-3 days worth of training and leave you to it!

I don't charge anywhere near that, I only charge a one off low payment to cover my time that I put into this, and provide support everyday as much as you need it aswell as the daily videos and trading room.

Every hour I spen on my forum or helping others is an hour away from trading, and thats why I charge the fee I do, but again for everything that you get its a low fee.

You seem fairly honest but I don't quite understand why you are bothering to share this with everyone. Its not like a sport where you get some coaches who are just in love with their sport so much they spend every waking hour researching or teaching someone a new technique or how to get better.. or maybe it is but you state adamantly that trading is not a game..

I've read about the differences between PDP and the current book but will everything in the current one also be in PDP? To be honest I think I would like to buy the current one on amazon and then see where I go from there.
You seem fairly honest but I don't quite understand why you are bothering to share this with everyone. Its not like a sport where you get some coaches who are just in love with their sport so much they spend every waking hour researching or teaching someone a new technique or how to get better.. or maybe it is but you state adamantly that trading is not a game..

I've read about the differences between PDP and the current book but will everything in the current one also be in PDP? To be honest I think I would like to buy the current one on amazon and then see where I go from there.


Well to answer you first question, I love trading, its not just a job to me but I like to talk about trading and technical analysis, so why not do it in a way were I can show others what I do and how I do it, rather than to other traders where its ego over ego, doing what I do is more of a challange to me as I take someone and teach them to do what I like doing, and then to see them make money is a good feeling I guess becasue its with my effort that they go there!

On my forum we talk about trading as a whole, and technical analysis eeveryday so I'm more than happy to do this and put my time and effort into it.

As far a s the SB course goes I will be taking it of the shelf as it will be replaced with PDP on Monday. There is no conections to these manauls & CD's they are 100% totally different.

Well I've just bought it from you.

Made my first spread bet today using just charts, 10p a point on IG and made 35 points. Might have been just luck and now looking at the chart I could have made over a 100 but oh well.
Hi All!
I'm just wondering why you you spread bet instead of spot forex, of cfd's I'm trying to figure out if you are losing profit because the broker can skim more off but have no evidence just a healthy cynicism!


Hi All!
I'm just wondering why you you spread bet instead of spot forex, of cfd's I'm trying to figure out if you are losing profit because the broker can skim more off but have no evidence just a healthy cynicism!



Hi I use spread betting for the UK & US shares/stocks not forex.

Hey Mr SP,
I just brought the book from Amazon for 100gbp. Can u confirm whether this is the original or the new PDP. I only ask as it is now the 31st, and also I took the link straight from your website "mr-spread-betting.com", and so assumed that this was the new copy.
I am fairly new to spread betting, just coming back into it now after being badly burnt in the past. I have followed this thread as well as dante's review thread. I am very keen to become a new customer but am just unsure of what I have just purchased!!
Thank you
Hey Mr SP,
I just brought the book from Amazon for 100gbp. Can u confirm whether this is the original or the new PDP. I only ask as it is now the 31st, and also I took the link straight from your website "mr-spread-betting.com", and so assumed that this was the new copy.
I am fairly new to spread betting, just coming back into it now after being badly burnt in the past. I have followed this thread as well as dante's review thread. I am very keen to become a new customer but am just unsure of what I have just purchased!!
Thank you

Hi if its the £100 book then its my last one that trader dante and others reviewed.

My new one is £240 and comes with nightly videos and live trading room membership.
Hey Mr Spreadbetting, can u kindly answer the question from Bakez who asked

Originally Posted by MrSpreadBetting
Hi I use spread betting for the UK & US shares/stocks not forex.



What do you use for forex?



I have just been going through the threads about your trading system. I notice that on Amazon your old book is unavailable and you have a new one on your website. Is the old system, that has been reviewed in T2W, in the new book or is it a completely new system? (Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere).


I have just been going through the threads about your trading system. I notice that on Amazon your old book is unavailable and you have a new one on your website. Is the old system, that has been reviewed in T2W, in the new book or is it a completely new system? (Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere).


Completely new system(s)... check some posts a couple of pages back by Davie to see what is included.
I'm very intrigued. I just looked on Amazon for this system and it's been pulled. I remember seeing it on Amazon last year but I shyed away from it. Is anyone still using this system and did it work ok? If so, why is it unavailable now?
I'm very intrigued. I just looked on Amazon for this system and it's been pulled. I remember seeing it on Amazon last year but I shyed away from it. Is anyone still using this system and did it work ok? If so, why is it unavailable now?


I have just released my new course, in which sales went through the roof on its first day of release.

I only registered so many copys with amazon, and the sales hit that on day 1, I didnt think that would happen.

So until I send a fax or scan to amazon to declare more copys its temp off there site.

my website is Home and all the info is there aswell as my own forum, you can also buy this from paypal.

ps, if it didnt work then my members wouldnt have bought the new one!

Ok I've found it and answered my own question, sorry for the posting. Looks like I picked up an old link to Amazon.
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