Bid A-Tool said:
Don't worry about it. Rolls wasn't to know. I just want people to help develop the system. Constructive critics are great because it can help to improve things. This system isn't perfect but with a good Stop Loss it can help us win. These signals are for everyone.
I will admit when I am wrong. I am not that proud.
Bid A-Tool
Bid -A-Tool. I'm sorry about your mum and no offense was intended. I will bow out of this thread shortly but first I would like to make a few points.
Let's get some facts straight. Some of the things you have been saying have come across as extremely immature to say the least. This site is called Trade2Win and I hope it is for serious traders who want to make their hard earned money grow into something worth having, perhaps as part of their pensions. As it was suggested earlier, it only takes one black swan to be wiped out, and I'm sorry your strategy is not black swan proof. (For further info on black swans read Karl Popper and Niederhoffer)
Furthermore if you had posted your strategy on the Elitetrader site you may not have found such good humour.
I found your sometimes smug attitude alarming especially as the strategy being proposed was ill conceived and soon exposed to be as such. Look at the way you changed your mind re stops every five minutes. This is a sure way to get roasted.
I like many traders have spent much time and money learning this most demanding of skills and do not take lightly to a novice appearing and treating the process as if it is some kind of game like Monopoly.
Trading is a war and it takes no prisoners. To many trading is almost a life and death situation
and success or failure will literally make or break them. Against all advice many are putting their financial welfare on the line. It is better you are shot down here before you or anybody else get murdered in the real market place.
You will not be the first or last who presents these boards with a new and wonderful key to success. The fact is that there is no Holy Grail and no one line solution to successful trading. If there was then everybody would be doing it.
rols said:
There is no right or wrong about it. Like the markets there is no certainty, no black or white, just infinite shades of grey. Rainbows are for dreamers. Every trader has his own personality. Advice is cheap and ultimately meaningless.This is why I believe it is at best misleading to give advice and foolish to take any.
"If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster."
Uncle Harry.