Taking more wins quickly is certainly a more pleasant way to trade for me, but I am still not convinced that I don't end up more profitable in the long run holding out for the big wins. I'll try to keep comparing and see if it gets clearer.
just a thought, tradertony [and thanks for your daily commentry..excellent]..being "true to yourself" is never more apt than in this line of work: The market will surely test your resolve; and until the trader becomes more self assured he or she will be very much at the mercy of the usual insecurities which plague all of us to a greater or lesser degree, self doubt being one of them. Developing your own style is entirely congruent with becoming ever more "true to yourself" but it takes time, lots of time: And time isn't something much of feel we have when the issue of survival rears its ugly head!
Embracing the advice of others who have been before us has its place when looking to develop a own sense of ourselves; and in any arena of life. After all, it would be arrogant to dismiss the wisdom of our teachers and elders when we can bring very little to the table ourselves through a relative degree of inexperience. I dare say the idea of back testing others ideas is a sensible one, even essential if one is to be assured of the usefulness of a particular bit of advice/tool etc. But when trading with your own money it is probably better to do as you will which feels most comfortable to you. After all it is you that has to live [or die ] by the decisions you take: A huge responsibility, i feel. I read somewhere that as humans we make our decisions useing our intellect but act on our feelings.
Trying to live by some elses rules will bring with it huge conflict and your spirit will be desperate to free itself of such a burden . When ever you sense conflict in what your heart is telling you with what someone elses' system is telling you, act on the former prompt! if scalping's your game for now then so be it! trailing stops are for those who rely more on a mechanical approach to trading. Fine for those who prefer that. Targets, too, are all well and good, in theory [and at times in practice], but often as not the market will contrive to defeat those players with a sharp pull back to shake out weak positions only to then return and complete the target objective . etc etc
There are others who watch the p/l and take a profit when it seems enough! to them. A little arbitrary and lacking in finesse, but if it works for them! etc. I elliott wave coupled with chart patterns and macd +14 stochastic and 145 period[!] stochastic on 1 min charts
WHATEVER works for you is right for you! Yoiur personal style must be allowed to develop naturally or any enjoyment this works affords you will be eclipsed by nagging doubt, internal conflict and, dare i say it, the possibilty of your account going nowhere over the longer term. have a look at
And Be true to yourself.