Justyn: Congratulations on the new arrival. It is very nice to see you back on the forum. I enjoyed reading your posts.
Tradesmart: Do you have any children? – I'd be interested to know their names?.
CM: Thank you for editing my post. Your comments are very helpful, as always. I am honoured to have the grand title of ‘chief traderess’ bestowed upon me. It is also very tactful of you....’chief gambleress’ might have been more appropriate.
I really wish that ‘taking a big slice out of the market’ did make me feel a bit invincible. (That must be a male thing.....no offence intended). It has the opposite effect on me, it makes me think I just 'got lucky'. I would feel much more confident if I could get consistent daily gains (like TT), rather than just have a few days of great results.
It is a male thing, I'm sure. The Lady traders I know of ( not many) don't suffer from it.
It is better to be cautious and right, than daring and wrong. And I'd rather be skilful than lucky – luck eventually runs out. The problem is, I don’t always know when I am gambling. Hopefully, that will come with practice. I didn’t think my Tuesday entry was a gamble (see post #31), but I did know I was taking a risk yesterday.
Risk is good so long as you KNOW it's a risk!
I have also noticed that I tend to attribute my gains to luck, but I blame my lack of expertise for any losses. This is not very logical....I probably need therapy of some sort.....but I can’t afford it, so I'll just have to muddle on.
I'm now going to get a cuppa and prepare for this afternoon. I am already feeling the pressure of living up to my new title. However, I think I might be the ‘only’ traderess here at the moment, so that puts things into perspective. I will have to get a lot of practice in before any competition arrives!
Good luck (I mean, good trading) everyone...
“The Chief Traderess”