Dow Intraday Charts 06 Dec - 10 Dec

TS - looks like you are still on December contract

You have to trade the Dec contract if you want to catch the Santa Rally.....!

Expires 17th Dec - but watch out for the triple witching........ :cool:

(Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be standing by.........)
Just to clarify for anyone I've managed to confuse, December contract does not expire until the 17th as TS rightly points out, but last Thursday was rollover day and March contract is now the lead month with the vast majority of the volume.

The December contract can still be traded until expiry, but if you want decent fills and 1 point spreads you'll find them on March contract now (see attached volume comparison from CBOT).


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You're not wrong TTony - the liquidity has plainly migrated to March even though Santa hasn't arrived yet.......!

And heres raising a glass of seasonal liquidity to gamblers (sorry,traders..) everywhere.. :cheesy:


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Help needed - just wasted around an hour minimum trying to set sierrachart/IB to new front month (YM-200503-ECBOT.mnd) which loads ok & seems to save as a XX.cht but when I try to reopen the .cht the screen's a blank - I've checked out the on-line sierra manual, which isn't particularly well written, in my opinion, but hey, I'm obviously doing something wrong. This is the first time I've had to do a rollover to a new month (recent IB/sierra connection etc). I'm hoping to get this sorted tonight ready for tomorrow - any help gratefully received.


ps - also loaded latest IB TWS rev which looks quite good - but I haven't fully cjecked out because of he above prob.
Weird - if I close the blank chartbook & then immediately reopen (same name etc) it then reopens ok. I guess I can live with this but it's a bit spooky & offputting. I haven't had any other problems re sierra/Ib feed - probably me :rolleyes:

BTW - learning a lot from the various chart postings, including the various chart setups.
Right - here goes!
This method will provide a file which is an extension of the old contract, and is what I assume is your intention.
Firstly you'll need to delete the small existing YM-200503-ECBOT.mnd file that you've probably created, by making sure Sierra isn't running and going into the data file of Sierra Charts.
Then right click on your existing YM file which will probably be YM-200412-ECBOT, Copy and then edit/paste this to create a copy of this file. Rename this file YM-200503-ECBOT.mnd, remembering to include the file extension!
Then next time you open Sierra you can then go to file/open new intraday file and your YM-200503-ECBOT file will be there ready and waiting. ;)
A final action will be to ensure that the new file is loaded as an historical file update in the list which is towards the bottom of the edit option on the main Sierra Chart menu. ;)
Hope this helps, and as you can probably tell, I know how you feel. This information was freely supplied by our Sierra star JonnyT, when I found myself in the same predicament. :LOL:
Cheers Q - hopefully next rollover will be easier :cheesy: (I'll keep the instrucions to hand). Thanks again - I was getting ready to do a Victor Meldrew ( :cheesy: One foot in the grave - sitcom)

What I need to do now is get get my fingers (& brain) working more quickly when I'm in profit (rabbit & headlights come to mind) - I've a habit of letting it slip into the red & then 'bottling out' just at the wrong time :rolleyes: , but at least I now know I'm doing this & much less often to be honest, although I've had a few painful lessons these are starting to bear fruit - s-l-o-w-l-y.

Good trading.