Dow End of Day Signalling Service

Well again in there review of the signals.They didn't record the loser.
They only gave the later profitable long dow.They didn't record, the earlier H1 short loser.
It was at 12:30am NY time.Went above H1 came back down.Then went up again and stayed up.
Not to mention, the 60 point draw down, to get to the later long trade.
They are giving dodgy trial numbers.

At the end of your trial period you can decide if its for you or not. Do you watch the screen all day and night?. I assume you are just paper-trading as they suggested. There is no magic fomular anywhere to turn you into a millionaire overnight. DYOR and put in plenty of hard work. Try not to overtrade, and remember what every drop of water does to the bucket. If the service falls short of your expectation then you do not have to join .
Why would you say that about magic formulas and millionaires?
I actually find that immature to be honest.
Why are you giving me advice and using corny metaphor's?
I was simply relaying my experience with these levels, that used to be signals, that are actually called signals, to other members who are following them.
Why would you say that about magic formulas and millionaires?
I actually find that immature to be honest.
Why are you giving me advice and using corny metaphor's?
I was simply relaying my experience with these levels, that used to be signals, that are actually called signals, to other members who are following them.

If I ruffled your feathers then I apologise. It was unintentional. Some people sing the praises of this service so it surely cann't be bad. If it's not to your approval, then leave it alone. The advice I gave, immature or otherwise, is not mandatory so you have a choice. Please, let's not be personal about this.
Best regards.
This afternoon's long signal was spot on, as soon as I got the e mail I looked at the charts and got in a couple of point below where they said. It went up about 30 points but their exit rules would have got you out with about half that amount.

Regarding the 'levels' I see some value in them but I cant see a clear mechanical way to trade them. They did keep me out of some potential losing trades though.
Really low volume today, almost like the Christmas period and the Dow hasnt got near any of the levels. I'd guess there'll be no more trades this week.
Recieved the recent short signal a few minutes late due to the fact that my text alert didnt work and I hadnt refreshed my e mail for 3 minutes. Still made 11 points but it reinforces the point about having a better delivery system.

What i have done is diverted my mail fron WDS to my hotmail account which is very quick in comparioson to the rubbbish Yahoo which i had before.

I have Msn messenger open as soon as they send the e-mail (msn server v quick), it pops up astraight away ! problem of e-mail deliver solved , and no refreshing the page either !
Just wondering whether they will end up with two new services, one the live alerts and the other the other the potential trade areas.

So far the live alerts have been few and far between but the `potential` winnings from the levels they have supplied look good. They are asking for members to tell them how many points they have made (real or otherwise), i suspect this is to help them decide what to charge eventually.

i would only be interested in the live alerts (assuming they get better), so wouldn`t want to be paying for levels I don`t intend to use, hence the need for two different options, maybe.
What i have done is diverted my mail fron WDS to my hotmail account which is very quick in comparioson to the rubbbish Yahoo which i had before.

I have Msn messenger open as soon as they send the e-mail (msn server v quick), it pops up astraight away ! problem of e-mail deliver solved , and no refreshing the page either !

I have used a gmail account and diverted it to my pop3 account, seems to work fine.
What i have done is diverted my mail fron WDS to my hotmail account which is very quick in comparioson to the rubbbish Yahoo which i had before.

I have Msn messenger open as soon as they send the e-mail (msn server v quick), it pops up astraight away ! problem of e-mail deliver solved , and no refreshing the page either !

I've also gone back to hotmail and set up a text alert but using messenger as an alert is a great idea
Can someone tell me, what exact index they are running this on?
Is it the mini wall street cfd?At IG?
Because it definitely isn't matching up with the real YM.
Can someone tell me, what exact index they are running this on?
Is it the mini wall street cfd?At IG?
Because it definitely isn't matching up with the real YM.

They use Wall Street Daily Cash at, but prices appear to be the same as the Wall Street Cash figures shown in your link to
On ODL security's, they have wall street cash index.
But it is a little different.
It has mid increments, 7260.50 and 7260.40 etc.
IG seems to have no increments like that.
Boy i sure hope WDS have got this swing trade short dow at 7250 right , cause i shorted it £ 5 a point and im in Loss as market ended around 7404 tonight !

Anyone else put anything on this trade ?
I think Stefan10 you have got it right , i have as well. As we all know not every trade must be profitable . Keep the faith!
I think Stefan10 you have got it right , i have as well. As we all know not every trade must be profitable . Keep the faith!

Yea keep the faith in WDS, but its hard when your the best part of 800 down, going to see what they say in the e-mail.

My strategy is if im looking to make £2000 a month then ill have 2000 in the trading account and 4000 as a backup in case i need to put money in to recover my losses in that particluar month.

So far this is my 1st month at trading £5 a point and not a good start.

but looking at WDS performance they rarely make a loss and if they do its about 100 points !
Daily scalps are proving to be a disaster, e mails come late or not at all, signals themselves are good but if you don't get them they're not going to help you. I don't understand what's so difficult about having a free skype room instead of this rubbish. I'd say I've probably made 20 points so far, I definitely won't be signing up for any performance based subscription based on this.
Daily scalps are proving to be a disaster, e mails come late or not at all, signals themselves are good but if you don't get them they're not going to help you. I don't understand what's so difficult about having a free skype room instead of this rubbish. I'd say I've probably made 20 points so far, I definitely won't be signing up for any performance based subscription based on this.

Did u go on the swing trade , short at 7250 ?
A trend is a trend ...


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Boy i sure hope WDS have got this swing trade short dow at 7250 right , cause i shorted it £ 5 a point and im in Loss as market ended around 7404 tonight !

Anyone else put anything on this trade ?

I'm in this trade so currently 150 points down and hoping market heads south today! I did however manage to pick up a couple of runs down from 7250 to 7200 yesterday and took the H2 trade last night so that puts me about break even in terms of points but up in terms of £'s as use higher stake for my intra day trades than swing trades.

As pboyles says they do appear to be having a few problems with the delivery of their trade alerts but guess that's why they trialling them and asking for feedback - the ones that have got through do seem to be profitable. I have also found the intra day trade price information to be very useful.