Dow End of Day Signalling Service

Received one signal for dow today that's also worked - quite a quick trade though, so quick infact that before I had chance to action their e-mail saying they had closed their position early mine had already reached the target price!

Yes, I had moved my stop to b/e and was going to let it run a while when I received the email saying they were out already.

I would rather receive signals that they `expect` to at least reach the 30 point default target though.
Yes, I had moved my stop to b/e and was going to let it run a while when I received the email saying they were out already.

I would rather receive signals that they `expect` to at least reach the 30 point default target though.

Irony is they exited yesterday's and today's trades early but both made the default target easily!
Irony is they exited yesterday's and today's trades early but both made the default target easily!

Maybe I've asked this before but is everyone happy with using IG Index to spreadbet these trades? Any funny business going on with getting orders filled or with spread moving about too much?

I've been folowing the signals using Tradestation level 2 access so I see slightly different prices from what the SB companies quote. Now that they are doing forex and the FTSE I'm thinking about opening a SB account for these trades.
Maybe I've asked this before but is everyone happy with using IG Index to spreadbet these trades? Any funny business going on with getting orders filled or with spread moving about too much?

I've been folowing the signals using Tradestation level 2 access so I see slightly different prices from what the SB companies quote. Now that they are doing forex and the FTSE I'm thinking about opening a SB account for these trades.

IG's been fine for me. Dow Spread 4 points 2.30pm - 9pm (6 points other times). I think FTSE is 2 points 8am - 9pm (6 points other times) and Eur/Usd 2 points at all times. Not encountered any problems getting orders filled but then again I tend to place market orders.
Live alerts are thin on the ground, they appear to prefer to give targets and let everyone do their own thing. Not quite sure that`s what I was expecting, not being one who has spent much time looking at charts. They are obviously using their own targets and expertise to trade, so why are they not sending out these opportunities as live alerts?

If the targets were `set and forget` targets, ie place order to enter at L2 and H2 with stops and limits and when one is triggered cancel the other, I could live with it, but that`s not the case.

Unless it changes, I don`t think the new service is for me.
hi encantador
those were my feelings exactly so i queried it with them last night & the response is below. looks like it may still be possible to just wait for the signals to arrive from them rather than watching the charts all day.

"Hi Paul

We will be sending out the alerts as well from the beginning of next week alongside the intra-day price e-mail and commentary - hopefully by spending the past 2 days letting members know where to expect trades and providing commentary/answering questions when such trades are in progress members trading will become a lot more profitable.

With regard to today's results only 1 possible loser wit default settings (on the Dow around 8.15 as prices passed up through 6508 then fell to 6470). We also missed out a trade on the EUR/USD around 4.15pm which coud have netted 50 points, so out of 11 possible trades, 10 winners, 1 loser.

Kind regards

Winning Dow Signals "

Thanks for that. They are the experts, if they tell us when to get in and out, surely `that` is how to make my trading a lot more profitable, not by giving me targets and letting me muddle along on my own.

Did anyone get their boo boo email with 48 members email address in the CC box?
What are expectations of Dow Index on monday short rally up... or continuing downside?

I am just started to learn traders platform saxobank? anybody familiar with ...?

Greetz !
What are expectations of Dow Index on monday short rally up... or continuing downside?

I am just started to learn traders platform saxobank? anybody familiar with ...?

Greetz !

I think it has a long way to go down yet, so if you go LONG, you will make a lot of money.... 😀😀😀
So is your answer up or down ...? I am confused what to do..?
What you trading at the moment ? i am watching at side line myself...?
hi encantador
those were my feelings exactly so i queried it with them last night & the response is below. looks like it may still be possible to just wait for the signals to arrive from them rather than watching the charts all day.

"Hi Paul

We will be sending out the alerts as well from the beginning of next week alongside the intra-day price e-mail and commentary - hopefully by spending the past 2 days letting members know where to expect trades and providing commentary/answering questions when such trades are in progress members trading will become a lot more profitable.

With regard to today's results only 1 possible loser wit default settings (on the Dow around 8.15 as prices passed up through 6508 then fell to 6470). We also missed out a trade on the EUR/USD around 4.15pm which coud have netted 50 points, so out of 11 possible trades, 10 winners, 1 loser.

Kind regards

Winning Dow Signals "

Got an e-mail from them yesterday saying live alerts will be back from tomorrow. Must say i've been impressed with the first week of the trial - based on their default settings of 30 points per trade looks like could have made 400 - 500 points (and seems a lot more than that if left trades running).

Will be amazed (but very pleased) if they keep that up!
Got an e-mail from them yesterday saying live alerts will be back from tomorrow. Must say i've been impressed with the first week of the trial - based on their default settings of 30 points per trade looks like could have made 400 - 500 points (and seems a lot more than that if left trades running).

Will be amazed (but very pleased) if they keep that up!

Regarding the L1 trade on the DOW on 5th March (6776 level) did anyone get stopped out on that? It seems that price went right to that level and you may or may not have entered the trade. What was the high on the IG platform between 1401hrs and 1409hrs?

Agree that the signals look very promising, was travelling late last week and missed most of them though, sods law.
Got an e-mail from them yesterday saying live alerts will be back from tomorrow. Must say i've been impressed with the first week of the trial - based on their default settings of 30 points per trade looks like could have made 400 - 500 points (and seems a lot more than that if left trades running).

Will be amazed (but very pleased) if they keep that up!

How do you get to those numbers, by enterring and re-entering at the same level ?
How do you decide when the price has been through L1/H1 and reversed, do you wait until it has been below for a set amount of time and/or gone xx points past before turning??

What charts are people using to see the L1/H1 entry?
How do you get to those numbers, by enterring and re-entering at the same level ?
How do you decide when the price has been through L1/H1 and reversed, do you wait until it has been below for a set amount of time and/or gone xx points past before turning??

What charts are people using to see the L1/H1 entry?

Numbers based on the results they gave (2 winning live alerts, 3 possible wins thurs and 10 on fri so 15 wins x 30 points = 450). Didn't trade them myself but picked up a couple of hundred points on Friday from run down to 6500 and back up again. Going to see how they go next week, maybe risking a couple of quid a trade, and if as good as reported last week will then increase stake. Did you follow them?
Did you follow them?

No, didn`t really understand what we were supposed to do with the numbers. The live alerts dried up, which mean i assume we had to use the target numbers and watch the charts to make up our own mind whether to enter.

As mentioned earlier, if it goes through H1/L1 on an hourly chart and during that hour goes back through again, is that a reversal? Or should there be another indicator, like above/below for x minutes and/or y points past before reversing? They have not really explained.

Anyway, it seems the simple to follow live alerts are back from tomorrow so will have to see how good they are.
No, didn`t really understand what we were supposed to do with the numbers. The live alerts dried up, which mean i assume we had to use the target numbers and watch the charts to make up our own mind whether to enter.

As mentioned earlier, if it goes through H1/L1 on an hourly chart and during that hour goes back through again, is that a reversal? Or should there be another indicator, like above/below for x minutes and/or y points past before reversing? They have not really explained.

Anyway, it seems the simple to follow live alerts are back from tomorrow so will have to see how good they are.

The intraday alerts are easy to follow. Just review the notes attached to the price levels.
Once price has crossed back below L1 you can use your favourite indicator setting for your entry. Again, if price goes below H1 and comes back above it, look to go long.
In any case they advise to paper-trade initially to get the feel of it. Hope that is clear enough.
Happy trading.
I looked at these signals.
The problems are, they give levels for the intra day signals.
These levels are free S&R levels.Why would you pay for them?
Its supposed to be signals, go short go long exit etc.
And secondly there performance based fees?
What if you don't take some of the trades.And they add up all these "theoretical points"?
You have to pay for them?And you didn't even get them?
What if you miss there point total by 1 point.You still have to pay for what they say the points were?
What if they start adding up all these imaginary points, and start charging your credit card?
I looked at these signals.
The problems are, they give levels for the intra day signals.
These levels are free S&R levels.Why would you pay for them?
Its supposed to be signals, go short go long exit etc.
And secondly there performance based fees?
What if you don't take some of the trades.And they add up all these "theoretical points"?
You have to pay for them?And you didn't even get them?
What if you miss there point total by 1 point.You still have to pay for what they say the points were?
What if they start adding up all these imaginary points, and start charging your credit card?

The new intraday alerts service will eventually be a single monthly fee with no added performence element, for exactly the reasons you describe.
They don`t chatge your card, they send a `bill` by email and you pay via paypal. I am assuming if you subscribe to the new service as well, this will just be added on.
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So, do you get all the rest of the signals?
Or are they being phased out to be replaced by the intra day levels?
What happened to the swing signals?I signed up for a trial and they are all no trade.
So, do you get all the rest of the signals?
Or are they being phased out to be replaced by the intra day levels?
What happened to the swing signals?I signed up for a trial and they are all no trade.

As I understand it, the swing and overnight scalps as priced on their website are staying the same (they have been few and far between of late, but that`s just the market I assume and will change).

The new system they are trialling now will be overnight levels plus live alerts and as I said will be a seperate monthly fee if they decide to continue with it.