Dow End of Day Signalling Service

I'm in but a bit nervous about it.

Personally i think there's more strength in the opposite direction but if i knew much about it i wouldn't need to follow a service in the first place. 🙂
I'm in but a bit nervous about it.

Personally i think there's more strength in the opposite direction but if i knew much about it i wouldn't need to follow a service in the first place. 🙂

Probably the worst thing that could happen now is to not take this one and it turn out to be a winner. Hope it goes well, some news just came out which caused the DOW to rise but hopefullythat's temporary
I'm in but a bit nervous about it.

Personally i think there's more strength in the opposite direction but if i knew much about it i wouldn't need to follow a service in the first place. 🙂

I share your sentiments my friend.
How comes youve not taken this trade pbobes?
I share your sentiments my friend.
How comes youve not taken this trade pbobes?

I dont take any of the swing trades as I only have a futures account with $5 per point minimum so the 300 or 400 point stoplosses are too big for me. I signed up to the service for the scalps only.
Im getting seriously frustrated with this service , they seem to be getting predeictions wrong big time on these swings!
Im getting seriously frustrated with this service , they seem to be getting predeictions wrong big time on these swings!

I think you have to look at it over a longer period, every system fails from time to time but if you had been taking the signals for the last 6 months or a year you'd be well up. Sods law says that as soon as you go live you'll get a few losers.
Losers were overdue but have to say that today's signal just made little sense. Last night they were looking for a move up then a retracement but the retracement never came.

Worrying if you started with the 1000 point bank they advise as I make it about 750 down this last week.

Going to stick with it but really need to see a turn around.
I really cant see this market going down to 7700, with all thats on the news, it did make little sense but i thought they couldent be 3/3 wrong , so went eith it todday at £5 a point.
How long have you been usuing the service for jwhite?
Sods law had it that i started in march trading at £5 a point! i think it might have been a little to high or maybe i just had a bit of bad luck with my timing.
How much are you in the swing trade per point £
How long have you been usuing the service for jwhite?
Sods law had it that i started in march trading at £5 a point! i think it might have been a little to high or maybe i just had a bit of bad luck with my timing.
How much are you in the swing trade per point £

I never risk more than 3-5% of bankroll, with WDS is difficult to trade because they have quite big stops. So i think they suggestion £1 per £1,000 is too risky
How's it been going this week? I'm away all week and have temporarily unsubscribed from the signals.
Its been fairly quite the last few days. No swing trades or scalps.

Did everybody get the regular email last night? I didnt for some reason...
They will have to actually start giving out trades, not levels.
Because why would we pay for levels when they are free here?
Daily Notes - Numbers for Day Traders
Winning Dow Signals, not Winning Dow Levels.
You know we pay for something, we actually want to get something, not have to do it all ourselves, that's kind of the idea you know.