=> was I
(a) greedy
(b) foolish
(c) patient
not to take profits when I had +50 in the bag?
either way, I'm still long, but price is back at my entry 🙄
From an intraday technical perspective, the trade was fine. Couldhave moved stop.
=> was I
(a) greedy
(b) foolish
(c) patient
not to take profits when I had +50 in the bag?
either way, I'm still long, but price is back at my entry 🙄
From an intraday technical perspective, the trade was fine. Couldhave moved stop.
=> was I
(a) greedy
(b) foolish
(c) patient
not to take profits when I had +50 in the bag?
either way, I'm still long, but price is back at my entry 🙄
The market will be the ultimate judge
Yeah... the "normal" plan is to move the stop to breakeven after a certain point.
I've switched that because I kept getting taken out after a decent move retraced back to my entry. Watch how it did exactly that this time... I left my stop where it was this time and see how it's gone up again.
I understand. I think you're being a bit hard on yourself with, foolish or greedy. By the way i agree with your bullish view, i've left my 210 trade looking for the 300 mark at least (maybe not today) not put a stop on, i'll let you know on exit, can't be bothered typing loads.😉
well... perhaps I'm being overly protective now - after being too greedy first - but I'm going to take +60 at 12250 here, and leave the other half running... we'll see what happens
good luck on your long too!
=> was I
(a) greedy
(b) foolish
(c) patient
not to take profits when I had +50 in the bag?
either way, I'm still long, but price is back at my entry 🙄
covering here for 20 ticks.12280 short.
well... perhaps I'm being overly protective now - after being too greedy first - but I'm going to take +60 at 12250 here, and leave the other half running... we'll see what happens
good luck on your long too!
Guess the close for tomorrow? Im going with 12320
Spx hit obscure uptrend line on friday so we could get a nice rise today....... poss to 1330...maybe even 1335........... We'll see...
The short opps are easy to see so I thought I'd consider the flipside