Dow 2007

Hi guys,

I have had a traumatic experience since last Friday. Held up to collosal losses approx 35% of my total capital in two SB accounts. Just managing to recouperate. Real strain on the old ticker. Still short on DOW but closed gold for a small profit.

I've done the foolish thing of adding to losing pos and at one point I was in the DOW with 4 times my normal pos size.

Risk Reward Margin the lot. Broken every rule. I deserve something more than a double barrel shot gun in the head...

I was in a negative pos on the month and just pulled back into profit again. Still down on the week but up on the month.

I think I've stabilised now and hence my post.

Lesson learnt - DO NOT FOUL YOUR OWN RULES... 😱

Atilla, I've done mostly the same. I've managed to gamble and lost £1k on the markets since 1 October. This ends a 3 month winning streak. I too have broken all my own rules, gambled on markets and timeframes I had no plan or edge for, etc. I also managed to accidentally click a £10pp gold ticket in CMC, and covered for the spread (plus an extra loss of 4 points that the market had moved in the 30 seconds I stared at the screen in shock).

I too think I have stabilised now. I'm going to be trading the daily pins on the forex as explained in trader_dantes excellent thread. No more intra day for me*.

* on an FOMC and NFP week, I don't have much faith in that statement. I do wish to preserve my equity and my sanity, so I will try and do what is right!
Hi Atilla

Hi guys,

I have had a traumatic experience since last Friday. Held up to collosal losses approx 35% of my total capital in two SB accounts. Just managing to recouperate. Real strain on the old ticker. Still short on DOW but closed gold for a small profit.

I've done the foolish thing of adding to losing pos and at one point I was in the DOW with 4 times my normal pos size.

Risk Reward Margin the lot. Broken every rule. I deserve something more than a double barrel shot gun in the head...

I was in a negative pos on the month and just pulled back into profit again. Still down on the week but up on the month.

I think I've stabilised now and hence my post.

Lesson learnt - DO NOT FOUL YOUR OWN RULES... 😱

Hi Atilla,

glad your over the worst, and back on the straight and narrow.

Been there and worn the T shirt myself I can tell you.

Positive note 😀 If you ended up so bad you ended trading your own rules and method against yourself, which have done myself, more than once 😱 😱

At least it proves they are good and methods good, just got to remember to keep weapon pointing away from your own foot 😀 😀

Sound sleep tonight 😱

Andy AKA
Men In Black Spotted

Looks like the lads are up to their old tricks..... again. Preying on WEAK hands perhaps.

Given that we (or at least I) don't know what the Fed will do 0.....25... or 50 it seems a bit odd to take the dow down late day for MARGINAL new intra day low...

I think that realisation will dawn in the run up to the decision and cooler heads will make some easy points...

In fact this silly sell off has just given me a great launchpad.... into Wed 6.15pm 😆

If I'm wrong I take a small loss .......... but I'm fairly convinced that I'm right... :cheesy:

Hi Hook,


Up to no good, cooking the books

Ftse was not keen to go down all day, quite bouncy of any new lows.
Hi guys,

I have had a traumatic experience since last Friday. Held up to collosal losses approx 35% of my total capital in two SB accounts. Just managing to recouperate. Real strain on the old ticker. Still short on DOW but closed gold for a small profit.

I've done the foolish thing of adding to losing pos and at one point I was in the DOW with 4 times my normal pos size.

Risk Reward Margin the lot. Broken every rule. I deserve something more than a double barrel shot gun in the head...

I was in a negative pos on the month and just pulled back into profit again. Still down on the week but up on the month.

I think I've stabilised now and hence my post.

Lesson learnt - DO NOT FOUL YOUR OWN RULES... 😱

you too huh? .. .. I gave up all of last weeks profit .. (my best week ever) . today! .. I am fuming, gutted .. p'd off ..

I have problem taking a loss .. this is why I can make twenty modest profits and then boom! .. wiped out .. however if I set a stop loss .. it will get hit so I will lose less .. but more often 😕

I posted not long ago "never never again" .. come to think of it .. that was only last week .. doh!
😡 😡 😡
Hi Atilla,

glad your over the worst, and back on the straight and narrow.

Been there and worn the T shirt myself I can tell you.

Positive note 😀 If you ended up so bad you ended trading your own rules and method against yourself, which have done myself, more than once 😱 😱

At least it proves they are good and methods good, just got to remember to keep weapon pointing away from your own foot 😀 😀

Sound sleep tonight 😱

Andy AKA

Thank you all guys, really appreciate your kind words and support. I keep a regular update of my trades - weekly and monthly expectancy.

This month - So far 56 trades.

Avg Win / Loss = 63% / 37%
Avg Win Size/Loss = 66 97

I kept thinking the markets were over extended but talk of rate cuts that hit on Friday coupled with Microsoft earnings news knocked me for six.

Obstinate belief in my system and records led me astray. Feel no consolation now as I should have closed my pos and re-entered. Like a mug I put my self through pain and sheer financial knockout staring at significant losses.

I concur with FW blog whole heartedly and strange coincidence I read it now. I think Firewalker your words have had significantly more impact now then they may have had otherwise.

I sleep too well most nights. It's daytime that was really tough.

Once again as always many thanks everyone, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement.
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Is this the Dow Thread?....reads more like a meeting of A A ....😆

Nah does everyone the power of good to get it off your chest once in a while

For you Atilla...

Thank you all guys, really appreciate your kind words and support. I keep a regular update of my trades - weekly and monthly expectancy.

This month - So far 56 trades.

Avg Win / Loss = 63% / 37%
Avg Win Size/Loss = 66 97

I kept thinking the markets were over extended but talk of rate cuts that hit on Friday coupled with Microsoft earnings news knocked me for six.

Obstinate belief in my system and records led me astray. Feel no consolation now as I should have closed my pos and re-entered. Like a mug I put my self through pain and sheer financial knockout staring at significant losses.

I concur with FW blog whole heartedly and strange coincidence I read it now. I think Firewalker your words have had significantly more impact now then they may have had otherwise.

I sleep too well most nights. It's daytime that was really tough.

Once again as always many thanks everyone, I appreciate your kind words of encouragement.


Mr Happy - 4 the doggy fella

Whilst you're goin' through this trauma don't forget the US is offering you a "gift" potentially as we look forward to FOMC...

You can have US virtually at the lows of the week to date... so risk is tiny ...even better if one scales in ... Risk is news/mkt event overnight ...but that can be managed perhaps....

I smell an opportunity .......... a decent win would do you the world of good.....
.... and a small loss would not make things much worse !

Just a thought ...........

ATILLA Wed could be a fanstastic day .... come on boy!
Always darkest b4 the dawn ........ I could go on but ....

Whilst you're goin' through this trauma don't forget the US is offering you a "gift" potentially as we look forward to FOMC...

You can have US virtually at the lows of the week to date... so risk is tiny ...even better if one scales in ... Risk is news/mkt event overnight ...but that can be managed perhaps....

I smell an opportunity .......... a decent win would do you the world of good.....
.... and a small loss would not make things much worse !

Just a thought ...........

ATILLA Wed could be a fanstastic day .... come on boy!
Always darkest b4 the dawn ........ I could go on but ....


Strange you should put it like that as that was my perspective which led me into deeper water (life is a beach and then you drown as I like to say 🙄 ).

That is I was losing so much what difference would another +50pips make. Well at 4 times normal pos GIGANTIC difference.

I already have my normal pos still short on the DOW. Closed on gold and excess on DOW.

fwiw as you all know the US is deep in it. Reducing rates was right before took the pressure off banking crises.

It would be very wrong now. Perhaps .25% even then to lessen the pain as markets still should retreat imo. But a .50% cut would be absolute suicide. Surprised some even mention it. Dollar is history. People from little know Islands to the kingdom of Sauid Arabia are discussing dropping the dollar. With oil at $90+, inflation rampant with declining growth. Twin defecits. Imminent war in the ME.

LA la LA la ta TA ra RA LA la tata oh dear here comes the men in the white coats to take me away as the DOW smashes through 14000... 😆 😆 😆

HS I've learnt my lesson and I will either maintain normal size short or exit before the news. I've had a good month and I like to finish it off in the black.

I like to refer to my self as Mr doom and gloom I am after all the Disaster Recovery man.

Good trading everyone... 🙂
Dont forget:-
GDP figures 12.30 pm
Chicago NAPM 1.45pm ( amended thx Tileman)
FOMC 6.15pm (T2W have 7.15pm - probably wrongly)
Could be that the relatively flat market in the last few days was because the big boys were waiting for today's figures - in which case it could fly
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For the record

Whilst you're goin' through this trauma don't forget the US is offering you a "gift" potentially as we look forward to FOMC...

You can have US virtually at the lows of the week to date... so risk is tiny ...even better if one scales in ... Risk is news/mkt event overnight ...but that can be managed perhaps....

I smell an opportunity .......... a decent win would do you the world of good.....
.... and a small loss would not make things much worse !

Just a thought ...........

ATILLA Wed could be a fanstastic day .... come on boy!
Always darkest b4 the dawn ........ I could go on but ....


The trade is now in profit by 40 or so points and that can be banked now regardless of the FOMC or yoou can wait for more and move your stop up 😆

Well played laptop1
Indian on war path

Ftse spooked of last weeks High, looks to be off back to ware it started :arrowd: 😱

Lucky I am a Red Indian, might get another scalp later 😀

Andy AKA