Good on you Tricks. I know exactly what you mean. I'm still of the instincts DOW should go down but as FW pointed out markets very volatile and in constant flux. I do believe we are at the tops but we are talking about the DOW here. 🙄
Given the strong reversal from two rapid descents I'm shocked at the resilliance of it all. I hope the Asian markets sell the DOW and you make your pips.
Good luck and my instincts are still with you. 60% Downside /40% Upsdie - if I had to put my neck on the chopper 😱
Cheers Atilla,
Back to the screen and Asian markets flirting with intraday records overnight, 'typical'.
I confess to tweaking the stop this morning to stay in the trade 😱 moved it to 59, which if hit, takes me out for 15 pips, 10 + 5 spread out of hours.
Always a puzzle deciding whether to hang on to the trade, not because of emotion, but still believing in why I opened it in the first place!
As I post I am -1, perhaps I should have taken the +28 last night and 're-grouped' ?