Does it really take 10000 hours to learn to trade?

Training is free and taining and desk fees are fully paid for by Futex for the trainess we sponsor. In fact we give trainees 500 per month in expenses.

I do not post here to tout. Merely to clarify misconceptions. And of course to engage in some trading discussions.
Training is free and taining and desk fees are fully paid for by Futex for the trainess we sponsor. In fact we give trainees 500 per month in expenses.

I do not post here to tout. Merely to clarify misconceptions. And of course to engage in some trading discussions.

Of course you are posting here to tout for business, give us a break. The following is copied from your brochure. Yes you may sponsor some traders but you are also a training vendor. Floor Training.pdf

The fee structure for Trading Floor Training is as follows:
 £8,000 incl. VAT 12 weeks, full-time, in-house training
 £7,000 incl. VAT If payment is received 28 days before starting
 £9,000 incl. VAT If payments are spread over the 12 weeks
You are VERY mistaken. Visit us and find out . We have nothing to hide.
Here is what you fail to recognise although I appreciate you you took an extract from out site:

We have been backing traders since 1995. We formalized an in-house training scheme around 2001. Around 2007 one of the candidates for training who did not get offered a position asked if he could pay to come on the course and we came to an arrangement. Since around 2009 we have formalized a way in which payers can join our courses, but there numbers are typically 2 out of 8. The six, the majority are sponsored by Futex and receive full backing from Futex.
I am not touting for business at all, I just like to correct inaccurate postings that you in particular keep making, because I wish those who are genuinely interested in Futex to get a true picture of Futex. Like I said, YOU or ANYONE will find dozens of FUTEX BACKED traders trading profitably from offices. Dont believe it - I OFFER YOU AN OPEN INVITATION TO COME -

where abouts do u live PBoyles, in London?
sorry, I have managed expand on your misconceptions and answered queries, I did not get your answer to my question though.... Do u live in London, or where roughly ?
I have no intention of telling you which country I live in never mind any more details. By the way all you did was confirm that you charge some of your students for training. What was the misconception? Did I say somewhere that you charge them all? In fact I think I acknowledged that you do in fact sponsor some trainees.
This thread is about how long it takes people to learn to trade, and I added my insight. FUTEX insight is hugely more knowledge based than most. In fact we are probably uniquely based to give an informed opinion. You just add negativity. I will decease from this post for now, because your negativity has turned the post direction sour.
Yes that's probably best, I mean arguing 2 out of 8 isn't a quarter is a hard task. Better to slip away and let these awkward die.
This thread is about how long it takes people to learn to trade, and I added my insight. FUTEX insight is hugely more knowledge based than most. In fact we are probably uniquely based to give an informed opinion. You just add negativity. I will decease from this post for now, because your negativity has turned the post direction sour.

people are naturally sceptical here about people who sell training. Perhaps we could see some statements?
On my investigations into FUTEX Proprietary Stock Market Trading | Trading Floor Training they are a kosher company but reading into it they are selling lifestyles as much as anything else. If you are a graduate looking for your first position then you may be in with a chance.
If you have been trading for some years and want to use their facilities and be "part" of something then there is an option for you to sponsor yourself with trading funds and buy into their offices .WTF WTF WTF.
If you are an entreprenneur and want a change in career then provided you have your own funds to trade then you can buy into the facilities above, they will accept you on their training programme, take your money and charge you for continued use of their facilities. WTF WTF WTF.F.F.
This is entirely impartial information and if you can detect my personal opinion then please ignore it rather better check out their website and see what you think. Members of the Jury it is entirely up to you.
With all due respect, those figures are quite meaningless without a great deal more information. Take any bunch of people, impose some basic rules to prevent deliberate sabotage and you'll pretty much get a normal distribution in returns. It therefore comes as hardly any surprise that you'll have a small number who are profitable from day one (balanced by an equally small number at the opposite end of the distribution who do appallingly badly) The low transaction costs available by trading through a firm such as yours actually makes it even more likely that people will do well over the short term.

Even using the phrase "trading profitably" is a bit of a non starter, what does that actually mean ?, I assume it means achieving a reasonably consistent equity curve with a positive slope, with drawdowns within some agreed limits, rather than just a positive account balance, and I suspect a prop firm would have a far tighter definition.

I'd be stunned if you can teach this stuff to people in 3 months, and I'm not even sure why you'd even need to or want to.

This is a really good post. I'm bringing it up, because I don't see any replies to it.
8 grand for 12 weeks training on a trading floor with other traders. thats a stellar deal if you ask me. people should consider this.
With all due respect, those figures are quite meaningless without a great deal more information. Take any bunch of people, impose some basic rules to prevent deliberate sabotage and you'll pretty much get a normal distribution in returns. It therefore comes as hardly any surprise that you'll have a small number who are profitable from day one (balanced by an equally small number at the opposite end of the distribution who do appallingly badly) The low transaction costs available by trading through a firm such as yours actually makes it even more likely that people will do well over the short term.

Even using the phrase "trading profitably" is a bit of a non starter, what does that actually mean ?, I assume it means achieving a reasonably consistent equity curve with a positive slope, with drawdowns within some agreed limits, rather than just a positive account balance, and I suspect a prop firm would have a far tighter definition.

I'd be stunned if you can teach this stuff to people in 3 months, and I'm not even sure why you'd even need to or want to.
I can fully understand why. They charge £8000 for training in a trading floor. No doubt the people training them will them selves been trainees and this is a way of saying " Oi john, wanna learn to trade? Just bring your £8000 to our trading floor and we'll show you". John goes up to the Futile offices, hands over his money , in a few days his account disappears so he's given a demo account to play with and at the end of the 12 weeks he has paid for his training, he has paid for his office space and he has handed his monay over to swell the coffers of the trading floor purse. The he can be given an interview by the mysterious "Lead Trader " who tells him to try trading on his own for a while and contact them next year. In other words "Fork Orf and die you hapless Wonker". 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😗whistling😗whistling😗whistling😗whistling
This thread is about how long it takes people to learn to trade, and I added my insight. FUTEX insight is hugely more knowledge based than most. In fact we are probably uniquely based to give an informed opinion. You just add negativity. I will decease from this post for now, because your negativity has turned the post direction sour.

You mean "desist," to stop.
If you "decease" you die🙂