Full time trading does it really pay

ok. You still dont get it. Maybe you can work out the % on this.

now, at the ligth of these evidence i wonder, who was lying after all these?, your account statement aparently starts with positions jan 20 and the same account statement is closed jan 23, so i was not lying after all.
You tried to create confussion among the people to make them think it was unreal what i say that can be done and now you are showing these?.
Get real bro, you might not agree with my methods but you can not deny the fact that after all it is possible to live from the markets.
your hardly living from the market with a 5K account 😆

He takes 30% to 60% every week. That goes a long way in Mexico - contract murders in drug wars, for example, start at only $50. So it is possible to live on $1500 to $3000 per week.
now, at the ligth of these evidence i wonder, who was lying after all these?, your account statement aparently starts with positions jan 20 and the same account statement is closed jan 23, so i was not lying after all.
You tried to create confussion among the people to make them think it was unreal what i say that can be done and now you are showing these?.
Get real bro, you might not agree with my methods but you can not deny the fact that after all it is possible to live from the markets.

Yea but when i opened all these positions originally. I was risking 30% of my account not 0.3% I could easily lose 3 of these setups in a row and blow my account. Make 3% you laugh. Make 38%, you call me a liar. Still you haven't realised that the 38% is alot less than the 3%...
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your hardly living from the market with a 5k account 😆

after all that is the only real criticism i have got from these thread, its true, so i will increase the amount to 10k, pazienza told me the same, i have my own reason to do it but i´ve been thinking in these thread since yesterday and i will do increase my account.
Thanks for your comment.
yea but when i opened all these positions originally. I was risking 30% of my account not 0.3% i could easily lose 3 of these setups in a row and blow my account.

that regards to your strategy, it works for you and its ok, i would never risk that amount, i used to do it some years ago with very, very bad results for me
contract murders in drug wars, for example, start at only $50.

Those rates suck. You'd think that the people doing the contract killing would be smart enough to take some of the supply out of the market, or maybe even get unionised.
he takes 30% to 60% every week. That goes a long way in mexico - contract murders in drug wars, for example, start at only $50. So it is possible to live on $1500 to $3000 per week.

i would say that is enough to make a living, now pazienza let me remind you that you said before, that you are on drugs, because of people like you, not only in my country in many countries in the world there is a mob, there are crimes, in fact you might know that in most countries of the world it is considered a crime to use illegal drugs, so dont come to me with that ****, stop using drugs and you will help a lot of people.....
By the way, i dont know if you know where the ira used to get money from, i dont know if you are aware that in spain there is a - i dont know the word in english - "guerrilla" at the vasc country, as it is in russia, you might know that russian, italian, american, english, german and many other countries mobsters are worst than mexican gropus, the only difference is that the goverment in mexico does not want to stablish death penalty for mioney launderers, kidnapers, drug dealers, drug addicts, and so forth, but i dont know if you read the newspapers, do you remember waco texas?, do you remember dublin?, do you remember subway in japan?, so stop talking about mexico just because it has been trapped by the suppliers of drug consumers in usa, canada and europe
i would say that is enough to make a living, now pazienza let me remind you that you said before, that you are on drugs, because of people like you, not only in my country in many countries in the world there is a mob, there are crimes, in fact you might know that in most countries of the world it is considered a crime to use illegal drugs, so dont come to me with that ****, stop using drugs and you will help a lot of people.....

Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Mexico, I love Mexico. I should say, I'm not just a drug user, but also an importer. We get a lot of good product from your country. Some I sell, some I can give to my hos, get them addicted, then bang! - put them on the streets. I pimp those hos out, they bring me in a lot of clams each week.

When I said it's cheap to get someone murdered in Mexico, that was a compliment. Do you know how much your average skag-head charges for a hit in the UK? 500 quid, all of it comes out of my pocket.

Don't tell me to stop using drugs, I hardly do any. A little valium, some scotch, a few lines of coke, the odd bit of heroin a few times a day, ecstasy, angel dust, and a paint thinner night cap.

By the way Fayalac, that was all a lie. I don't really take drugs, sell drugs, smuggle drugs, run prostitution rings, or commit and commission murder in furtherance of my activities.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Mexico, I love Mexico. I should say, I'm not just a drug user, but also an importer. We get a lot of good product from your country. Some I sell, some I can give to my hos, get them addicted, then bang! - put them on the streets. I pimp those hos out, they bring me in a lot of clams each week.

When I said it's cheap to get someone murdered in Mexico, that was a compliment. Do you know how much your average skag-head charges for a hit in the UK? 500 quid, all of it comes out of my pocket.

Don't tell me to stop using drugs, I hardly do any. A little valium, some scotch, a few lines of coke, the odd bit of heroin a few times a day, ecstasy, angel dust, and a paint thinner night cap.

By the way Fayalac, that was all a lie. I don't really take drugs, sell drugs, smuggle drugs, run prostitution rings, or commit and commission murder in furtherance of my activities.


Gator Don't take s**t from nobody.
I haven't ploughed through all the posts, has there been a thawing of relations between brettus and fayalac .. ?