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FAQ How Long Does it Take to Make a Stable Income from Trading?

To tell you a truth and that is the time can be reduced to days IF you can find the right mentor for yourself.
Ask the right questions first though.
How can everyone get stable income in the same time. It depends on how skilled a person is and how is practicing trading. More passionate and serious a trader is about forex, more early will he able to get stable income from the same.
It needs a lot of hard work and commitment to be successful in Forex trading and you need to learn it first and try to practice with demo account for atleast three months to become perfect in forex trading.
If you start with a lot of money you can make a stable income from something like Vanguard. I'm 3 years in and still learning. It took a long time to learn how to treat it as a dull business. If it starts getting exciting something is going wrong.

I try to learn from my mistakes and why I made them. Thankfully I still make a lot of mistakes so every day's a schoolday 😀
If you start with a lot of money you can make a stable income from something like Vanguard. I'm 3 years in and still learning. It took a long time to learn how to treat it as a dull business. If it starts getting exciting something is going wrong.

I try to learn from my mistakes and why I made them. Thankfully I still make a lot of mistakes so every day's a schoolday 😀

Well said 😀 although I think some excitement and enthusiasm is required while you are learning the fundamentals and the lingo and such, maybe it's just me but I cannot imagine sticking it out on sheer willpower haha

Also, I love your username
I had a talented friend, discretionary and high frequence, who won since its debut during 5 years. Then his edge vanished. The sorting of success can be both ways but rarely a guarantee after achieved
It depends from trader to trader. Some traders are able to make profit within a year while some take years. I started making consistent profits after 2 years.
Also hard to define "stable". That will depend on your needs and lifestyle. Trading will never give you a certain amount nailed on each month.
Once you're consistent like months months green and on avg over $200 per trading day you can do a monthly withdrawal of $1k per week from your account. That's roughly the system I have setup.

The weekly withdrawal pays for taxes, life, other non-stock investments, etc.
Thanks for this excellent article. It always depends on individual. A trader may learn trading and get well acquainted with it within a year. On the other hand, a trader may need 5 years to learn trading and some may never learn it. Usually, it should take 2/3 years at least for a trader to learn and to be able to apply his learning in the live market accordingly.
I’ve been trading for a significant time but honestly I have not yet become stable in my earnings. There are some trades that earn me really good profits and I am happy with that because I can spend that on things that I otherwise don’t buy with my salary, but I don’t know how long it will take to become consistent.
How long?
From my own experience and those around me, if you have a mentor who is successful it will save a LOT of time. Most of the courses out here will teach you just the analytics, the real work is in understanding and working on your self. There is no greater challenge in trading or life in general. But most are too conditioned to continue working on it in the same way they do most other things.


No certainties. No guarantees. Only probabilities

Trading is unlike almost all other human endeavors.
This is very important to remember.

The technical is easy, anyone can learn this in an hour. The real work is in knowing yourself, and even most of the psychology doesn't take you there, simply because you already know it. So even though one knows it , why are you still unable to do it? If you find the answer to this question then you are on your way.