Do we over complicate this?

Some random thoughts:
  1. It is always best to use the correct word in place of a long explanation as it enhances communication. If the audience does not understand the correct word then a small detour can be taken to explain it.

  1. Don't be pretentious. In fact, your manner is condescending.

    Brevity is good, but not at the expense of communication. No-one is impressed with your obscure words, try using something that most, if not all, people will understand.
Don't be pretentious. In fact, your manner is condescending.

Brevity is good, but not at the expense of communication. No-one is impressed with your obscure words, try using something that most, if not all, people will understand.

In addition to vocabulary, editing skills seem not to be a long suit either.

More seriously, wiser people than either of us would seem to side with me.
In addition to vocabulary, editing skills seem not to be a long suit either.

More seriously, wiser people than either of us would seem to side with me.

I was just having a pop at you for no good reason. The word looks to have been used in an acceptable fashion, as it's quite technical, but the two spellings you've used are in fact different, which is a bit shoddy.
Actually, I am able to see where both of your arguements warrant credence in their particular courts, try not to get caught up in the "act" of dick swinging,.......: ):smart:
Actually, I am able to see where both of your arguements warrant credence in their particular courts, try not to get caught up in the "act" of dick swinging,.......: ):smart:

They say that men who carry large caliber handguns are compensating for something lacking elsewhere. I carry a S&W 45 automatic. What does that tell you about my abilities in the arena you mention? 😆
I just try to K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid. When you look into things to much it increases the room for analytic error spotting. This is just my very junior opinion, I take a lot of my theory on trading from reading J,Livermores book. Reminisces of a stock operator(If you have not read this read it now) and Mark Power's "starting out in futures trading"

Anyway thanks for the replies was nice to see a lot of theory behind a lot of different traders thinking.

I don't really understand why anybody would write into a constitution that the people have the right to arm bears.
I don't really understand why anybody would write into a constitution that the people have the right to arm bears.

Respectfully, I believe you misread that - under Justice Scalia's textualist reading the constitution very clearly confers the right to bear arms. Hence, if you're in the woods and you come across an unclaimed bear arm, its all yours.
I just try to K.I.S.S keep it simple stupid. When you look into things to much it increases the room for analytic error spotting. This is just my very junior opinion, I take a lot of my theory on trading from reading J,Livermores book. Reminisces of a stock operator(If you have not read this read it now) and Mark Power's "starting out in futures trading"

Anyway thanks for the replies was nice to see a lot of theory behind a lot of different traders thinking.


good luck when you win and lose your first million then. 😉
Good point - I'd say that book is an example of how NOT to do things, what with blowing $100mio and shooting yourself.
Actually, I am able to see where both of your arguements warrant credence in their particular courts, try not to get caught up in the "act" of dick swinging,.......: ):smart:

Howard, there is no "e" in arguments. Normally, these spelling errors occur frequently and are excusable but, in your case, I am not prepared to be tolerant.

Just one other request before I put you an "ignore".

Grow up.
Howard, there is no "e" in arguments. Normally, these spelling errors occur frequently and are excusable but, in your case, I am not prepared to be tolerant.

Just one other request before I put you an "ignore".

Grow up.

You apparently are suffering a serious case of HDS. You quote someone else's post with a misspelling and then berate me for it. Seriously, HDS can become quite debilitating if not arrested early.
You apparently are suffering a serious case of HDS. You quote someone else's post with a misspelling and then berate me for it. Seriously, HDS can become quite debilitating if not arrested early.

This reply is restrained, reasonable and hilarious, although I would have described the condition as HCS.
Actually, I am able to see where both of your arguements warrant credence in their particular courts, try not to get caught up in the "act" of dick swinging,.......: ):smart:

I criticised your spelling of "arguments", for which I am very sorry. We all make mistakes which, most of the time, is the fault of fat fingers.

I am switching Howard off. He brings out the worst in me and I have other things to do than read his inanities. It's a pity about him, there is a flash of lucidity in his posts, at times.
I am switching Howard off. He brings out the worst in me and I have other things to do than read his inanities. It's a pity about him, there is a flash of lucidity in his posts, at times.

Concur with this. He seems to amuse himself with his pretentious twaddle.. probably thinks he is being clever, and we'll all appreciate it. 😴