Do we over complicate this?

This kind of thing saddens me immensly.

It is small wonder that so few make it when people with such little experience decide they can make money by charging newbies for 'training'.

I do agree that it's not just method that makes someone profitable. I don't subscribe to either money management or psychology being the key. I think the key is experience combined with a feedback loop - or a journal.

You trade, you write down your observations, you make adjustments as necessary.

If your journal says 'impulse trade', 'impulse trade', 'revenge trade', 'boredom trade', then I am confident most people will overcome the issue fairly quickly. If you leave too much money on the table all the time, buy tops all the time, again - you will see the issues.

The problem though - what if you have no idea what to trade or how people trade profitably ? How do you develop a method to journal ? Would there be any point in journaling a day trading system based on MACD and Astrology ? My gut feel is that even with a feedback loop in place, you'd fall on your face because you are basing your development on faulty methods - building a house on sand.

Therein lies the problem - 99% of trainers have no idea what they are doing. I paid 3 people for education and it became obvious that one of them couldn't trade. The one that couldn't trade was full of math BS and had an ego the size of a house. Initially I thought "oddball genius" but it turned out he was "egotistical psycopath'. The other 2 were laid back 'take it or leave it' guys.

So now we have another math genius software engineer who has developed some mathematical edge and super secret trading methods he'll teach to newbies whilst he's barely out of his trading diapers himself.

Scam, rip-off, misguided - call it what you will. Just another day in the wonderful world of trading.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Your comments make me wonder if you have read much of what I've written. Or perhaps the problem is as George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "England and America are two countries separated by a common language. BTW, what's with the false flag badge? Your badge is a US flag but the legend says United Kingdon.

None of what you postulate remotely resembles what I've described on this board about my strategy. You are usually much more perceptive, so I'm flummoxed.

I could pick apart your assertions one at a time, but I would suggest that you read a little more before I do that. Perhaps you will reevaluate your position. Otherwise, I will gladly answer each one of your assertions above. It's your call.

In my particular area of strategy implementation, I'm more knowledgeable than any one I have so far encountered on this board or among those who teach a similar strategy. I'd love to find someone with more expertise than I have to add depth to my experience. As I learned in flight school, "Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself."

Lastly, of the few students I've taught so far, the ones that are working the strategy are successful at it. And they have recommended to their friends that they take my course when it is offered "officially."

This whole 'flight school', maths whizz, overly verbose, secret method posting approach combined with the need to generate training revenue have been done on this board many, many times. Of course, you don't need the training revenue do you ? Your training business is an altruistic venture aimed at helping newbies and the fees are only there to sort out those serious from those who are not.

My presumption now that I know you are using the forum to promote your training services is that you are a scam artist.

I could be wrong, you could be a 'laid back' teacher that doesn't care who believes him or not. As it is, I would wager that your ego will go into overdrive now at the affront. This is a a pattern with the scam trainers, they go full on against anyone who 'dare' question them in any form. This is something you won't see with genuine trainers who also trade, they do not have the insecurities associated with being found out before they have extracted a fair amount of money from newbies on any particular board.

Anyway - feel free to proceed.

I'll let you into one secret though. In my experience, the correct persona to project to appear as a profitable trader is not that of the "brain the size of a planet maths whizz top gun pilot posting diatribes peppered with historical references and an average of 5 syllables a word". Whilst this may impress the small minded and gullible, it will attract people with a nose for bull****.

Your whole persona on here seems quite contrived.

Of course, there's a chance I am wrong but I'd put money on that not being the case.
My presumption now that I know you are using the forum to promote your training services is that you are a scam artist.

I'll let you into one secret though. In my experience, the correct persona to project to appear as a profitable trader is not that of the "brain the size of a planet maths whizz top gun pilot posting diatribes peppered with historical references and an average of 5 syllables a word". Whilst this may impress the small minded and gullible, it will attract people with a nose for bull****.

Your whole persona on here seems quite contrived.

Of course, there's a chance I am wrong but I'd put money on that not being the case.

Toast, you getting splinters in your derriere from sitting on the fence again? How about telling us what you REALLY think 🙂
Howard, you have to agree with DT about your level of verbosity, I would go so far as to suggest you are sesquipedalian.
Howard, you have to agree with DT about your level of verbosity, I would go so far as to suggest you are sesquipedalian.

Guilty as charged. It's the way I think. It's the way I talk. What you see is what I am.

My students (I teach other stuff also) remark of my vocabulary as well. However they also compliment me on my ability to present material in an understandable fashion because of the way I analogize. Go figure.
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This whole 'flight school', maths whizz, overly verbose, secret method posting approach combined with the need to generate training revenue have been done on this board many, many times. Of course, you don't need the training revenue do you ? Your training business is an altruistic venture aimed at helping newbies and the fees are only there to sort out those serious from those who are not.

My presumption now that I know you are using the forum to promote your training services is that you are a scam artist.

I could be wrong, you could be a 'laid back' teacher that doesn't care who believes him or not. As it is, I would wager that your ego will go into overdrive now at the affront. This is a a pattern with the scam trainers, they go full on against anyone who 'dare' question them in any form. This is something you won't see with genuine trainers who also trade, they do not have the insecurities associated with being found out before they have extracted a fair amount of money from newbies on any particular board.

Anyway - feel free to proceed.

I'll let you into one secret though. In my experience, the correct persona to project to appear as a profitable trader is not that of the "brain the size of a planet maths whizz top gun pilot posting diatribes peppered with historical references and an average of 5 syllables a word". Whilst this may impress the small minded and gullible, it will attract people with a nose for bull****.

Your whole persona on here seems quite contrived.

Of course, there's a chance I am wrong but I'd put money on that not being the case.

What am I to conclude about advice from someone who appears on the forum flying a false flag? You show a US flag, but the mouse over legend says United Kingdom.

What am I to conclude about advice from someone who makes statements of fact that are so easily refuted? And when called on it changes the subject.

What am I to conclude...?

Secret method. What secret method? As I recollect, I have disclosed everything except those choices that are based on the trader's level of risk tolerance and personal goals.

Training revenues. What training revenues? To date, the students I have had on my trading methods (more subject material than just my strategy) shared the expenses of a room and snacks. I have had no net revenues to date. I am, however, seriously considering teaching my methods and strategy for profit based on the feedback of students, PMs, and some forum responses. When I do, it will be easy to tell. I will place a vendor's badge on my profile.

Go "full against" anyone who question in any form. Correcting misstatements is not, in my view, going "full against." On the other hand, use of ad hominem attacks is over the line for me. If I slip, I should be called on it.

With me, what you see is what it is. I write the way I think. To change my vocabulary for an audience would seem to me to be intentionally talking down to them. I try to be the kind of teacher who, when asked a question a second time, answers differently rather than louder. If someone doesn't understand what I am teaching, I assume that I am at fault for not explaining things effectively. If someone posts a response with things I did not say, I try to correct it. If someone posts a response with bullying content, I try not to be offended.

And so it goes.
Has this outlook made you successful as a trader?

It's made me a profitable trader, yes. I'm not a very complicated trader, I've never seen the point. That is not to say that I have not been interested, when I was younger, in looking into peoples ideas but it has always come around full circle with me, in the end. ie. very simple rules based on a couple of averages. That is all trend following needs.
Getting back to the thread question:-

Just a thought, we massivley over complicate trading, with our hundreds of indicators and theories.


Agreed, being there done that, in my informative years over a decade ago, my charts looked like spagetti juntion, total analysis paralysis, probably why I lost my 1st two trading pots. The days, (and trading is my only source of income), I've adopted KISS and trade extremely simply, no RSI's, CCI, MACD, Stochs, Multiple MA's etc etc, there are all driven by one thing PRICE, and thats what I do.
geez, this is boring, seeing who knows the biggest words, GUYS, ITS A TRADING SITE, not call my bluff or university challenge ffs!!
geez, this is boring, seeing who knows the biggest words, GUYS, ITS A TRADING SITE, not call my bluff or university challenge ffs!!

Sorry to hear that. I never find learning new stuff boring. But that's just me, I guess.
Frankly Howard, your overuse of long words is quite off-putting, as it looks as though you don't really know what you're talking about.
Frankly Howard, your overuse of long words is quite off-putting, as it looks as though you don't really know what you're talking about.

Put me on your ignore list. What you see is what I am. Some like it. Some don't. I've been told before that I am polarizing. It is what it is. I can't win everyone's acceptance.