Do we over complicate this?

OK then, show us how easy it is. It is 10am where I am at and it will eventually roll into pacific market opens, certainly there is enough time to show us how simple this game is.

Your challenge, my choice of weapons.

My strategy does not work on the time frame you suggest. My auditable account is sufficient evidence for my students.
Saturday night halloween weekend, I had an older woman that I had meet 3 weeks before texting me repeatedly all night asking me to come and meet here at a club. She knew my name, but I still had no idea what her name was. Anyhow she kept texting me to meet her, describing how she was dressed as a kitty. Finally I decided that I would be a fool not to go meet her, how could I turn down a gorgeous older woman that hadn't been let out of the house in years.
..So I leave my friends who are sitting home getting stoned watching football reruns and go to the club. I walk in and go directly to the dance floor and she is there in 5in black heels, black skin tight body suit, with a pair of floppy ears and tail hanging. Unreal, this woman had beautiful blue eyes and amazing long red hair. We proceed to dance for hours, the whole time she's pressed against me not wanting to be separated. This woman was hitting on all cylinders.
To make a long story short, some how I am talked into giving her a ride home and we end up at my house for a few hours. At about 3am she tells me she has to get home, that there is no way she can stay out. I asked why, what's going on (I already knew though).

Her direct word quote was "It's complicated"

Your post is what my friends in the military call "a target rich environment." Thanks for the target practice.

Simple does not imply easy...
Einstein's equation relating energy to mass was simplicity in itself. Yet is required insights, leaps of imagination and deep thinking that I can barely imagine.

Euler's equation, known as the most beautiful equation in mathematics, relates the five most important constants in mathematics, e, i, pi, 0, and 1. It is beautifully simple. I love it's beauty, but I could not have come up with it myself.

You doubt that anyone commenting in this thread can turn a profit...
Does that include you? If it does, then it puts you in a place of being outside looking in. Not a good position from which to understand what is inside.

I worked on my strategy for over a year. When I decided to teach it, I opened a separate auditable account devoted exclusively to this strategy to give confidence to my students.

I funded that account on 9/1/2010. That account is now 34% larger then when I funded it and grew solely from the proceeds of the strategy. That comes out to about 10.6% per month. I don't know if this performance will continue, but I will work the strategy until it proves no longer successful. And I will teach it until it no longer proves successful. Then I'll develop a new strategy and exploit and teach it.
Howard, you are completely dellusional. 2 months are you fcking joking?
The only 'target rich enviroment' is guys like you getting taken out.
I've read some you posts, you'll be lucky to make it another 2 months, you have no clue what is going on.
Worked on your strategy for 1 year 😆
Son, I worked on my strategy for 10 years and that is after having worked with professionals that had decades in the field.
What do you know about 20 product spreads?
What do you know about Flys?

You are so high on yourself.
Howard you're sitting there picking and using quotations on theories that you neither came up with nor understand, then trying to converse and impress people 4k miles away.
You are so easy to read.
If you are day trading, then I think overcomplicating things is a necessary part of your development.

The first time you swing a golf club, it seems pretty complex. Same when you learn to drive. After a while though it becomes...
Howard, you are completely dellusional. 2 months are you fcking joking?
The only 'target rich enviroment' is guys like you getting taken out.
I've read some you posts, you'll be lucky to make it another 2 months, you have no clue what is going on.

My bad. I funded the account on 8/1/2010. So it's a bit more than 3 months.

I have no clue and will be taken out in two months...

Sounds like a wager in the offering. Do you stand up for your beliefs?

How about we revisit this at Jan expiration and settle up?

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit.

"Such bad luck," they said sympathetically.

"We'll see," the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses.

"How wonderful," the neighbors exclaimed.

"We'll see," replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.

"We'll see," answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

"We'll see" said the farmer.
Worked on your strategy for 1 year 😆
Son, I worked on my strategy for 10 years and that is after having worked with professionals that had decades in the field.
What do you know about 20 product spreads?
What do you know about Flys?

You are so high on yourself.

You worked on your strategy for 1 year. I worked on mine for 1 year (thought about it for 7 years)...
Perhaps a difference in intellect? 😉

What do I know about Flys?...
What do you know about 20 product spreads?

Very little. What's that got to do with my claims?
Howard you're sitting there picking and using quotations on theories that you neither came up with nor understand, then trying to converse and impress people 4k miles away.
You are so easy to read.

I use quotations when teaching because those wiser than I have found them useful in communicating important concepts. Benjamin Franklin is one of my favorite sources.

The internet is a wonderful thing. It permits communicating with someone at great distances. Doesn't matter if you are 4k miles away or 40 meters away. Ain't that great?

I also stay away from profanity and ad hominem attacks when conducting a dialog with someone to attempt to distill some truth from which we both might benefit.
I funded that account on 9/1/2010. That account is now 34% larger then when I funded it and grew solely from the proceeds of the strategy. That comes out to about 10.6% per month. I don't know if this performance will continue, but I will work the strategy until it proves no longer successful. And I will teach it until it no longer proves successful. Then I'll develop a new strategy and exploit and teach it.

Oh dear, I don't know where to begin on this one.

You've backtested and found a strategy that has been successful for a few months. You've then persuaded some folk to part with their cash in order for them to learn this strategy. When it stops working, you'll simply devise a new strategy and then persuade some different folk to spend their money? Has it occurred to you that the previous folk might be slightly annoyed that they lost money ... ? Nevermind, there's a sucker born every day huh!

(You use the term "exploit" - does this refer to your students and their wallets?)
OMG - "treadmill desk" ----- these Seppos are NUTS. Mind you, they did invent the drive thru ATM.

I'm sorry, but walking at 1mph is an utterly useless exercise, it won't even raise your heart rate.
Howard, how many trades were made and with how many currency pairs to make that profit in 3 months?

Wrong again. Had you read only a few of my posts you would have discovered that I trade index options credit spreads.

So far I have sold 28 spreads. Part of the auditable account represents credits for spreads that have not expired.