Thx, Alphabet and good luck to you too.Sounds as though you have an excellent foundation to build upon there..Making the decision is the hardest part after that its just a case of getting on with it !
Well it's now over four months since I started this thread and I think in fairness I had already made my decision to 'go for it' anyway.Having lost my job and not caring much for my real alternatives it seemed the right thing to do (please bear in mind that I had been following FX initially in demo trading then trading a mini account for almost 1 year, screen watching 8 hours per day)..I was also very fortunate in having the full backing of my wife in this venture (without which it would have never gotten off the ground).
What has happened since May then ?
Well at this stage I am happier than I can remember being for many years ! I am doing something that I had wanted to do since my early 20's (now an ageing 35).
When I began back in May I had to make some radical changes though.Although I thought I was ready I was not.
The profits came but were not as consistent as I was happy with - so I did a full audit and pulled apart everything and I mean everything - entries,exits,limits,stops,trading times,RR,money management the whole lot and really examined my methods.
The conclusion for me was that there was simply too much of a discretionary element to my trading and if I was not completely in the right frame of mind to trade, I screwed up - i.e. seeing things that weren't there ! Quite frankly I was shocked - I had really believed I had a system but when I attempted to put it all down in black and white it had too many holes.
I solved this by truly devising a trading plan that I was comfortable with - almost zero discretion allowed on my part nowadays - In fact I am simply the monkey who enters the orders !
It has helped enormously and I now trade down an 'emotionless' corridor..very liberating I can tell you.I get neither excited by a big gain or disappointed by a loss - it all works out positive in the end anyway so why torture myself ?
I have complete belief in my system it is something that I have spent a great deal of time putting together..and if/when at some stage in the future it stops working I will simply devise another one...the key to the whole system ? - money management (that does not mean just limiting risk to 1-2% either..actually thats a very small part of things) - money management, ahh - the Holy Grail of trading.Why did it take me so long to grasp such a simple concept ?
Everybody has there own way of trading- I have found mine.It is something that has taken many hours of my time (often waking up in the middle of the night with an idea in mind then testing the hell out of it while the family slept - my wife thought I was going nuts !)
At this stage I am still building my trading bank and not having to draw a salary from it - so I am still in my honeymoon period.The bank is building well.I am compounding up / raising the number of contracts traded all within the business plan set out sometime ago and reviewed weekly.
There is a depth of information on this site Alphabet (I see this is your first post) and some very helpful people such as Buk,Newtron Bomb,bbMac,Bramble,tWalker,jpone,Skimbleshanks and a host of others have all helped me along this road and freely shared their thoughts and advice.
I am extremely grateful.