I thought hope was a four letter word to traders! As it's been a full year since Arb's request for an update and 2 years since Hopefull last posted, I think you'll need more than a little hope for the journey of hope to continue. I suggest we take our lead from his last post which was both upbeat and positive. Let's assume that he has made shed loads of wonga and is now enjoying a life of luxury on a tropical island with each and every whim catered for. As for trading and these boards, well, he has more pressing matters to attend to, such as trying to decide which of his beautiful handmaidens will have the honour of massaging his tired muscles after a long day sunbathing . . .
Well relying on hope in a trade is a four letter word perhaps, but the hope of the dream is what keeps us going. Lets hope what you are saying is right and Hopefull is having good time. If we are lucky we would hear more from him some day. Maybe...