Difference between amateurs and professionals

You miscalculated. The returns were great and the win was great. I thought you got it at the time and got my secret sauce. But I guess you were just probing. Since I didn't respond, you missed the sauce completely.

The yield return alone was sufficient to eventually sustain the trade.

I can't remember what the yield against the account was. But currently I get 2% actual account growth per week. The yield on gas was 3x the yield on wheat that I currently use as the main growth driver. So the gas return was very high. You claim to be good at math. I guess not.

Theres ya problem joe, I do get it, as does anyone with a bit of time down and a brain stem whos read that thread. You cant just sit there loading up shorts collecting a knats c0ck of rent and not get ficked at some point. And I dont claim to be good at maths, you did 😀
You cant just sit there loading up shorts collecting a knats c0ck of rent and not get ficked at some point.

I can and I didn't. I never said it didn't take skills. You assumed it. Nor was the position static. There was opportunistic profit taking throughout. But I would never close out the trade completely and lose my juicy bait. Since I was barred from the thread I was posting on, there were plenty of actions that could not be shown.

Like tim the staff member, you assume my trading was about making yield. But it wasn't. It was about making an advantage.

So we are disclaiming our math ability are we ? If you have no business nor math skills, what have you got then: psychology like your twin brother ?
I didn't and I cant. I never said it didn't take skills, that tbh, I dont really have. You assumed it Because I gave you and Tim little choice. Nor was the position static, my drawdown increased drastically but it was ok because I earnt 1.32421% on account from received interest on those shorts (minus brokers cut). There was opportunistic profit taking that I didnt take very often, like this!

But I would never close out the trade completely cos who needs dollars profit on a move when I can sit making a few cents interest holding and hopin. I do take some winners sometimes to make myself feel a bit more winneristic, as I also report the profit as a % of the margin I put up for the trade rather than the account sum, as long as everything comes before the margin call im tiptop. Since I like to play the victim here, I believe I was banned before for no good reason, cos im an angel an all, there were plenty of actions that could not be shown cos im a feckin bellend!

Like Tim the staff member, my trading was actually about making yield but im trying to back track some to divert the attention from that thread you keep fackin linkin! Is a bit embarrassing now I read my own bullshîte back. But anyways, I did get to baiting those nasty bankers.

So we are claiming our math ability are we? Oh no, wait, It was me after all :jester: Soz bout that darkie, no harm no foul eh bruv 👍

No probs joe, I understand :clover::clover::clover:. For any folks who really have got fick all better to do today, the thread is right here for you to form your own personal set of assumptions.
d out 😀
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The old oil trade was closed for profit. Here's my current short oil trade. If I don't get barred from this thread, you will get to see the conclusion of it. This is a composite trade. BCO yield became more favourable in the middle of the trade and so that was used to take the latest position. The yellow lines mark 3 positions of roughly equal size. The overall PnL currently is fairly close to break even.



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Like your identical twin, you put words in people's mouth. I think there's psychological problems somewhere. I am beginning to see why psychology was important.

You don't have to rub it in , he has already complained , He is sick of psychology .I caught him out in the psychology discussions.😆😆

Enlightened You have won.He is realizing the psychology , that you can only be emotionless when you are dead.
I'll make this thread the home for my trades. Why ? Maybe lulz.

My wheat is nearing harvest. This trade yields just under 2% account growth per week. I will harvest when the in-the-money part of the trade is worth 15% of account. I'll leave the out of money part open so as to give the shop a chance to get their money back. This might get me a chance to reload. I have no exit signal to follow, and will be doing a random profit taking.



  • wheat.jpg
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I'll make this thread the home for my trades. Why ? Maybe lulz.

My wheat is nearing harvest. This trade yields just under 2% account growth per week. I will harvest when the in-the-money part of the trade is worth 15% of account. I'll leave the out of money part open so as to give the shop a chance to get their money back. This might get me a chance to reload. I have no exit signal to follow, and will be doing a random profit taking.


A couple of questions joe.
How come youve no positions in at the top?
What price would it take in wheat for the acc to be out of margin?
What price would it take in wheat for the acc to be out of margin?

That would be a secret sauce parameter.

Positions would not be taken when they are adequate. Begginers think position taking is random. But the size is designed.

Baits are microscopic. They look huge on the chart but they hold no significant value.

The position hanging off the top is not a bait.
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I was too hasty in deciding the take profit point. I am tentatively changing the take profit to 4.444. Seems like an interesting number. Because there is no other action to get into at the moment, making the position yield a few more days/weeks is attractive. But this number is not set in stone. It all depends on the actual market action. Based on the current data, 4.444 is achievable.
That would be a secret sauce parameter.

Positions would not be taken when they are adequate. Begginers think position taking is random. But the size is designed.

Perhaps not so secret if you say youre earning near 2% a week in interest. Sounds like youre running pretty hot. Could your acc handle a $13 print?


Sized by design, agreed. If you mean you hit your limit and stopped selling, thats holding and hoping. You could position better and still keep your overnight $ if you took the seconds it takes to mange that size some, you could be positioned more like this.

No, my account can't handle 13, nor can it handle 9.

Yes, beginners could do this or they could do that. But since they don't do anything, so they have nothing but demo pips.
No, my account can't handle 13, nor can it handle 9.

Yes, beginners could do this or they could do that. But since they don't do anything, so they have nothing but demo pips.

A beginner wouldnt trade like this, but a professional would / might.
A beginner wouldnt trade like this, but a professional would.

Ok, I don't remember claiming to be professional. But I did claim to be profitable. Had the staff banned me again, I would have come back as ProfitableJoe as it is a more apt nick.

Feel free to trade like a pro, makes no difference to me.
Ordinarily, I would remove the baits as soon as they become profitable. They don't normally form part of the trade and are just tools/scaffoldings. But wheat was paying me attractive enough yield that it made no sense for me to reduce size even by a tiny bit. The bits add up in their own right, swarm fashion.

Reason for the some of the baits to cluster at a single price is because of slippage caused by price spike. As you can see slippage is good in this case.



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They are chasing someone's money in oil this evening. I hope no one is going to lose their shirt. I have a huge capacity to hold my positions. So they can't have my money. Added 1 more position to BCO. The lower BCO trade will be exited once it breaks even. Yields in oil aren't the best. So I have no strong need for size.



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Everything I know says wheat has not finished running. My gut insists on snatching the money now. My gut has always been wrong in this kind of situation, but it always got its way. No different this time.

Total profit taken £5450, left £150 running profit along with out-of-money part of the trade open when the market closed. Ran into a logistical problem, I had 100's of small positions. I could not close them fast enough without the price started moving. Lost some profit as a result.

You can see 3.8k of the profit. The rest, you will have to take my word for it. Believe it or not or if this is a demo account, it doesn't matter. I am happy enough.

I lost a huge part of my daily yield from this sale.



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