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Darwinex Zero

My DarwinexZero Darwin JCUJ will receive its first allocation in DarwinIA SILVER for July 2023 in the 3rd month of trading:



As it is hard to get to the top 80 for a higher allocation, it migh be better to stop trading until end of this month.

According to the DarwinIA SILVER calculator, the allocation of next month is much easier to get with 6.25 % return in previous 5 months and -3.32 % DD.


Unfortunately 1.01 % profit does not fully cover the monthly fee of 39 EUR, so it should be more to make money.

If you are interested to start joning Darwinex Zero, Darwinex sent me a discount code for a 10 EUR discount on the setup or restart fee:
Hey Everyone, In the third video of the series, I provide a two-week update on my trading experience with DarwinIA SILVER on Darwinex Zero to get funding. I share my results, tips, and progress.

🌟 €20 discount on the Sign-Up fee use code: dw201158zrM4Y
My Darwin got its first 25k allocation for July:

and starts Augsut with a rating higher than 70 so it would be easier to get the next allocation if it stays profitable.

But now it is more important to make some money with the given allocation.

If you are interested to start joning Darwinex Zero, Darwinex sent me a discount code for a 10 EUR discount on the setup or restart fee:
In the fourth video of the series, I explain how I obtained €25,000 in funding to trade with on the Darwinex Zero program this month.

🌟Darwinex Zero Discount Code - €20 Off: dw201158zrM4Y
The only goal that matters is cashing real money.
And that is slow.
With one guaranteed allocation you need a little bit more than 1 % per month to cover the monthly costs of 38 EUR.
That will be bettter if you have a higher allocation or more than one of the guaranteed allocations.


Note: "HWM Status" is the profit of the current month used in this shown calculation.

If you are interested to start joning Darwinex Zero, Darwinex sent me a discount code for a 10 EUR discount on the setup or restart fee:
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Today - after 3 days of the new month - my DarwinexZero Darwin met the conditions for its second allocation for August:


As the payments were only updated overnight, I can show what you get for 1 % profit in one month for one guaranteed allocation.


There are still a few cents missing to fully cover the monthly costs.

If you are interested to start joning Darwinex Zero, Darwinex sent me a discount code for a 10 EUR discount on the setup or restart fee:
I'm ccurious when there are more subscribers at DarwinexZero than active traders at Darwinex (MOT is not deleted yet):



Note: only active Darwins are available in filters.
If you are interested to start joning Darwinex Zero, Darwinex sent me a discount code for a 10 EUR discount on the setup or restart fee:
For short run it is definitely not for living. even if you allocate 250K and 2.5% return monthly. You would have only 900.
For long run: Is there any table to see how much AUM each trader got after going into Gold status?
For short run it is definitely not for living. even if you allocate 250K and 2.5% return monthly. You would have only 900.
For long run: Is there any table to see how much AUM each trader got after going into Gold status?
There is nobody in the Gold status until now.
I assume they will start with it when they rstructured DarwinIA including DarwinIA "Classic" in September or October.

If you are interested to start joning Darwinex Zero, Darwinex sent me a discount code for a 10 EUR discount on the setup or restart fee:
Hi Everyone, I have created the 5th video in the Darwinex series, I go through the update on Darwinex and Darwinex Zero Traders joining forces.
Also an Update on my second month of DarwinIA SILVER.

🌟Darwinex Zero Promotion: €20 off at sign up use code: dw201158zrM4Y
Does Darwinex zero consider the consistency rule? as in online calculator dont see the option for that.
Does Darwinex zero consider the consistency rule? as in online calculator dont see the option for that.
There is no consistency rule, no 10 minutes rule (more than 50% of the trades must last more than 10 minutes), no attributes (most were completely useless besides for fooling traders and investors).

It has just 3 parameters for the scoring:
- profit current month
- profit last 5 months before
- drawdown of last 6 months (including current month)
And correlation is also calculated and can exclude Darwins with less profit if correlatoion is too high.

The bad is that they also use the unnecessary target VaR to cut replication of the profit of the trading account to the Darwin.

And you trade with a significantly lower leverage as I posted here, so the Darwinex SILVER account can only be compared with a 10k prop firm account for the profit expectation - best case.
KISS : keep it stupid simple.
Back to return and drawdown, so everyone coming from FTMO , zulu or myfxbook doesn't need to study odd metrics.
Just insert coin and play the game.
KISS : keep it stupid simple.
Back to return and drawdown, so everyone coming from FTMO , zulu or myfxbook doesn't need to study odd metrics.
Just insert coin and play the game.
Because most of these metrics are useless for a Darwin's success.

THA has a pf attribute of less than 9 and a very poor cs attribute. Most metrics are just that a losing trader stays in their game thinking that he is good with a high value on any metrics. Some attributes can only be high with a certain strategy which cuts the value on the other attribute.

The main reason whyy these metrics could not work is that they are calculated daily.
They are not worth more than daily indicators.
Ask traders who is trading a daily chart and what suffering is to take when they run into a drawdown.

Darwinex classic was adapted to THA and HFD when they lauched Pivot. That is mainly done by the unnecessary target VaR which cuts investors profit after a DD in an inappropriate way.

At Zulutrade or myfxbook an investor has more control about his investment and has not to bite the dust the Darwinex risk manager is delivering. (This is never meant as a recommendation for these platforms!)

What all have in common: insufficient demo portfolios for investors. Zulutrades love to delete the demo accounts that you cannot even track your settings for a period of 3 months. Similar with myfxbook. At at Darwinex you will never be able to compare demo results as you get only one Demo portfolio.

I'm curious whether the "old" attributes were calculated with the DarwinexZero Darwins appearing in DarwinIA GOLD and available for investors. The DarwinexZero platform does not have filters or lists so it is not usuable for investors.

And this is an example for their dream of the next THA 🤣
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Everyone has his opinions about investable attributes.
The point is that they invented them because past return is not predictive.
Darwinex was born as Tradeslide to rate and reward "investable" traders.
They were different and original and there was a strong effort to find something different than simple return.
The point is that they gave up on developing metrics to find alpha because they understood that there is no alpha.
It is like researching on tools to find ghosts.
There is no alpha so there are no investable traders, only lucky monkeys that rotate, heroes of the past that fail to remain heroes for the fututre.
Everything that was relying on "alpha" has been discontinued: DWEX , Darwinexlabs, API, and now even DScore and investable attributes.
They are not looking for alpha and they are not investing darwins anymore.
Now then they accepted that looking for alpha is a waste of time their goal is to increse their profit expanding the customer base, just like other brokers and banks.
To expand the customer base they need something easy and challenging.
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Everyone has his opinions about investable attributes.
The point is that they invented them because past return is not predictive.
Darwinex was born as Tradeslide to rate and reward "investable" traders.
They were different and original and there was a strong effort to find something different than simple return.
The point is that they gave up on finding metrics to find alpha because they understood that there is no alpha.
It is like researching on tools to find ghosts.
There is no alpha so there are no investable traders, only lucky monkeys that rotate, heroes of the past that fail to remain heroes for the fututre.
Everything that was relying on "alpha" has been discontinued: DWEX , Darwinexlabs, API, and now even DScore and investable attributes.
They are not looking for alpha and they are not investing darwins anymore.
Now then they accepted that looking for alpha is a waste of time their goal is to increse their profit expanding the customer base, just like other brokers and banks.
To expand the customer base they need something easy and challenging.
They gave up after HFD failed.

They invented the target VaR after they found out that investors had a stop loss at most at 15% so they could push the max. DD of THA below these 15%.

THA made about 350% on the Darwin record since it is at Darwinex and not the 765% shown.
Everybody had doubts about migration stuff including THA. They still fool investors on the investors tab showing an "estimated investors return" of 614 % while the first investors came at a price of about 237. You can't zoom in to find the exact value as the data are not provided. That's about 260% since April 2017, of course not bad, but only if the Darwinex data are correctly calculated.

The API access is restricted to only some Darwins per minute (as far as I know) so no external page would be able to run an alternative rating on the Darwin's attributes or performance.

There is no special help for investors to check their selection related on filters or lists.
It would be necessary to run a filter selection in the past to check the result after a period.
Instead of that they offer only a stupid backtest of the survivors and a lonely demo portfolio.
Investors can't find out a rule when to sell as there is no support by the platform.

But they have currently more than 1,700 active subscriptions on DarwinexZero.
We'll see how long it will last until the Zero traders find out that their dreams of making money like THA can't come true there.
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