Hi piphoe,
I could be wrong, bit I think dt's point is that you can have 40+ small trades (i.e. 570 beans) or one large trade that equates in size to 40+ small ones (i.e. one portion of beans). The advantage of multiple small trades is that you can average your entry according to market dynamics, rather than having to pin the tail to the donkey and hope you get lucky by picking the exact top or bottom.
i wont speculate till you identify the market😆
everything in context
Dax, may 31st. The tarder was short and covered his position a couple hours latter.
i don't know the DAX, but if the TRADER took a position, any position..
i respect that, the balls it took to risk his capital right or wrong on that trade:idea::idea:
whaat are you trying to prove here darkie? we are all traders here..
dark, what do we disagree on?
i can't even recall why you pissed me off?
how did i **** you off?
pizz me off? 😕. this is a pizzed off free zone pip :cheesy:
think about it, edit your comments:|
that's better 😉pizz me off? 😕. this is a pizzed off free zone pip for me, but I realise that I cant speak for others who may very well become pizzed off for any reason they choose.
Daaaaamittt! !! I I can't open that here fug, but the title looks promising.
Daaaaamittt! !! I I can't open that here fug, but the title looks promising.
I'm seriously considering emigrating just to view it👍