or perhaps that should be :cheesy:
What happened to fxmo and his moonies? Banned or mass exodus?
Who are you?
if you must place 30 trades before noon..your clueless as to direction, imo😆
No more Philip Pirrip,😆
Now why is direction so important to you?
Do markets not tard up and down?
Hmm, maybe you need to have a think about all this !
i'n unbanned!!
why is direction important? thats definition of nervous trader 😱
well, when short i'd like it lower
place 40+ trades before noon, think about it😱
when long, higher :idea:
You know when you go into a cafe and have beans on toast, do you think that you had a portion beans on your toast, or do you think ive had 572 beans on 2 toast?
i think you are trying here..i don't get it.
spell it out so to speak
what's the message?
Hi piphoe,. . .what's the message?
Hi piphoe,
I could be wrong, bit I think dt's point is that you can have 40+ small trades (i.e. 570 beans) or one large trade that equates in size to 40+ small ones (i.e. one portion of beans). The advantage of multiple small trades is that you can average your entry according to market dynamics, rather than having to pin the tail to the donkey and hope you get lucky by picking the exact top or bottom.