Umm. Sorry guys. I think you will find that in 1987-88 the USA current account deficit was much more manageable than it is today. 22 years ago there was an opportunity to reverse the consumerism mentality that has the USA in its grip. The mentality that says it has the right to consume if it wants to, and go into debt if it wants to.
Today, the wasteful USA is about to pay the piper - the Day of Reckoning is at hand. The current account deficit is so bad today that China has slowed their purchase of US Bonds and T-Bills, so much so that Japan is now the leading creditor nation to the USA.
The big problem the USA has, is the imminent collapse of the Bond market. The best they can hope for is a controlled deflation of the Bond Bubble, rather than a loud "pop!" The rest of the world who think it is prudent to set aside savings, are getting sick and tired of funding the excesses of the wasteful USA. The world is growing tired of exposing their economies to the risk of loaning their savings to the USA. when the USA is showing absolutely NO restraint at all.
They continue to rack up Big Government, instead of prudently downsizing a tad under these difficult times. They continue to escalate spending on wars that they have no need to fight, and which they stirred-up to begin with. If they spent one tenth of their war budget on goodwill gifts to the countries they are at war with, the goodwill that followed would ensure they would NEVER be any need for war.
There is a price to pay, and the USA will pay that price for their consuming ways. They do NOT have a God-given right to own what the rest of the world owns, or to take from those who do not have the means to defend what little they have.
This is the cracker of them all -
it (the US)really is a mostly self-contained economy!
The past 40 years have been spent exporting the jobs of millions of Americans, and their manufacturing base with them, to the sweat-labour shops and slave-labor factories of Asia. If I am wrong, why is it that the USA can't even produce an ironed shirt? If you look, nothing is made in the good ole USA any more - all imported from good ole China, because it is cheaper.
Culprit - money once again. In pursuit of cheaper goods, the American consumer has bypassed their own industries which slowly went belly-up. Now they are FORCED - like it or not, to get their consumerables from China and the rest of Asia, because there are NO manufacturers left in the USA - too expensive - can't compete. Oh yes - but the CEO's got their bonuses for increasing the bottom line of the importing companies.
How will the USA recover when they have no production or manufacturing, and can't compete with Asia?
No - the USA imports because they have consumer demand ... end of story.
And this:
"if circumstances became truly dire and we had to" ... what a laugh BS - and what would alert you to "circumstances becoming truly dire"? What would you call a collapsing Bond Market Bubble?? If your "could" do something about it. why aren't you already doing it?? Because the Democracy Model in the USA is well-and-truly-fecked!
Washington is so Partisan today, they can't even agree on what day of the week it is. The Republicans are so bitter about losing the elections, that they still think they have the right to govern, even after Bush over-saw the beginning of the bail-out problem that should never have happened, but for which his admin was responsible for regulating. And for bailing out their buddies in the Wall Street dens and lairs, the US Taxpayer has been put on the nail.
So the Republicans find fault with everything Obama wants to do - right or wrong - they don't want to give him a go, even though they themselves were a failed administration.
It's the laughing stock of the world right now, and even Moodies warned that the USA is in danger of losing its AAA Credit Rating.
Never heard so much tripe in my entire 60 years!!!
Do you even know at what price oil would need to be, in order for the extraction of the Tar Sands Project to be at break-even? Of course you don't - otherwise you would not have said that. And who do you think could afford to use that oil at that price?
And waffling about some "political situation" than "would demand it" referring to a cessation of purchase of ME Oil ... what are you on - mushrooms??
Look - oil has just now begun to take off again - USD$77/bbl 12 hrs ago, and what do you think will happen to inflation and indeed to employment, if oil even gets back to USA$100/bbl, let alone the USA$146 we had in mid-2008.
Your statement that the "USA has choices that other countries can only dream of" shows you truly are right out of your depth. And what are those choices, in an imminent Bond Market collapse?? What will you do when your Bond Market Auctions fail?? When no one wants your debt any longer, how will you finance your Big Government ... like Russia did, with I.O.U.'s?? Devalue the dollar further??
The only way out then is for the Treasury to create more Bonds, and for the Fed Res to purchase them - Quantitive Easing - or the true printing of money from nothing but paper. You see the recent $150 jump in the price of Gold? That was in response to the amount of money the Fed created through QE. When you see the price of Gold begin to rise this week, and go even higher, you will know the Treasury failed to sell Bonds overseas, and the Fed purchased them instead.
They have to. The USA needs money to run itself, and if no one wants to buy Bonds, then they have to buy them from themselves ... and that brings us to a little problem ... inflation.
So we confront the
"if circumstances became truly dire and we had to" situation you seem to think is far off in some airy-fairy land in the future, I think you will find it is actually quite imminent.
I think it is well past the opportunity time the USA had to deal with their problem.
I think collapse is imminent, and will be spectacular, and will usher in a period of hyper-inflation and then a Greater Depression. We are actually in a Depression right now, if you look at the Shadow Stats, and are not fooled by the BLS rubbery figures.
Anyway BS - I really expect much of this to have gone right over your head - you are too much caught up in your own huffed-up ability to cope with whatever, and can not see your true and real vulnerability.
Here's a scary little table for you to read before you go to bed ... sobering isn't it?
Please note the decline in Bond purchases by China.
Weimar again? ... oh yes indeedy!