Could the Weimar Hyperinflation Happen Again in America?

One of the comments below that article reads as follows:
Amen, we are losing the republic bit by bit.

I just watched this today. ****ing scary stuff.

YouTube - Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie

If we look at that YouTube link:

YouTube - Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama - The Full Movie

In the descriptive text on the RHS (go to YouTube to view it) it states:

"Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation".

This YouTube posting was apparently put out by some people called "The National Inflation Society", their apparent motto:

"Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation".


so, remind me is hyper inflation going to happen when the banks arnt leading out **** all of all this new capital? its not.

Legendary member - please ... pay attention in class!

Blind Freddy can see that the banks are not lending anything at the moment.

But they will - and soon they will be falling over themselves to flood the nations with all their cashed up balance sheets, leveraged once again by the full effect of the fractional reserve banking system.

My advice:
Don't borrow when that opportunity is given to you.
Pay down as much debt as you can TODAY.
Get out of debt while you stll can.

Of course if you have no debt, then you can disregard my post!


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- Soros said weakness in the dollar has become "a bit overextended" and observed the short-dollar trade is "extremely crowed.")

Jim Rogers also reversed his call for a dollar currency crisis by year end and said that the anti-dollar trade was overcrowded and a sustained move was due.

The bounce is now playing out and the inflation/recovery picture is about to unravel.
The fact that there is no underlying support for gold helped to confirm there is nothing but speculation above $1000. ETF flows are now declining and the extreme longs in futures may be getting nervous too.

Tomorrows expectations of 3% U.S. GDP will be very interesting to watch.
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LOL 3.2% forcast...pretty safe bet thats not going to happen (without a little fidling the books)
Jim Rogers also reversed his call for a dollar currency crisis by year end and said that the anti-dollar trade was overcrowded and a sustained move was due.

The bounce is now playing out and the inflation/recovery picture is about to unravel.
The fact that there is no underlying support for gold helped to confirm there is nothing but speculation above $1000. ETF flows are now declining and the extreme longs in futures may be getting nervous too.

Tomorrows expectations of 3% U.S. GDP will be very interesting to watch.

In one of those videos (on that NRothschild/Genics kindly pointed us too, Soros said that a good (or least worst) outcome (and I think one he expected) would be a "managed decline" in the dollar leading up to the end of the year. On inflation he said that what happened would depend upon exactly how the Fed managed the ending/run down of quantitative easing and their management of interest rates.
LOL 3.2% forcast...pretty safe bet thats not going to happen (without a little fidling the books)

Goldman also downgraded their expectation this morn to 2.7% I think.

I'm keen to see if a positive print will boost the market or if a sub 3.2% print
will send it lower on risk aversion.
i cant even see it being in positive territory tbh

"Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself, in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." Mark Twain.
*sigh* What a mess. 🙁

Absolutely. This paragraph highlighted says it all to me...

The crux of the case has to do with mortgage-backed securities and the process of securitization. In a bygone era, almost all mortgages were held as loans on the books of the originating banks. In this case, if a mortgage went past due, it was a matter to be worked out between an individual homeowner and an individual mortgage holder.

However, when the mortgage-backed securities (MBS) market took off, mortgages were sliced and diced into tranches and packaged into securities and sold on to investors. These same securities were then sliced and diced and packaged with other securities into collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). CDOs were often then sliced and diced further still into CDOs-squared – that is CDOs of CDOs.

The self regulation of markets...
Not much to cheer about today:

Eurozone - unemployment at 10-year high of 9.7 percent in September.
CPI fell for the fifth consecutive month.

Japan - CPI fell 2.3 percent in the year to September.

U.S. - Household consumption dropped 0.5pc - the largest drop since December.
"Consumer spending, which normally accounts for more than two-thirds of US economic activity, had been bolstered by the popular car scrapped programe which ended in August."

...but don't worry, UK house prices will save the day.