Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

its not addictive ...honest ..........its just what i do.............:)

112.90 the EJ ..........nice solid move down now :)
2180gu offering some rebuys off the solid recent sells ......aggresive but interesting option
my afternoon is busy with a lot of calls but will pop in when i can

great afternoons action .....pairs a little choppy

2195 sell on gu offered
eu rebuys easy scalps ........0870-74 bounces
UJ slowing but easy rebuys as well ....ranging now
EJ the same good scalp buys but now ranging
scalps all over the place ......

pipfest :)
when the market has volatility you can relax and let the market come to you ........I find that london morning session is generally much harder than US morning session....but its always great to warm up on London and then the US sesion is even easier as ones "eye" is truly in.........
eu turned over bear around 0875.........i'd be lying if i said i found an entry as i didnt so far .....frustrating