Best Thread Correlation Trading - Basic Ideas and Strategies

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that's the London morning traded .........

CAd was the main seller down to -40's at times .........we've had CHF to +25's but mainly pretty lightweight session ........

Ucad buys to +30's ...........EJ buys to +20 , EA buys to +20's (Bull Euro guys)
sold and bought GU at times (rangy volatile GBP today)

that's it
hey all

jees what a day ...........busy for me and minimum time to be trading much after 8am this morning

us session has been very solid.........THE sell has been the CAD (see my previous posts)

that dude recently got down to -100 pips from Asian opens.........most of that off the us session

ive been calling that up from 3170's got to 3240's at times

yens had a volatile bull us session ...a few pips selling ej and uj but moderate

EA has been a solid buy as well ........rock solid off the 4690 breaches up to 4720's at times .......

ok have a good evening - still at work this end 🙁

hey all

apologies for no of my laptops has died so focusing on work and charts today with remaining laptops

steady session since 6am .......

yen / usd initial bear plays , with euro bull , then gbp came hard south for rest of session

initial scalps into buying EJ and UJ for + 15-20's pips
then hard hard sells into GU to -40's now from 6am base

at this moment I am playing some ucad buys and ea buys as well ......(small eye on the UJ/EJ sells ) but the GU is THE pair to be still selling gang

later 🙂
hey all

apologies for no of my laptops has died so focusing on work and charts today with remaining laptops

steady session since 6am .......

yen / usd initial bear plays , with euro bull , then gbp came hard south for rest of session

initial scalps into buying EJ and UJ for + 15-20's pips
then hard hard sells into GU to -40's now from 6am base

at this moment I am playing some ucad buys and ea buys as well ......(small eye on the UJ/EJ sells ) but the GU is THE pair to be still selling gang

later 🙂

beautiful spike sell just now of 20 pips on both these guys ..........half an eye is all I need 🙂

great session - shame about my Laptop..........🙂
gbp still under pressure from market .........still taking hits post 8am bar .......

ok as I sign off the GU still a sell , /buy ucad , Sell UJ EJ ........

later ..........good hunting

GU still potential resells below the 3090's but rangy now
UCAD still buying up to 3226 so far ........happy to be rebuying sine the 3212/13's
uj solid sells below 104.32/33's .down to 104.05
EJ harder work but again selling solid under 114.68/69 now to 114.51

timing and experience guys ...........always stay on the best pairs 🙂
CAD and GBP having absolute dogs of a week so far ..........

CAD is over 140 pips down from sunday opens and GBP is below the 100 pip mark

yen is creaming the market .........200 pips up from teh starting gate so far
extract from scalping thread - note the comment ...sounds dumb but boy does it matter

without going into detail (as we could be here for years discussing correlation patterns) the rejection of the 2 scalps I was following into the 9.30 bar gave me the confidence to reverse and play the 3 scalps I took

its just as much about what doesn't happen in forex as what does happen

3094 the gu now ..fancy a rebuy ?

GU up to 3110 ........tooo easy 🙂.....locked and loaded

ok I wanted to make a live call as I get accused of not doing it

(regardless of the whole morning calling 3-4 currency pairs consistenetly)

have a good morning - N
3110 ........tooo easy 🙂..locked and loaded

ok I wanted to make a live call as I get accused of not doing it

(regardless of the whole morning calling 3-4 currency pairs consistenetly)

have a good morning - N

3135 the high so far 🙂
having fun over on the scalping thread guys ..nice bear run on USD and yen just made me a decent few pips 🙂
how are we doing folks..........?

yen and usd back on bear trail.......

happy to rebuy GU now above 3120ish
ucad resells .....3206/7 looks solid R
UJ buys ......S level 104.67
EJ buys .114 .97/8 S levels

let trades come to you .......

S test GU at 3125.........watching 3134 🙂
R test Ucad at 3205 .watching .......still watching 🙂
114.98 s test EJ 115.09 🙂
104.68 S test 104.80 🙂

we just need a small crack of opportunity to grab at least 5 pips scalping 🙂

hey all ........havnt been back much...on a lot of calls to states this evening unfortunately 🙁

ok - tune in tomorrow
morning all ..........

will try to get a new laptop later today .........meanwhile cant post much as no spare capacity

yen the sell ..........usd bull player euro strong

London 6am.........
gbp and USD been the buys to +30
yen sell sell sell to - 60's
euro bull

solid solid signals .................easy peasy this morning

scalps so far from 6am .........

EJ and UJ buys to +60 pips so far .............EA buys to +30's ......easy easy action and correlation

usd is alpha bull currency at moment ....rare dynamics / correlation ........

I would step away from the recent trend pairs and watch gu sells below 3122........its coming ...........and play ucad buys as well...........both look ripe

have a good morning ...I certainly have today 🙂
usd and yen in bull play still..............will follow trough on 8am bar

been a great scalping morning for a while ...yens volatility has made me a lot of pips so far ...........I look for around 50 pips if I can in the brief 2 hour session I get .........this morning the yen has allowed me a lot more than that

been able to pick up a lot of 15+ pip runners this morning ..that's where the money is

8am was a soft gut tells me yen is gonna selloff now so not good on extended EJ / UJ buys now ..............

anyway have a good morning ...back later
hey all ..London morning done

became trickier and trickier as morning went on ........

EA buys came back for more , and beliee it or not I have been trying to resell Gu all along the way .......

EJ and UJ early buys have never really come back either ........

bring on us opens .........

neil ----- looking back on F think the only thing that he brought to most was the TW . apart from that 🙄

hey dude ..........I still keep in touch with peter .......hes doing very well elsewhere

the thing is (and I get this with a lot of trading mates) ..........most great traders are one off's ..........they have become excellent at trading because all the years and rules are hardwired in ...........they can see stuff without trying too hard...its all automatic to them driving in a car ..they can do it in their sleep

I tried F's approach and it was too complicated and complex for me .......and i'm too damn set in my own systems and ways 🙂

so I took what I could from it .........(which actually was very valuable when I was transitioning to scalping - peter helped me a lot) and then kept running my own systems / strategies

this is something I am struggling with myself at the moment re potential mentoring in 2017 ..........I have been running a pilot with someone just trying to teah them scalping and so far they are pulling their hair out with me ..........everytime they say to me "why did you do that ?" .....I add more rules .........

so nothing is THAT simple in trading...........and if I feel I cant teach it in 2017 because its too much subjective ability/experience in play ..... then I wont be doing it

good point you raise mate 🙂
hey all ..London morning done

became trickier and trickier as morning went on ........

EA buys came back for more , and beliee it or not I have been trying to resell Gu all along the way .......

EJ and UJ early buys have never really come back either ........

bring on us opens .........


booming now 🙂